Chapter 15

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[A/N]: Another update for today! Woop woop! Well... not much to say in this authors note xD Alright! Moving on!

[Louis' P.O.V]

Falling asleep hadn't been easy, but I managed to pass out on the couch again after eating toast for supper. The moment I woke up, I sat up and checked the time on my phone. 8:45AM, along with about five text messages from Liam asking if I was alright. I shot him back a text assuring that I was alright, and that I'd be over to visit him after lunch. After lunch. I'd have Harry and Niall back after lunch. In fact, I'd have Harry and Niall back in less than four hours. If all went well, the next time I sat on the couch, I'd have Harry worming his way against my side.

I bounded to my feet and raced into the kitchen, checking the drawer I'd placed the check in and making sure it was still tucked safely inside. Now I only had to find a way to kill time until I could go get back the kitten boy and Niall. I made a bowl of cereal, reminding myself that Harry would be back soon when I remembered that there wasn't a curly head poking over my shoulder and telling me that the box was a rectangle. Much to my dismay, by the time I'd finished my cereal and washed my bowl and spoon, it was only 9:15AM.

I slumped back down at the kitchen table, glaring at the clock on my oven. Was jumping forward about three hours too much to ask for? Eventually I decided I'd take a shower to pass the time, and tried to shower for as long as I possibly could. Once I had showered, brushed my teeth, and put on a pair of black sweats, a grey t-shirt, and a green jumper, it was 10:30AM. I had less than two hours to go.

I swept the kitchen floor, wiped down the kitchen counter, and I even pulled some clean bowls down from the cabinets to wash them just so I'd have something to do. Finally, it was 11:30AM, and I quickly put on my shoes, put on my coat, and safely stuck the check into my coat pocket. I grabbed my keys from their designated drawer and dashed excitedly from my flat. As I drove to the parking lot Dr. Shell and I were supposed to meet in, I managed to get stuck in traffic. Finally, at 11:55AM, I pulled into the parking lot. Much to my dismay, it was empty.

It's not noon yet, I reminded myself. I parked my car, turned off the ignition, and unbuckled myself to wait. When the clock hit 12:05PM, panic started forming in my throat. Dr. Shell had said noon, and it was five minutes past and assuming he had a van, there was no van to be seen. It was reaching the point where I was about to get out of my car and start beating things, when a grey van pulled into the parking lot at 12:18PM.

I scrambled from my car and stood next to it hesitantly. Dr. Shell climbed out of the drivers side and strolled nonchalantly towards me, "Afternoon!"

I strode to meet him halfway, "I have your money, so where are they?"

"In the van," Dr. Shell examined me. "Where's my money?"

"In my pocket," I replied just as snappily.

"Show me it," he smirked.

"Show me Harry and Niall first," I crossed my arms.

"This deal isn't going to work very well if you aren't negotiating to my standards," Dr. Shell pursed his lips.

I pulled the check from my pocket in frustration, "Look! Your money is right here! Now show me Niall and Harry."

"A check?" Dr. Shell said skeptically. "How do I know that check will work? Maybe I should call off the deal..."

"No!" I gasped frantically shoving the check at him. "It should work! I promise it should work!"

Dr. Shell stared at the slip of paper in my hands before plucking it out of them with a shrug, "Follow me."

Uniquely Perfect - Larry Stylinson AU Kitten!Harry (with a bit of Niam) {Book1}Where stories live. Discover now