Wasting Away Just for the Craving

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Surprisingly, the lectures never came.

I just got the disapproving look and knew Ricky was beyond mad at me.


The car ride was silent like usual, but by the way Ricky was driving you could tell he was mad.

Thankfully, we got back home safe and he managed not to crash the car.

I got out and made my way to the apartment.

When I opened the door, Ange, Piper and Balz were still awake and talking on the couch.

"Hey Abby! Can I borrow clothes?" Piper asked while jumping up from the couch.

"Yeah, come on." I gestured to my friend to follow me to the bedroom. I went over to the dresser and opened a drawer. "Just normal PJ's?" I asked.

She nodded her head.

I dug out a shirt and some pants and handed them to her.

"Where are you sleeping?" I asked her.

She started turning red. "Balz's room."

I smirked just as another voice came in the room. "Awe, does Balz have a new fuck buddy?" Ricky asked while taking off his coat.

I looked over to my dickhead fiancee. "Ricky don't be rude."

He shrugged his shoulders. "I wasn't."

I rolled my eyes and turned to Piper. "Sorry, ignore him."

She gave a small smile. "It's okay. Goodnight Abby." She said while leaving the room.

She shut the door behind her and I turned to Ricky.

"You can't even be nice to my friends?" I asked.

"Didn't think I was being mean."

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever, Ricky." I said while grabbing clothes for myself and going out to the bathroom to change.

I got changed, brushed my teeth and then made my back to the bedroom. Ricky was already laying on the bed playing with Kitty who was awake.

"You really like Kitty." I said while crawling onto my side of the bed.

"I'm a cat person." He said emotionless as he pet Kitty's head. He then took the small kitten and placed him in between our pillows so that we wouldn't crush him while sleeping.

I rolled over, and it did take me a while, but I fell asleep.


"Abby get up. We're taking Piper to school and Balz and Ange are coming with us to Crystal's today." Ricky said bright and early the next morning.

I groaned and opened my eyes to see Ricky holding Kitty in the doorway.

"Why do we have to go today?" I mumbled.

"Final details." He said before leaving the room.

I sighed and then got out of the bed while stretching.

I went over to the dresser to pull out my clothes. I put on a pair of black leggings, a black tank top and a long beige cardigan over top.

I grabbed the hairbrush that was sitting on top of the dresser and ran it though my hair a couple of times before leaving for the bathroom.

The door was closed to the bathroom so I knocked on it twice.

"Who is it?" Piper called through.

"Abby." I said with a shaky voice since I was still half asleep.

A moment later the door unlocked and my best friend let me inside the bathroom.

Surviving Ricky (A Ricky Horror/ MIW fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now