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hiii guysss!! i logged in after a year or two i guess idk but there were so so many notifications, the book reached 35k reads WHATTTTTTTTTTTT????? im so glad you'll liked the book, voted & commented on it, i promise i will go through every single comment later on :'). i never thought 35k reads omggg i can't process, i started this for fun but omg thank you so much for every single one of you. im so grateful. im so glad i could make you smile uwuu.

anyways, i was thinking do yall want me to continue updating it alternate days, everyday or once a week, let me know so i'll do it accordingly.

also do yall want me to do a q&a like you'll can ask questions & get to know me better??? i can do it, i would love to answer your question, if yall have any questions yall can comment here, i'll do a whole long q&a just us chit chatting!!! <3

also i was thinking of writing this one liner poetry book, lmk if yall are interested in reading!!!! i'll put it up them.

thank you so much again for all the love & support, im so so grateful to every single one of you.

hope you have the best day/night/ evening/ afternoon.

lots of love,

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2021 ⏰

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