Chapter 22: Dinner

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"We're all done"

"I'll go tell your big brother so we can have dinner Sen-chan"

Hikaru pinched his cheeks gently and left to go look for Kyojuro outside as he mentioned to train while waiting until they're done preparing.

Hikaru was feeling ecstatic since it will be her first time eating with  another family other than her and Euko. She did eat with Kyojuro a lot of times but this is her first time eating with his family.

She had once asked Kyojuro about his family and learned that their mother, Ruka was already deceased and their father had became indifferent with them after her death. She could sense he isn't comfortable talking about their father so she didn't push further.

She did wonder what kind of person their father is now and was hoping to meet him although he seemed to be an intimidating person since even Senjuro seemed to be really uncomfortable talking about their father earlier when they fall into topic about family.

And to her luck, the man himself is standing right infront of her.

"It's nice to meet you Rengoku-san, I'm Hikaru Asagiri, a friend of Kyojuro-san"

She calmly greeted the older man and bowed in respect. He was once well known among the demon slayer corps so she knew about him being a former Pillar.

"Tch is dinner ready?"

Shinjuro Rengoku asked in a gruff voice. His eyes staring with intensity and his face held a scowl.

He possess the trademark Rengoku features. Only that he looks older and gruffier. His bright yellow hair was messy and he has a stubble. His yukata was unkempt and he held a bottle of sake on his hand. The Rengoku blood really is something.

"It is Rengoku-san, I was about to call Kyojuro too--"

"Hikaru! Father?"

A newly arrived Kyojuro interrupted.


Kyojuro was busy training while his face held a soft smile thinking about a certain demon slayer who uses the Breath of Ice.

He never thought he would be heavily infatuated with a girl yet here he is, eyes glinting with joy and his confidence was undeniably emanating all throughout as he is planning to finally ask the girl he likes although a speck of nervousness still lingers since it is Hikaru we're talking about.

Sure she always accepts his sudden invites to hang out and eat or simply just taking a stroll and chat with their interests but he hasn't had the slightest idea whether Hikaru felt the same. Kyojuro had known Hikaru for a short time but love isn't a test of time.

You can glance at a person for the first time and fall inlove right there. And  you can also get to know each other for a long time but still remain as friends or sometimes ends up being strangers.

Life is short but Kyojuro decided to make the best out of it.

Senjuro supports him fully and that made him happy but a bit of fear is clearly hidden inside of him. Fear for what will the man he used to look up to will say to his new found fire in his heart. The man who taught him love and loved their family dearly. The man he called 'Father'.

"If you want, you go, I don't care"

"But father"

"Shut up! All these duties! None of that matters anymore!"

Shinjuro exclaimed in rage and frustration. Throwing his bottle of sake to the side, breaking it to pieces.

"No matter what you do, you will never attain greater heights! The breath of Flames will always be inferior! Pillar?! All of it is worthless! You nor I will never achieve greatness!"

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