Rhea Willikins

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Rhea's P.O.V:
Hello there! I'm Rhea Willikins, but you probs already know that since I'm really famous. If you don't, Stop. Living. Under. A. Rock. So anyway, I have straight blonde hair and chocolate brown eyes and I'm the queen bee of San-Francisco High. (Totally made up school) and all the boys (and some girls too) love me.

There's this girl that I love to bully. Her name is Annabeth Chase. More like Annabarf Chase. Get it? Cuz she makes me wanna barf? I'm sure you do. (Ugh)

Annabeth is a total loner nerd and she's really pretty. She gets good grades and is at the top of her class. Basically, a good kid. Ugh. I hate them. (F u b***h)

so anyway, one day while we were all outside chatting and getting ready to go home, a sea green (insert car name here) pulled up in the parking lot. A really hot guy came out of it. He was (insert description of Percy here). I winked at him but he didn't notice. He was searching the crowd for something. His face lit up with a smile when he found what he was looking for. I took a glance at what he was looking at and saw that he was looking at........ Annabarf! He walked up to her, snatched the book she was reading out of her hand and said, "miss me wise girl?" Annabeth looked up and said, "maybe I did maybe I didn't." The guy pouted and then lit up as if he had an idea. Then he leaned down and kissed her. He pulled away a few seconds later and said, "how 'bout now?" Annabeth smiled and shook her head. Then the two of them walked to their car, got in and sped offf. Aww man. I didn't even get mystery guy's number. Or his name now that I think about it. Wait. Did I just think? This is a miracle. Wait maybe it's not..........

So? How was it? Next three chaps on the way!

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