Chapter Three

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Payton's POV

I hear mom and Emilia talking in her room. It must be important because mom closed the door so no one could hear.

I lightly press my ear against the door. "I'm pregnant again." Mom says. I lift my head off the door and smile. Yes another baby brother or sister. I happily go down stairs to see if dad could help me with my little bit of homework.

"Dad?" I question. I walk into the living room to see him watching tv.

"Yeah bud." He says looking at me and smiles.

"Can you help me with my homework. Please?" I ask nicely. Dad nods and we go into the kitchen to sit at the counter.


Me and dad have only done a couple of questions because we've been messing around and I can tell dad and mom are in really good moods due to the news.

"Come on kids time to get ready." Mom shouts down and you can hear the happiness in her voice.

"Let's go P." Dad says. He's always called me P. Dad starts walking out of the kitchen, I jump off the stool and run and jump on his back. Me and dad are laughing while going upstairs.

"Go get changed." Dad says letting me go and roughing my hair up. Dad walks towards his and moms room and I go into mine and Jasper's room.

I see a pair of jeans, a white top and a red and black plaid shirt on my bed. I get change. Right, dad has this thing with crazy socks, so he buys me and Jasper them as well, like right now I'm wearing pizza socks.

Jasper is wearing black jeans and a plain white top and black vans. JJ never has the time or effort to do anything. He's so lazy. Shoe wise dad always wears Jordan's and I've grown to really like them but Uncle Rob bought me a pair of Timberlands so I think I'll wear them.

"JJ let's go down stairs." I say walking out of our bedroom. "Coming." He says and follows me out of our room.

We head down stairs and chill on the couch while we wait for mom, dad and Emilia. Em comes down next. Finally mom and dad come down.

"You ready to go kids?" Dad asks grabbing his car keys.

We all nod and follow mom and dad out to the car. Jasper gets in first them Em gets in the middle so me and JJ don't fight and the I get in last.

Dad drives us to Olive Garden. Yes. I love it here.

Mom gets out first, then dad and they both help us out of the car. We head into Olive Garden and I see Nana Michele. I run over to her and hug her tightly.

"Nana." I say smiling widely. I've missed her. We haven't seen her in a while because her boyfriend has been taking her on holiday.

"Payton. My little man how are you?" Nana asks me.

"I'm good. Look there's mom and dad with JJ and Em." I say pointing towards them as they walk closer to us.

"Hey mom." "Hey Michele." Mom and dad say to nana and hug her. "Sit down Payton." Mom says pointing next to nana. So I sit next to her.

Emilia sits next to me and then mom, dad and Jasper on the bench in front of us. "Is Ashley joining us?" Dad asks resting his arm behind mom and Jasper.

Nana nods and smiles at dad. "Yeah he'll be here in a minute." She says. A person comes over asking what drinks we want.

"Payton what do you want to drink?" Mom asks me.

"Can I have a soda please." I say to the person as they write it down on a note pad. Then that person walks away.

"So we asked to meet up with you guys for a reason." Dad says and I smile and so does Emilia.

Mom looks at Em and me and smiles brightly. My mom is really pretty, I love my mom and dad.

"So why did you bring us here?" Nana says as Ash sits down next to nana on a chair.

"Me and Charlotte have news." Dad says holding moms hand and kissing the back of it. "Charlotte's pregnant again." Dad adds on after kissing moms hand.

"Awh congratulations guys. How far gone?" Nana asks mom.

"A month and a couple of days along now. It's a baby girl." Mom says looking at Emilia. Emilia smiles at mom and blows her a kiss.

"And its the twins birthday tomorrow so we thought we'd give them a meal out tonight and then they can do whatever they want tomorrow." Mom says smiling down at Jasper.

Jasper doesn't smile back so I kick him under the table and he narrows his eyes at me.


Hey guys.

Sorry this has taken a while to upload but I just feel like you guys don't like it compared to the first book.

So I've been thinking hard. I might do a couple more chapters and if there isn't any progress I might just delete it.





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