. Chapter 14 .

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Jenna's POV:

It's been a hell of a week since we moved to New York. Me and Adrian haven't really spoken since we got here as he is busy with his new job and online school and I'm busy with Teddy and taking him to his new school before coming home and doing my own school work in my room away from Adrian. 

I kind of feel bad that I'm not working to but I can't leave Teddy alone. They both say that I have the hardest job at looking Teddy but it doesn't feel like it when Teddy makes it so easy for me. Yes it's tiring but he never really cries unless he hurts himself or if he is really tired other than that he's an angel. 

I sat down on the soft white sofa and leaned my head back and let out a long sigh that was fighting to get out. I was tired from the online classes and studying and exams but I couldn't really complain as Adrian and my dad have it much worse than me. 

My dad and Clara have been talking a lot and I'm really happy for him. Clara has come over once or twice and helped me with Teddy while my dad and Adrian were at work, I loved having Clara to help out because it meant I could get some extra studying in as she looked after Teddy. 


It was finally Saturday after the long week we all have had. I decided today I was going to go out and look around. I was thinking about applying for a Saturday job to help with money a bit more and maybe even have a bit extra for myself. I looked online and there were a few available jobs so I applied for some that were close and some replied almost instantly asking if I could come for the interview right then and there. I was happy and a smile crept onto my face, I must of looked like an idiot smiling at my laptop like that.

I was so busy replying to the message I didn't hear Adrian come into my room. I only noticed he was there when I felt the bed dip next to my feet. I looked up from my laptop and saw him sitting there watching me with a smile spread across his face. Silence filled the room for a moment until I finally spoke breaking the silence. "Can I help you"? I asked as my eyebrows scrunched up in confusion as to why he was in my room. He smiled and chuckled before answering me with a cocky tone "I haven't really seen you all week so I wanted to come here and see what you was doing and by the look on your face it looks like you are looking at something interesting on that laptop of yours so spill what is it"? 

I sat up and crossed my legs over each other and looked into his eyes, in his eyes they were flashing with warmth and comfort. I hesitantly moved the laptop towards him and he picked it up with one of his big ands and placed it on his lap while reading the screen. I fiddled with my sleeve as I waited for him to say something and finally he did. "oh so you want a Saturday job. I mean its good that you want to be productive but your gonna leave me with Teddy"? 

He said that with such a serious tone I almost giggled I mean he was so good with Teddy and my dad was also here to help him so what was he worried about? I hesitantly moved next to him and smiled up at him and spoke "it's fine Adrian you have my dad here as well and I'm sure Clara can come over and help with him as well. Presides It's only for 5 hours and then I'll be home". I didn't know what he was so worried about Teddy was so well behaved but I brushed it off and he just smiled down at me. 

I was looking into his dough eyes and for a second I could of sworn there was a flash of hurt in his eyes but as quick as it came it left again and he replaced it with a smile. I got up from my bed and ran to him room not even caring what he said and then grabbed something from inside and ran back to mine. When I came back to him room he was still on my bed looking confused with my laptop next to him. I walked over to him and placed the item I got from his room in his hands and then grabbed shiver from my bed and sat down on the floor in front of him. 

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