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End of the chase | Kageyama Tobio
By: Zackdesaii

#shortau #tsukiyamakage #fantasy

//my screen's angry at me. I can't touch anything in the upper and middle part anymore and I'm hardly surviving,,,, so here's SEVEN ~♥~

//also,,,, WE HAVE TO FRIGGIN 900 READS HOW DID THAT HAPPENED Σ(っ゚Д゚;)っ whatifidisappointyouwhatllhappenomgpleasetellmethisisntmyeyese-

Also,,, I know I said the next chapter is gonna be sooo long, but I'm still halfway done 〒_〒 it's so long I wanna chop it down (I mightn't)))

.....todobaku anyone???


How many lives has it been?

Kageyama Tobio asked himself desperately as he run for dear life. His teary eyes blurred his sight but he continued striding through the mountain road. The bite of morning gusts had his skin cold as ice, but despite this he can only feel his burning insides tremble. Still, he couldn't care. All of his focus was allotted to something human, something that's stubborn to the core, and sly to the fullest. But he would be much willing to bath in whatever the person would give him.

He was always thirsty for him, for whatever Tsukishima place on his plate. He always crave for his poisonous promises, his honeyed spittery but he's always so far away. He should've known. Kageyama knew he should've been used to it by now, but sadly he can't.

How many lives has it been? He's not sure. Kageyama already lost count. It's always like this between the blond, him, and the freckled boy, always---always running for and being chased into an endless track, especially with their other lives.

It was naive of him to believe that he'll finally be with the blond. Come to think of it, when did they even have their happy ending? He became a matchmaker to feel what's love like, but never to grasp it. And it hurts.

It hurts. Fate always play them good. She always give them happy ending, then a tragic one, then another happy ending, then another downfall. It's frustrating, how they always find each other, always... Always... Until both had grown afraid of being with each other.

Run faster! He willed himself but his frantic efforts of chasing still after the blond slowly died down. And whether it is his own screams or just another gust of wind that he hears, or his own tears that flood his face, or the raining pouring down that he feels----he doesn't care. He just wanted the blond, yet Fate refused him.

Now he'll see once again how the two destined hearts unite infront of the altar, marking the yet another chase to its end.

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