. Chapter 20 .

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Adrien's POV: 

The sun shining through the curtains made me groan and sigh at the fact that I will have to get up instead of staying in bed with Jenna all day. I looked down at her sleeping on my bare chest and kissed the top of her head as the events of last night came flooding back to me. 

The way her skin felt on mine and the way our bodies fit together like two puzzle pieces. I then remembered what I said to her last night 'I love you'. Panic flooded me as I sat up fast making Jenna open her eyes and instantly wrap her arms around my torso making me calm down. 

"Hey what's wrong It's ok I'm here". Her voice made me let out a sigh as I melted into her touch. After a moment of silence and her just hugging me I finally spoke "I-I told you I loved you last night I'm sorry I know its to soon and I jus-" I was cut off by a pair of small lips meeting with mine and I hummed into the kiss and pulled her closer to me. 

The kiss wasn't like the normal typical kisses we have shared before this one said so much more. It made me feel safe and wanted and like the feelings I felt for Jenna she felt the same way. Soon we both broke apart from the kiss and I put my forehead against hers as we both took heavy breaths to try and recover from the kiss. 

"I love you to". Jenna said in a whisper and I wasn't really sure if I actually heard her correctly so taking in a breath I asked her "what"? she smiled and intertwined out fingers and I looked into her earth colored eyes and her sweet voice filled my ears once again "I said I love you to you dummy". 

I sat up and faced her taking in her facial expressions to see if she was telling the truth but all I could see in her eyes was nothing but truth. I smiled at this and pulled her onto my lap making her squeal and hug into me again. 

Soon we ended up lying in bed next to each other as Jenna wore my shirt and I wore my pajama bottoms and we just spoke about stupid shit like our favorite color or favorite foods. It was these little moments though that made me love her more than I did before. 

Not that long later Teddy opened the door to our room rubbing his eyes and clutching onto a white blanket and a teddy bear and I smiled at how cute he looked in his Spider-Man pajamas. 

"Hey Teddy bear you ok"? Jenna asked him as he crawled into bed with his and rested his head onto Jenna's chest and curled up while nodding his head and yawning. I smiled at the cute little face he pulled when Jenna kissed his head and soon enough we all feel back asleep. 


"Come on Jenna I have to leave now to be in time for the ceremony. I promise I'll face time you every day". It broke me to see the sad look in Jenna's eyes as she was saying goodbye to me because I had to leave for two weeks due to the whole mafia king situation. 

I kissed her lips and she hummed pulling me closer to her by the back of my neck but I knew that I had to break the kiss before I ended up saying fuck it and staying here. 

I broke the kiss and cupped her cheeks as I said in a low comforting voice "Jenna I have to go ok but I promise I'll be back before you know it ok. I love you". I kissed her forehead and grabbed my bag off the airport ground and left Jenna standing with Teddy next to her. After waving at Teddy and blowing them both a kiss I turned the corner to my gate number with Dave by my side and we walked onto the plane. 

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