Part 7: The Manticore

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(Hoover Pov)

Looking around the place, it change ever so dramatically. This place looks like a children's birthday club. Who am I kidding? It is one!

We all looked around in awe as I turn to Barley and Ian.

" not feeling nervous anymore, this might be a good quest. Am I right? Or am I right? Haha.." I said trying to turn our situation but got only stares both of them

"...I smell burgers!" I tell them

Hearing Ian groan as Barley and all of us walk in

"Okay, okay,  so the tavern changed a little over the years, but the Manticore is still the real deal. Follow me" Barley takes the lead as we follow behind him.

Looking around, this looks alot more kid friendly than I thought it would be. Tapping behind Barley he hums as I whisper to him so Ian wouldn't hear.

"Barley, do you really think the map will be here?"

"Don't worry Hoover. I got this, I'll follow my gut. That's what dad said" he says, nodding at his response seeing family and kids around us playing games and eating.

Before we knew it, bumping behind Barley, we look over to be meet by a cash register

"Madam, I request an audience with the Manticore" Barley smiles at the worker. She smiles back at all of us.

"But of course, milord." She says taking out a horn and blows on it, making a funny sound.

"Oh Manticore!" She sings, than a funny looking Manticore mascot running towards us. A little creepy if you ask me.

The mascots giggles as the mascot opens it arms. About to tackle down Ian, he moves out of the way but instead hugs me around him. Feeling my inner self freak out by this creep mascot.

"No. No, no, no! The real Manticore!" Barley tells the worker, and trying to let the man in constum let go of me. He does so and hides me behind him and Ian

"The fearless adventurer. " Barley finishes, the mascot whimpers sadly and walks away. Making me almost feel bad for the guy, unsure if being a mascots earns that much money.

"Oh. You mean Corey? She's over there."

Turning over to were the worker pointed, the lady in the hour comes out the kitchen with plates full of food. Her outfit looking different and more uptight, like a business lady looks like

"Quick! Somebody help me! These Griffin nuggets were supposed to go out minutes ago." The Manticore lady said giving out her plates out to her workers

"That's the Manticore?" Ian ask looking over to me. Shrugging at his question, Barley takes the lead and kneels before her.

"Oh, great and powerful Manticore." He pleads. The Manticore lady turns around filled with food in her hands but stops seeing Barley infromt of her.

"Woah! Sir! You're right in the hot zone. Ah--you're late, Adolphus." She said to a staff, both start bickering over getting here early and using someone mother's car...

"Your fearlessness?"

"Ack!" The Manticore lady turns around again facing Barley and us

"My brother, maiden and I seek a map to a Phoenix Gem." Barley asks her, looking around hoping to seek the map.

"Oh! Well, you've come to the right tavern! Table 12--I have the parchment you desire right here. Behold!" She shows us, a small paper kids menu. Written in letters and kids drawing all around it.

{Onward} [Onward t'e Quest!] BarelyXHoover(oc) Where stories live. Discover now