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hi everyone just wanted to drop by and say wash your hands please and staying inside (especially Indians with the whole lockdown thing), try not going outside as much as you can. i know this is a very difficult situation rn but we all can get through it.
let's pray for the whole world, especially for all the doctors, janitors, nurses,who are working day and night to keep us safe; staying away from their families, so let them do their job properly & let's do ours(by staying inside).

take special care of your parents and especially your grandparents, it's our responsibility as the young generation. eat healthy food. drink lots of water. stay inside.

also wanted to say a big big thank you to every single one of you who for voting & commenting on desi memes. you all have no idea how much it means to me. never would have thought i would have around 13k views & 2k votes. this was created just for fun.

sending all the love, strength and virtual hugs to every single one of you and your family, hope this passes and we get to return to our normal lives again.

stay safe. stay hydrated.


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