"But Dad, I feel like I have been going to school my whole life, I'm ready to just have some fun for a change." The young man, Efe Divit, had been having a discussion with his father, about taking a year off before starting his career in one of the largest Marketing Consultant firms in Madrid. Efe had been in the top ten at the university there for the past 2 years, prompting all the major firms to come calling on him to work for them. Which would mean a move to Madrid, and a change from what his life had always been. The thought of leaving Malaga was weighing heavy on his heart, but most of all leaving the sea and all that he had known growing up. Can paced on the boat, " But Efe, you may not get the same offer from that company in a years time, who knows" his father wanted so to support his son in whatever he wanted to do, just as his father had done, but letting go was a lot harder than he had anticipated. Efe faced his Dad, " I realize that, but maybe that's not my path, what if I want to be my own boss. That's what you did, you took what you loved and made your way with it." His son challenged his Dad with his eyes.
He was his father's son, so defiant and confident in himself. He had the same eyes, the same way with words, the same determination to be what he wanted to be, Can felt like he was looking in the mirror. Can felt himself waver, start to feel the way he had years ago at that age. "Efe, how are you going to convince your mother, she's the one that will be heartbroken." The young man, in much the Divit manner, looked into his Dads eyes, " Well, I was hoping I could count on you to do that for me." Those persuasive eyes that always talked much more than words, were glaring straight into his Dads. Can sighed, "Son, I'm not going to do this for you, if you want to sail off on this boat for several months, then you must be the one to tell your Mom." Just the words had already stirred up emotions in him that he didn't like. "And what about Paola, is she ok with this." Efe fell back against the bow of the boat, " Dad, why do you have to bring up Paola, we don't have that kind of relationship, it's just casual." He shook his head, completely annoyed with his Dads actions. Can immediately thought of all the years he had been with Polen, and how unnecessary that time had been. He saw his son going down the same path as he had traveled, and he hoped he would find his destiny just as he had.
The discussion was quickly turning into an argument, so not what Efe had wanted. He couldn't understand why his Dad was giving him a hard time about this, " Dad look, I'm more an average sailor, I know how to handle the boat, if that's what you're worried about. Please don't worry at all about Paola, I can handle her too." A slight smile that crept across his face, and that look of cockiness that only Efe Divit could have. " Hey, I know, I'll take Kadir with me, then I won't be alone and it will give him a bit of excitement in his life." That statement made Can feel worse, but he knew how serious his son was, he also knew his youngest son would jump at the chance to sail off with his brother on some exotic adventure. Can felt defeated, a loss for words, why was raising kid's so hard. Can held steady to his word, " I know your mother won't have it Efe, but it's your decision, and you have to convince her." The young man smiled, giving him a wink, "Ok, it's time to turn on that Divit charm." Can closed his eyes, remembering back when he felt the same way, so full of himself and strong. "I guess it's not such a bad thing to be so arrogant, but he knew his wife, and she wouldn't be so understanding."
Kadir had just finished the first year at the university, but his outlook was much different than Efe. He couldn't wait to start a career, make his own way, not that he wasn't the adventurous type, it wasn't the same kind of adventure. His was that of discovering what he could do through books, and language, but he also was an avid photographer. His desire to become a writer wasn't anything he would pursue, that was just for himself, an avenue to express what he felt about his photos. He loved language, all of them, and he fluent in Turkish of course, English, Spanish, Italian and French as well. But he wanted to learn them all, any language he could. Kadir biggest dream was to have his photos in magazines all over the world, and be able the write the description of what they were seeing, but that seemed to be more of a hobby than a proper career. He had intended to go into the literature field, hoping that he could use that to further his love of photography. He had already worked part time at a publishing house during the summer doing some translating for them. He had found that quite interesting, everything about publishing seemed to call to him.
Sanem was at her favorite place on the beach, when Efe and his Dad arrived back from the boat. She knew by the look on Cans face there was something they needed to talk to her about. "Efe, do you have a request from your mother." Can nodded, raising his eyebrows, giving the young man the signal to talk to his mother. Sanem turned to look at her son, "What is it, what do you want now." Sanem knew her son well, and all his mannerisms. What he had to say seemed to be stuck in his throat, he smiled at her, " Mom, I thought maybe I could take a few months off before jumping right into work, you know, maybe taking the boat out for a while. Sanem's heart had already sank, "And go where Efe, what did you have in mind." She studied her sons face, that face that was so much like his fathers. " I thought Sardinia, and Sicily, and maybe even as far as the Greek Islands. It would just be for perhaps 6 months." His eyes begging her, making her resistance low, " And you would do this alone, I'm not sure that's a good idea." He quickly spoke up, " No, I plan on taking Kadir with me." Sanem spun around, " Kadir,...so both of my sons want to go off for months, to travel the seas alone, do I have that right." She had stood and was glaring at him. He swallowed hard, " Yes mother, I guess you do."
Kadir had caught the last of the conversation, as he walked out to the beach, " Travel where." He asked, making them all turn to look. Efe grabbed his brother, pulling him into the discussion, " We are going to take a trip ABI, just you and me." Efe smiled, trying to lighten the mood. Can leaned his head back and closed his eyes, he knew Sanem must to her breaking point. Kadir looked around in disbelief, " We, as in me, you and Dad." He searched their faces, trying to figure it out. " No Kadir, just you and me, how does that sound. We can sail around to a few islands, meet some new people, you know, just have some fun." Sanem took a deep breath, closed her eyes and realized she had just lost the first of many battles against those boys.
Can avoided her look, but could feel it. She finally smiled, and asked, " What about your job Efe, are you giving that up." He answered quickly, " No mother, just postponing it. I feel I need a break before diving Into the next faze of my life, that's all." Can looked at his wife and saw the woman he loved struggling just as he had when he heard the what his son had in mind.
Efe stepped closer to his mother, "Mom, I can do this, it's just for a while. I want to be free from everything for a bit. I have worked hard in school for years, now I want a few months to relax."
Looking at Can, she knew she was alone in this fight, so she would give in to them.
Why did she feel she was losing her sons to that boat and the sea......
That boat......that damn boat, she thought as she nodded, giving her permission. But it would be harder to give her blessing.
The Brothers....Their Story Continues
Roman d'amourThis starts a new series of stories, showing us the lives of Efe and Kadir Divit. The brothers joined together with a deep connection for each other, bonded with love that was instilled in them from birth. Their lives will take us on a journey of...