Alicia Leviathan.

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Ok, first thing's first: the pictures that I'm going to give here are mostly going to be animated and not real. That's all. Enjoy!!

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Hi! I'm Alicia! I have brown hair, and chocolate brown hair. Everybody tells me that I'm really pretty but I don't believe it. So anyway, my best friend is Percy Jackson. Well, one of them anyway. You see, our group includes four people: Me, Percy, Amelia, and Nick. Amelia has a huge crush on Percy and I feel kind of bad for her. I mean, it's obvious Nick likes her and she likes Nick too, but when I told her this, she said, "oh come on Ali! You're just jeaulous that I have a higher chance with Percy's that you do. Don't worry, when I date him, I'll let you kiss him once or twice" in fact, this was what I was hearing right now! "Ugh! Ames! Why don't you get it?! You know what? Forget it. You can fantasise on your little crush and everything but he's never going to date you! He has a girlfriend! I've met her!" I replied. "Oh really?" She asked, curling her brown hair. Amelia is short, has straight brown hair that she would love to see in curls, and has blue eyes. "What does she look like?" Ameliaasked me. I opened my mouth to answer, but the bell rang, signaling that we had to get to class.

—————————————-At lunch————————————————-

"So Percy, I hear you have a girlfriend?" Amelia asked Percy.  I rolled my eyes . "Yeah. I do" he replied. Nick's face brightened at that.  "Can I or rather we meet her?" Amelia asked him. "Yeah, sure. She's coming to pick me up after school. You can meet her then. But only for a few minutes. We have to go to camp." Percy replied.

——————————————————————————————After school—————————————————

We were all waiting at the parking lot for Percy's girlfriend to arrive. Suddenly a silver (insert car name here) pulled up into the parking lot. A stunning blonde with calculating grey eyes that told you she wasn't a dumb blonde stepped out of the car. She scanned the parking lot and then her eyes landed on us, or rather Percy. She instantly smiled and started walking up to us. Percy walked to her too. And then they were kissing. Amelia got up and pushed the blonde off of Percy. I was horrified by her act. "Percy! Why do you date her when you can date me? She's just a dumb blonde!" Amelia screamed. "I thought you were my friend Amelia. But you're not. Not after you called Annabeth dumb. Goodbye. I'm not going to come back here again." Percy said. And he walked of hand in hand with Annabeth. And he was right. We didn't see him again after that. But everything turned out great anyway. Amelia became the schools laughing stock. And me and Nick are happily dating.


The end. So.........? How was it?

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