Chapter 6 - Just tired?

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Troye's POV

It was almost like my world had come crashing down. Why wasn't I with him? Why did I even let him go to the party? His tired eyes had given it away, his lethargic actions should have been a sign. I knew he wasn't well, and I was suddenly panicking more than ever.

Trevor was now pulling my arm through the masses of people, some dancing and some stood silent as a crowd formed around my boyfriend. The boy I loved was laying flat on his back against the staging area, eyes closed, unmoving.

"CONNOR!" I shouted, desperately pushing various surrounding bodies out if the way. Tyler was close behind me suddenly gasping as he saw the sight in front of us.

Connor was sprawled out across the floor looking deathly pale and breathing quite shallowly. Ricky was sat against his side gently squeezing his hand, whilst Hannah and Sam sat above him gently checking his pulse and measuring his breathing.

"Oh my god Con!" I half whispered, half cried, as I rushed to his side, taking his other hand in mine whilst gently stroking his hair back. He was shivering unconsciously, and I didn't hesitate to wrap my arms around him.

"What happened Ricky?" Tyler butted in, kneeling beside me and putting his comforting hand on my shoulder. I was grateful for his presence, and joined him in asking Ricky the question.

"He was okay and then we had a few drinks and he just collapsed! It all happened so quick!" Ricky had bloodshot eyes and shook as he rethought about the ordeal. I knew they were very close friends and gave him a sympathetic sigh before returning to worry over Connor.

"Should we call an ambulance? What's wrong with him?" Tyler fretted, directing his question at Hannah as she rechecked Connor over again. I seconded his question with a shaky nod before pulling Connor's head onto my lap so he was more comfortable.

"Well I think he has just passed out" Hannah weakly smiled as she began to stand up. "It could be exhaustion, dehydration, anything like that" she began to reassure us before looking straight at me.

"Has Connor been ill lately? Or not sleeping?" She bit her lip as if she was nervous, but quickly pulled herself together as I started to slowly nod my head. She gulped back the own tension in her throat,  before returning to her stronger form, the one I needed right now.

"He seems to be really tired all the time and he has been complaining about a pain in his side." I was nodding along with my own words, the realisation of the situation hitting me. His distant nature and pained expressions had increased, and I suddenly prayed for him to be alright.

"Okay well I -" Hannah was cut off as a small whimper erupted from the silence, causing all of our eyes to focus on Connor.

"Tro?" He whispered hoarsely, as he realised he was laid against my lap. He had shuffled slightly, but remained fairly limp as I stroked his hair back.

"Oh my god Con you're alright!" I squealed as I wrapped my arms around his frail, now trembling figure. He weakly hugged back but seemed more confused, dazed, as he drifted back to reality.

"What happened?" He breathed heavily, as Hannah and Ricky kneeled back down to his side. I continued to hold him, and he snuggles slightly into my embrace.

"You passed out honey" Hannah smiled reassuringly, but seemed concerned as Connor groaned once again, almost unable to keep his eyes open.

"I-m ju-st tired" He stuttered as he relaxed against my legs, slightly shaking with the thought of the ordeal.

"Okay well I think we should get you to bed then" Ricky instructed as he flew to his feet. "Con can you walk?"

"Does he look like he can walk??" Tyler spat as he shook his head in disapproval. "We are going to have to help him!"

"No guys really I'm fine, I can walk." Connor spoke tentatively as he tried to push himself up from me. His arms wobbled and he leant against me for support, but as usual he wanted to do everything on his own, and to be quite honest was failing miserably.

"Come here, give me your hand." Tyler suggested as he took the strain off Connor and flung his arm over his shoulder. "Troye get his other arm" he commanded as I began to let Connor's left side lean on me.

As we walked steadily across the hall I could see and feel Connor struggling. His head kept slightly dropping and his body often became limp against my side. He was so weak and it really bothered me. Surely it couldn't just be exhaustion?

Fortunately our room was on the first floor, so It wasn't long before Tyler released Connor's right arm so his full body weight was on me. He was so cold, and still shivered as I brought him closer, wrapping my jacket across his shoulders.

"Don't worry Con I'm just unlocking the door okay?" Tyler seemed concerned as Connor's breathing once again increased, almost as if he was panicking.

"It's okay babe I'm here." I soothed him as he hung his head in the crook of my neck.

"I'm scared Troye" He whispered into my neck as we began to walk in our room.

"Don't worry, you're gonna be okay" I smiled as I placed him on the bed. He nodded in agreement but I knew something was playing on his mind. I just hoped that a good nights sleep would do the trick.

"Goodnight Connie" I cooed as he curled up to the thick covers the hotel had provided. I kissed the top of his head before gently sweeping the hair out of his eyes.

"Night Tro" he almost whispered as those beautiful green eyes of his closed.

Hopefully he would be better in the morning, but as long as he was safe, that was all that mattered.


So that's another chapter :) I am so happy this has already got over 100 reads! I know that probably isn't much in the wattpad world but it means loads to me! Also I would like to thank everyone who voted for this so far! Keep voting and maybe leave a comment for another chapter to come :)

Becca xxx

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