Your first date.

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Jeff the killer

It was Sunday, and i was bored out of my mind. My phone suddenly started ringing. "Hello?" I picked up the phone, waiting for the person on the other line to speak. "Hey (Y/N), how is it going." It was Jeff. "Nothing much, you?"

"Same, i was wondering if we'll have our date today." He said. "Sure where at?"

"It's a surprise. I'll pick you up at 12." He said before he hung up. "Wait, what kind of date is it?" I asked, but it was too late cause he hung up. This made me sigh.

Well, I guess i have a little time until i get ready. Plus, i have to figure out what clothes will be better for my date even though i don't know what kind of a date it is. When the time was about 11:45, i was completely ready. I looked at myself in the mirror. I wore a blue top and white pants.
I put some makeup on, and as soon as i finished, i went outside the door where i found Jeff standing there.

I could have sworn that he was blushing. "You look really pretty." He said with a blush. "Thank you."I giggled. We started walking down the woods as he was leading the way.

After 5 minutes we were there to see a picnic blanket and also food. "I made them myself...I hope you'll like it." He said, embarrassed. I smiled and kissed his cheek. "Of course i do. Thank you, Jeff." I said as we soon enjoyed our date.

Homicidal Liu

Liu and Sully were arguing again. But this time they were arguing about our date. Liu suggests and wants to go to the cinema and Sully suggests and wants to go ice skating. I was watching them argue for the past 2 hours.

"Seriously, guys, stop arguing." I said as i looked at them. "I would if Sully will listen." He glared probably at himself. "Why should i? Your date idea is pretty lame." Sully said. "Well, if your guys fight, we aren't going anywhere." I said as Liu froze. "No, (Y/N). We will do our first date." He said, panicking a little. I nodded. "Well, if you guys can't decide and wich i don't mind either of the places you guys picked, why don't we go to both of them? First cinema and second ice skating?" I suggested.

He nooded before going to get ready as i did the same. I walked to my room and picked a pair of blue jeans, a white and black striped shirt and a leather brown jacket and long brown boots. I grabbed my bag and walked out as soon as Liu came to pick me up. We walked to the movies first, which we watched (your favourite movie). We watched holding hands as he really liked to do that. After it ended, we went ice skating. Sully helped me through the door to enter the ice as we skated together. It was a first date i will never forget. 

Ben drowned 

Me and Ben were chilling in my room when Ben suddenly spoke."Hey (Y/N)? How about we do our first date? We can go to the aracade. " He said. I smiled and nodded. "Sure, that's a fantastic idea." I said as I wanted to get ready and wear something different as Ben left as well for a few minutes. I looked in the mirror as i was getting ready as i wore i blue sporting outfit. As soon as i was ready, Ben came back wearing a green shirt and brown pants and his hat, of course.

"Shall we go?" He asked with a smile. I nooded smiling as well as we left my house. At the arcade, we tried a lot of games as Ben, of course, cheated a few times to win stuff, but thank god no one noticed besides me. We really had a lot of fun.

Laughing Jack

Since both me and Jack were a huge fan of the circus, we decided that our first date has to be there. I luckily found out that one would be coming to our city soon so i brought two tickets and we walked there. I was wearing a light blue shirt and white shorts. We headed there and sat at one of the seats. Luckily for us no one questioned Jack's appearance and thought he was wearing his outfit for the show. Oh i forgot to mention that they called Jack to do some tricks on the stage as well, which turned out great as he was really good at them. We there saw every type of good stuff. From magicians to lions. I was a date i will never forget.

Eyeless Jack 

It was so hot outside. So hot everything could die from the heat. Jack was fixing his mask as he stayed near the fan and i was lying on my bed reading a magazine until an idea came to mind.

"Hey Jack? Since the weather is so suffocating, why don't we have a trip to the beach? That can be our first date as well?" I asked as he looked at me. He soon nooded. "Sure i guess. If you want that, then we can go." I nodded and got a few stuff ready. Wearing a white summer drees we headed to the beach. Wearing my swimsuit as Jack did too we walked to the water but he didn't take off his mask, which i found weird but i didn't question him. When he saw me in swimsuit he blushed deep red behind his mask but i didn't notice it of course. Despite that we had a lot of fun. (The swimsuit you'll be wearing is in the picture below)

Ticci Toby

For our first date Toby suggested that we go and eat on a restaurant that he reservated not too long after he told me  where we'll be going. He told me it would be better if i wear a dress. So i did what he told me by wearing a white and blue drees with white high heels and a purse. He wore something classic as well and it made him look really handsome. Going there and sitting down on one of the tables we had a nice view and the food was pretty nice too. I ordered my favourite food as Toby ordered his. It was a date of my dreams.


Masky wasn't a huge fan of the amusement park but i sure was as i dragged him there. For the date he was wearing his usual clothes as i was wearing a black and white shirt with grey comfy sport pants. We headed there and tried so many rides. Masky would freak out in silence a few times when the rides would go so fast but he soon got used to them as we had tons of fun trying every single ride that was there. (Sorry that the scenario is short)


Hoodie was heaving trouble deciding for our date so i suggest we go to the water park that opened in our city last week. I was surprised he agreed since he seemed a person who wouldn't like it that much. Anyways i was getting ready in my purple top and my blue jeans short as I got other accessories with me as well. After an hour we were ready to go there. As we went there i grabbed my swimsuit and walked to the changing room. I wore my orange swimsuit and headed out. Hoodie took off his mask and walked out wearing his swim shorts as well before we made our way to the water. We would swim and splash each other sometimes. Today has been a pretty fun day for both of us.

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