Chapter 2

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"My Dear, how would you like to join me tonight?" he asked with a sly smile. Under his intense gaze you couldn't move, let alone speak. What were you going to do? If you refused him he would, more than likely, lash out and take you anyway... There was no way out of this situation. You could do nothing to stop what was coming... Your eyes widened when the gravity of your predicament hit you. There was no escape. No hope... No saviour... Nothing...
... Oh God... No...

Loki had ordered The Teacher to escort you to his chambers while he attended to other business. You weren't that fond of being around The Teacher, he was far larger and taller than you, and had a nasty temperament to match. His small, beady grey eyes always caused a nervous knot to form in your stomach every time you saw them. To put it simply, you hated the man. You hated him, not just because of what he did to you, but because of his... everything. You forced down your irritation, choosing not to look directly at him and instead allowed your eyes to wander over your surroundings.

You had never seen the higher levels of Star Tower before, you had only ever been taken down to the 'dungeon' for training sessions... You knew the tower once belonged to Tony Stark, Billionaire, Playboy, Philanthropist, but you never imagined just how lavish it was. The hallways were so wide that you could probably fit seven people across it, and so long that it felt like you walking down a never-ending path. You had passed several large areas that were probably used as lounge rooms, bars or general meeting areas. It was needless to say that since then they had been dismantled and replaced with... well... nothing... A few Chitauri were gathered in the corners, speaking a language you didn't know while other areas were filled with the girls who were 'lucky' enough to 'graduate'. You suppressed a sigh as your (e/c) eyes scanned the pristinely white walls. There were a few colourful abstract paintings still hanging along the walls, the others had either been removed, torn or broken. There were also several closed, probably locked, doors along the hall. You were pretty sure they were used for one of two things, meetings and strategy, or as make-shift bedrooms for Loki's followers. You weren't sure what part of your brain took over to make you do such a thing, but you stopped at one of the doors and peered into the crack of the door.

It wasn't what you had imagined in the slightest. There were prison cells occupying the length of each wall in the long room. They stretched so far that you lost sight of the end, and, the fact that over half of the lights in the prison room were dead or continuously flickering on and off didn't help your vision at all. Despite the voice in your head telling you to turn around and continue to follow The Teacher, you just couldn't... something was drawing you to the room. Your hand reached forward and pushed the door open a little more. The hinges creaked softly, causing you to jump back, but you weren't quick enough. The Teachers large hand wrapped tightly around your neck as he threw you against the wall opposite to the door with such a great force that all of the wind was knocked straight out of you. A guard from the room of cells sprung up and quickly rushed outside when choked sobs escaped your throat.
"What do you think you were doing?!" The Teacher growled, tightening his hold on your throat. Searing, fiery pain surged through your chest as your lungs struggled for breath.
"Let her go!" a man's voice called from the room. You wrestled against the weight and force being put on you to look for the source of the voice. You forced your eyes to focus as a man with dirty blonde hair and stunningly blue eyes came into view. Was that... Thor? Or was it Captain America? Suddenly emptiness split your stomach in two. If either of them were here, it meant that the other Avengers probably prisoners as well...
"Eyes here!" the Teacher bellowed, taking your chin in his free hand and forcing you to look at him. The hopeless darkness was replaced with disgust and hatred, and, forgetting everything that had been drilled into you over the past three weeks, you began clawing at The Teacher's large arm and wrist.

He sharply yanked his arm away when one of your nails sunk deeply into his skin, sending crimson blood splattering across both of you and the floor. You fell to the floor in a heap, as The Teacher attempted to stop the blood spurting uncontrollably from his wound. Fresh, cold air reached your lungs, and soothed the pain slightly, though you were so dazed that the pain was barely registering anymore. Why would you do such a thing? Why did you fight back?! That was literally the first thing they taught! The Teacher wouldn't forgive- a now blood soaked hand grabbed your throat and forced you harshly to lie on the floor. You were sure you heard you skull crack against the hard, concrete floor. Either that, or it was another bone in your body being broken, your mind was filled with nothing but adrenaline and survival instincts which made determining your injuries a feat you couldn't quite manage at the time.

Having The Teacher in a dominating stance above you wasn't new experience for you at all, but there was something different. In a controlled situation he could control his temper, but now? Now you had pissed him off, badly.
"S-Sir?" the guard asked nervously.
"Stay out of this." He barked back while moving to kneel down beside you. You squirmed beneath The Teacher's grip, trying to escape, but you were losing energy and focus quickly. Breathe... Just breathe! The fire in your lungs returned with a vengeance, causing loud gasping sobs to form in your throat. "Listen here-," his menacing tone stopped, and was replaced with... nothing... You squinted in an attempt to see the reason for his sudden delay in verbal abuse.
"My, my..." That voice... was that... "Have I not warned you before about touching my toys?" you (e/c) eyes drifted to Loki, who was, rather casually, walking down the hallway towards the both of you. You felt The Teachers hands trembling slightly against your skin. Was Loki so terrifying that a man as large as The Teacher was scared so easily? Just before Loki was able to reach the two of you, The Teacher removed himself from you, allowing air to fill your lungs. The Teacher began to back away, but your vision turned black just before you could witness what Loki had chosen to do to him, if anything. The last thing that filled your mind was a small voice... it said you were surely going to be discarded after this incident... Could it be right? Would Loki see you uselessness and disrespect and throw you away...? If he could, then why chose you in the beginning? Even behind closed eyes, you mind didn't stop, and just served as a means to terrify you all the more...

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