Our wedding day 🤵🏻🤵🏼

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Atsushi POV

It's been almost 3 months since Aku proposed to me. A lot of things where going on. We had to prepare everything for our wedding day. Like the guest list, the place it will take place at, the food, making sure that Dazai-San would try killing himself. I was really nervous, it's really hard for us, in Japan we can't marry, so we have to go to Canada or America. We don't want it to be one of those fancy weddings, well I don't really want a fancy wedding since it's really expensive, but Aku insisted, I don't want to fight him so I went with his way. He was really happy, I like when he smiles like that, it's really cute.
We invited a lot of people, I was really worried about the cost of this all. But since Aku is working at the Port Mafia he gets paid a lot, like really a lot. Our wedding day was coming closer and closer, I was supper nervous, what is something goes wrong, what is someone doesn't except our marriage what then? I asked my self.
"Hay Atsushi what's wrong?" Aku asked me with a ventral voice.
"Oh it's nothing!" I lied
"I know that you are hiding something, please tell me. There should be to secrets between us." He said sitting next to me and hugging me.
"Im really nervous" I whispered, "What if someone doesn't except our marriage? Or something goes wrong? I'm scared Ryu" I teared up. Aku hugged me even tighter, "I am nervous too, but we are both here for each other" he cheered me up.
I started to cry even more. I will spend rest of my life with the man I love. I am so happy and nervous. Will our life change after the wedding, or will it stay the same? I don't know, but one thing I know is that I will be happy with my husband.
3rd POV
When Atsushi and Akutagawa landed in Canada they were shocked on how big the city was. They both grew up in small villages, and Yokohama is not that fancy at all  compare to Vancouver.  The couldn't stop looking up, the skyscrapers were so big that they even got lost trying to get to  there hotel. The hotel that they started was even more fancier, even tho aku was the one who picked the room he did not expect the place to THAT fancy.
Atsushi's eyes started to sparkle "This is amazing!!!" He shouted out, tiger boy never saw such a place, he grew in a poor orphanage that abused him, so he never grew what glory and fancy is, until now.
He looked around he room that had a big kitchen, a huge bed, a huge bathroom with a bathtub, a nice view on the city, and everything was brandy new.
"WOOOOOOOW! This is amazing!! I never know such a place existed" he jumped around. Akutagawa just chuckled, he thought it was cute on how excited Atsushi is.
"Hay now, sushi boy, calm down, it's late let's get some sleep" Aku said stoping Atsushi.
"Hay doesn't call me a sushi boy" Atsushi looked at him it's anger, but it was a cute one. The face that he made was just so adorable that Aku could help but blush. "Let's go to bed, it's late already." Aku said covering his fave and going to the bathroom to take a bath.
"Hay aku..." Atsushi begin to talk.
"What is it?"Aku asked with a soft voice.
"Can I join you " he whispered blushing and looking down at the floor. "I mean like we are getting married soon sooo I thought it would be okay... you know."
Akutagawa flushed with red, he looked down at the floor and said " sure..."
Atsushi looked so happy and exited. Akutagawa was a little embarrassed, but Atsushi is his future husband so he has to get used to this.

When they got into the bathtub Akutagawa saw Atsushi's scars from all of the abuse that he received when he was at the orphanage. He never saw them before since Atsushi was always hiding them. He soft touched the burned scars.
" KwbhbaIqnNJINXDONSIUJnx!!!! What are you doing?!?!" Atsushi yelled out out of shock.
"Oh sorry did that hurt?" Aku asked wirried about the tiger baby boy.
" No, it's just that I was supposedthat you touched me like that." He blushed covering his face.
"I'm sorry" Akutagawa plobed his head on Atsushi's shoulder that saw sitting I front of him with bphis back facing him.
"What are you apologizing for" Atsushi asked. Is everything okay with him, I hope everything is okay. He thought to himself.
"It's just that you back.... it looks painful" he said hugged Atsushi.
"Hay careful, don't spill the water.l Atsushi scolded aku a little "I was painful...but that in the past." Atsushi looked at Akutagawa and smiled "I'm with you now, and will be forever."
Atsushi turned to face Akutagawa sand gave him the sweet smile that is ever existed in this world. Akutagawa blushed again and smiled back.
"You know what"
"What is it aku?"
"You are really cute" Aku said looking like a ball of sunshine to Atsushi.
Atsushi blushed "R-really?
"Yeah" Aku responded with a soft voice and hugged Atsushi really tight. He hugged him back.
After a long hug, Akutagawa gave Atsushi a sweet kiss on the lips. He smiled at him and said. "Tomorrow you will be all mine"
"Yes Ryu, I will, I will" Atsushi smiled.

🔅The next morning🔅
They both woke up early cause they had to prepare for their special day. Akutagawa started to dress up and helping sleepy Atsushi. Atsushi what's a morning person, so he had a hard time waking up.
"Come on Atsushi we have to get ready or we will be late" Akutagawa said to Atsushi trying to wake him up fully.
" okay, I'm up, I'm up." Atsushi got up and dress up too.
After dressing up in there usually outfits they ate some tea on rice (or rice on tea idk) and when to the location that they had to meat everyone that was invited.
Atsushi looked really nervous, I have a feeling that something is going to go wrong. He thought to himself before getting in to the cab. Akutagawa noticed and took Atsushi's hand and whispered "Everything will be okay, I am here and will be here for ever from now on"
"Where would you like to go, sir?" The female driver asked.
"Oh, here" Akutagawa said as he send the location to the driver.
"Okay, sir" she responded
Her voice sound really familiar... who is she. Atsushi thought.

I almost reached 1k 😀
Thank you all 😭😭😭😭😭😭 I am literally crying,
I hope you like this chapter,
Thank you all ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Word count: 1145

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