Chapter 50 - Getting ready.

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Troye's POV

My heart was racing. I never realised that confessing your love to someone could be so daunting. What if I messed up? Completely and utterly froze as I said my vows, or collapse as the anxiety raged through me? I shook my head, weakly smiling to myself as I looked in the mirror.

Tyler, Zoe and I were in a hotel room, just down the road from the beach. We had decided that Connor needed the house, and he was quite happy with his family's company. I on the other hand was slightly downhearted. My family lived all the way in Australia, far away from the beautiful LA wedding.

It had always been my dream to let them walk me down the isle, watch as I finally made them proud of me. I mean, I knew they were proud of me already, but I wanted this to be special, not something that I had to work hard for, or try to make the best, but something that fell into place on its own, something topping every achievement that I had ever reached. Just pure love.

"What you thinking about Troye boy?" Tyler mocked as he placed his hand on my shoulder. I looked up at him, my eyes slightly red as I rubbed them with my suit jacket. He softened his expression, before playing with the knot on my tie, making it neater as I fiddled with the end.

"I just wanted my parents here for me. I'm nervous too Tilly!" I whined, still stood ridged in front of the mirror. Tyler nodded his head before pulling me into him, stroking my now styled hair. "I'm just finding it hard with the whole situation, you know? With Connie being ill and everything!"

"Can I make it better?" He smirked, now releasing me from his grip. I creased my forehead, a look of confusion clearly crossing my face. Nevertheless, I watched as he walked out of the bathroom, smiling as he opened the hotel door. "Close your eyes Troye." He said.

"Guess who!" I suddenly felt a warm pair of woman's hands covering my face from behind. My heart suddenly fluttered as I heard her speak. My body instantly relaxing as I was pulled into a hug.

"SAGE!" I shouted, wrapping my arms tightly around her waist. I saw the tears in her eyes, matching mine as I spun her around. She looked like she was severely jet lagged, but beautiful as per usual.

"Not just me." She brought my head up in her hands, and kissed my nose. she pulled me towards the door, grinning as I saw the image in front of me. Walking into my hotel room, were Tyde, Steel, Mum and Dad. They were here, here for me, and I couldn't stop the tears from flowing.

"Oh son come here!" My dad cooed, scooping me into his embrace as I let out loud sobs. I felt lots of hands around me, pulling our family into one group hug, and boy did it feel good, I felt ecstatic!

"But how did you know it was today?" I suddenly spoke up, raising my eyebrows, as they all looked at a particular person.


"Well Tyler and I are what you teens call 'tight'!" My dad laughed as he pulled the blue haired boy in for a squeeze. "It's thanks to your best friend that we're here, he arranged it all." He added, gesturing for me to hug him.

And that's exactly what I did. I suddenly left my mothers soothing embrace and leaped onto Tyler, probably ruining his suit in the process. He really was the best friend ever. A best friend that had just made my day even more perfect.

Connor's POV

"Connor the cars here!" My mum shouted from the bottom of the stairs. I was sat on my bed, taking the pain Meds that would get me through the day. I had my cannula on, and an oxygen tank was now in a bag, on my back.

Nicola suddenly came into my room, holding a suit jacket, and a warm smile. She sat down next to me, looping it around my arms, before pulling me to my feet. Supporting my waist as I stood. My legs felt like jelly, not just because of the cancer, but because of the nerves.

I was so nervous. So much that I was shaking at the thought of today. I didn't feel well, weird in fact, but I couldn't ruin the wedding, I wouldn't get another chance at it. So as usual I painted on my smile and leaned against my sister for support. As much as my body wanted to refuse, I was determined to make this a day to remember!

"Who's driving us there?" I questioned as we made it down the stairs. Nicola just smirked in response, placing me gently in the wheelchair at the bottom. I relaxed into a sitting position, leaning against the back rest. I was struggling to breathe slightly, but played it off as she wheeled me outside.

"Sup Bro?" I suddenly jolted my head to the side to find Brandon, my brother, at the side of the wheelchair, beautifully dressed in a suit and tie, holding a small white chrysanthemum in his hand. I closed my eyes, telling myself it was hallucinations from the drugs, but quickly realised the person in front of me was real, now putting their arms around my frail body.

"B, you came!" I raised my voice, regretting my actions as it sent me into a coughing fit. Brandon rubbed my back, a tear streaking on his cheek as he pulled me in tighter. He hadn't seen me for a while, he didn't know how bad I was.

"I wouldn't miss my big brother's wedding for the world!" He replied, now helping me into the car.

Dustin was sat in the driving seat, his face turned towards me as we climbed in. I gave him a reassuring nod, before he started the engine, giving my hand a small squeeze from the front. "Missed you Con." He said sweetly, before starting to drive. He was never one to say much.

As we got further along the motorway I thought more about the wedding. I was excited to say the least, but the sense of dread never left my stomach, whirling around as I thought about bad outcomes. Nicola noticed, and put a comforting arm around me. I snuggled into her embrace before thinking again, thinking about the day that I had always dreamed of.

"I want to walk down the isle Nic!" I spoke up, looking at her sad face as she closed her eyes. People just felt pity for me, and I didn't like it. I just wanted to be normal, I just wanted today to be normal!

"If you're feeling up to it, you can try, but don't over do it Con, you need to stay strong today." I nodded, understanding her reasoning, but there was still a little part of me that wanted to do it, that wanted to prove people wrong.

Just as we got nearer to the venue, my sister began to fumble with her purse. She was looking for something, something important it seemed, as she scrunched her face in annoyance. "What's wrong?" I whispered, my voice hoarse as I tried to sleep. She shook her head, still delving through various pockets.

"Connor, this is for you." She suddenly smiled, handing me a note as she finished fiddling with her bag. "This is from Troye, he wanted you to open it on the way." She added, grinning to my brothers as I opened the familiar looking blue paper. The sort he usually wrote his little notes on.


Babe, if you are reading this it's our wedding day. I thought it was only right to write you a note again, just to calm your nerves. I know you're anxious right now, just like me. But today is going to be the best day of our lives, one where I get to be yours forever.

Nothing will ever make me happier, than standing there with you today, holding your hand as we say our vows. I can't wait to make it official, this little love story that we have.

I just want you to know that I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you! (That could go on) and I can't wait until I see you today, beautiful as always, walking or wheeling down the isle. I will be waiting there, just as I will always wait for you. Because love is worth waiting for, and I found that out when I met you.

I'll see you soon.

Love and hugs,

Troye. Xx


Haha you all thought this was the wedding chapter, nope, not just yet. Don't worry, I promise it's the next chapter, but I wanted Troyes family to be there. They were going to come anyway but on obviously it was too short of a notice so just pretend that Tyler called them a few days before 🙈😁

Becca xx

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