When you become friends.

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Jeff the killer

Not even at jogging, but Jeff also came at my house many times. Of course, from how he looked like, he had to come through my bedroom window and also not be noticed by my parents.  Right now, we were at my bedroom. The time in my wall read 11:40. Yes, it was almost midnight. Anyways, back to us. We were spending time in my room as Jeff tonight didn't come alone. Tonight, he brought a little friend with him. And by friend, i mean his dog. Tonight be brought his dog with him.

He told me that his name was Smile. I was surprised to see the dog get used to me so quickly. "It seems he likes you." Jeff said as he looked at Smile, who lay his head on my lap. I smiled and nodded, happy that it was true. I loved dogs anyway, so Smile isn't an exception. I patted Smile's head as i talked with Jeff. I was surprised i got so comfortable with him so quickly. I didn't care how he looked like. He is still a friend to me. 

Homicidal Liu

With Liu, i have an amazing friendship. He was pretty cool to be around with. Even Sully liked my company, which i was surprised because his behaviour was sometimes rude. But anyways, we were taking a walk to the park, and we were talking about random stuff until Sully started being a flirt. I don't know where he gets the flirting attitude because Liu wasn't much of a flirt, or at least he didn't show it as much as Sully.

As we were walking, Sully smirked at me as an idea came into his mind. Not expecting it, he went in front of me with his back in front of me. I was too busy talking, so i didn't notice him there, so i bumbed and fell into his back. "I'm  sorry." I said as i tried to get my balance before he bent down a little and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Come hope in." He grinned, looking at me. This made me giggle, and i did as i was told getting on his back. He started running as we both laughed, clearly enjoying our time together. 

Ben drowned 

As usual, we were playing video games in my room. And he was winnimost of the time. But by the tearm winning, i meant cheating. Every time i would try and knock him down, he would cheat by glitching and moving somewhere else.

"Ben, for real, stop! Can't you just play normal just one time?" I said, glaring at him as he laughed and grinned. "Why? Can't win if i don't go easy on you?" I looked at him glaring still. "This isn't easy going on me. This is cheating." I continued glaring. "Yeah, whatever you say.~" He said before i heard footsteps come to my room.

Ben heard it too, so he quickly glitched back inside the game. "Hey (Y/N). Are you alright? I heard you talking out loud and by out loud. i mean, almost screaming." My mom said as she entered my room. "Sorry, mom, i was too excited playing my new game." I answered, letting out a nervous laugh. "Okay, but don't scream next time." She said before closing the door of my room and leaving.

I sighed in relief. "I'm getting you for this, Ben." I mumbled. 

Laughing Jack

After my last encounter with Jack, we became best buddies. We wouldn't always be together on everything, but the best part was that we would prank rendom people on rendom places to make them believe that those places were haunted.

It was another night of our prank as we made noises in an 'apparently haunted' house where a group of teenagers were walking around. The hause was quite big so we had plenty of space to hide and planty of ideas to scare them. As they were walking down on a hallway, Jack and i decided to make our next move. I decided to scream like im being killed, and Jack was laughing like a mad man. This made the teenagers run outside as fast as they could.

After they left, we were laughing our ass off.
"That was amazing, Jack. That was the best prank so far." I said with a smile after finishing laughing. He laughed as well as he high fived me. "Yes, and you're the best prank partner i have ever had."  I smiled. I was glad to have a friend like him.

Eyeless Jack

Me and Jack surprisingly did end up being friends. After that snowball fight, we ended up getting along with each other, and we had many things in common. For example, he liked medical stuff as much as i do(sorry if you don't). I always wanted to be a doctor when i grew up. And maybe with the help of Jack, i would be able to become one. After all he knew more than i already did so he would be a huge help for me. So we were in my bedroom with some medical books in hand, and Jack was teaching me stuff. He was a great teacher, in my opinion. "Okay, so what do we do when someone is choking on food?" He asked. I tried to answer what i know and as much as i knew about it. He nodded in approval as we continued studying.

"Want some coffee?" I suddenly blurted out. He nodded, and i got up and got out of my room. After a few minutes, i came back with two cups in my hands as i gave one to him. "How are you finding this so far?" He suddenly asked. "Pretty good, i think I'm learning a lot with your help." I smiled as i answered truthfully. He nodded. "Okay, good. Im happy to hear that." He said with his rough voice behind his mask.  We got some rest as we talked for a bit and drank our coffee. After finishing them, i went to sit down on the table again where the books were all around there.

"Should we head back to studdy?" I asked Jack as he nodded. "Sure."

Ticci Toby

I couldn't imagine ever meeting Toby again, but after 4 years, i did. He had changed a little though, but i didn't mind. He still was my friend that i really cared about, and i could say he cared about me too. That's because he protected me from being robbed on the street. Someone wanted to steal my bag where i had many important stuff there. And from that, i managed to meet Toby after a really long time.

I was walking out of my job office when a man came up to me with a knife threatening to stab me if you wouldn't give him my money and bag. I was about to give them to him but a hand stopped me. "Why w-would a grown ass m-man want to steal f-from a young lady such a-as herself? He asked, grabbing the thief by the arm and twisting it.
He whispered to him something i couldn't hear before he runned away. I looked at him for a moment, knowing exactly who it was. Before i knew it, i runned up and hugged him tight, making him startled. "Toby, i know it's you. I missed you." I said as i hugged him. "How did you know?"he asked, surprised and slowly hugged back.

"It looked like i could see your eyes through the goggles you are wearing. When i looked at them, something told me it was you." I answered, pulling away from the hug. "I'm glad you're back." I said with a smile. He removed his goggles and mouth guard as he smiled as well. I then grabbed his hand and walked with him to my place.


Masky and i were in my house as the rain continued to fall. We were bored out of our minds, and it was getting awkward when none of us wouldn't talk. So we decided to play a card game. As we were playing, we even  started talking with each other, and he surprisingly started to open up more with me.

We also asked questions to each other so we could know more, but sometimes i always think he is hiding something. But of course, i couldn't bring myself to ask him that.  He then ended up spending the night at my house. ((Sorry if this scenario is short, i didn't know what more to add to him.))


And my chance came. I met Hoodie again after a few days in the forest. But this time, i needed help to find my way back because i got lost. As i was walking to hear something come out of a bush and soon as it came out, i noticed it was Hoodie. "Hi." I said to him. He didn't say anything. "I'm sorry, but can you help find the way out of this forest, please?" I asked him, hopping he would. He did, which i was so grateful for.  He nodded as he started walking, leading the way. I catched up with him, and i wanted to start a conversation with him. But he wouldn't say much as always, but eventually, he opened up a little more with me as he helped me get home safely.

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