Chapter 4

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What did you expect really? Did you expect him to hug and admit his love to you after one night together? Get real... There were dozens of girls he had spent several nights with who he treated far better than you... you here nothing more than a means for release to him. Nothing more than a whore... You knew it, as did he. You stood on shaky legs, a painful tingling emerged in your lower regions. You gathered the white robe from the floor and turned to Loki,
"You may keep the robe," he said coldly, turning away from you and pulling the sheets over his body. The lights went out at that moment.
"Thank you... Loki..." you murmured before turning to leave.

Loki's POV

Five days passed... Four days had passed since he was last able to relieve his pent up stress... Two days had passed since the sleepless nights had begun... Five days had passed since (Name) had first entered his bed.

He hated it. Never before had a toy had such a profound impact on him... No matter how hard he tried, he could no longer become aroused with any of the other slutty women he was left with. More often than not it resulted in the whores being battered and bruised... It wasn't so much the beatings that sat ill with him, more his lack of interest in any other woman. It had even resulted in outbursts towards some of his closest and well-trusted advisors.

He sighed irritably. How could that woman, (Name), have such an effect on him? He shut his eyes and remembered back to that night. What had he found to appealing about her? Was it her smart-ass attitude? Her independent mind, which, on more than one occasion caused her to forget her manners? Or was it simply her feminine and genuine moans? That was one of the things he found unappealing about many of the women; the over acted, over exaggerated moans... It was pitiful... The way she spoke his name suddenly rang in his mind. "Loki... Loki..." He breathed in deeply, the memory of her scent lingered in the air around him, even though it should have dissipated long ago; as well as the feeling of her smooth, soft flesh beneath him... Just at the mere memory of her he found himself becoming excited, which only served to irritate him more.

Five days... (Name) had just had the last few days to 'recover'. An irritating necessity in Loki's eyes; had Midgardian's not been so fragile, he would have had her the very next night... Putting his own emotions aside, Loki knew she would be starting the intense part of her training... A sly smirk pulled at the corners of his lips. Perhaps he would pay the lesson a visit... even if she was still in a group of newbies, at the very least he would find interest in (Name)'s reactions and beautiful screaming voice. The mental images of her calling his name over and over again caused his smirk to turn into a full blown grin. Yes. That sounded delightful.

Your POV

After your night with Loki, you were allowed a few days' rest, which you were more than grateful for. However, in that time you noticed The Teacher's mood towards you had become increasingly hostile. You managed to survive one monster only to be thrown to another...

You lazily opened your eyes. Another morning of what you had become accustomed to... In ten or so minutes, you would be removed from your bed, taken to a communal shower, allowed eat a sub-par meal, and then onto training... You sighed and rolled over. You could hear a few of the other girls chattering; apparently they were already awake, and gossiping by the sounds of it.
"Did you hear? 260483A was beaten so badly that she had to be removed immediately." One said. The other two girls gasped quietly,
"Another one already?" the second asked no one in particular.
"Yeah... Ever since that night with (DD/MM/YY)A, he's been in a really bad mood..." the first one spoke again. You tried not to laugh at the 'name' you were given. Absentmindedly your finger trailed over the barcode tattoo. That was where your name had come from... It was nothing more than your birthday, but that didn't make it feel any closer to home... In fact it made anyone who called you by those numbers appear cold and uncaring. Your mind snapped back to reality when the three started talking again,
"Do you think she did something? I mean... she's missed a few of the group lessons since then... And The Teacher is treating her weirdly..." the third one finally spoke up. You rolled your eyes. Even being in one of the darkest situations on earth wouldn't stop girls from bitching about each other... So much for humanity banding together to rise against a common enemy...

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