Chapter 8: BLAME

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Zhang Qi Ling had spent the last four years studiously ignoring Wu Xie. Well, to the best of his ability. Wu Xie called to him constantly. It hurts, like stubbornly walking on a broken leg, but Zhang Qi Ling learned to recognize the degree in severity of Wu Xie's Calls.

When he was a baby, before Zhang Qi Ling even realized that it was Wu Xei, the little boy would Call Zhang Qi Ling just to see him. 'I found a flower!' and 'Lookie! I made a stinky!' Those Calls were like warm tingles along his spine and suddenly he'd find himself in Wu Xie's preschool or in the backseat of Wu Yi Qiong's car while Wu Xie sang an emotional rendition of 'Itsy Bitsy Spider' to his father.

Zhang Qi Ling had learned to brush those off. He would take a deep breath and tell himself that Wu Xie was fine and didn't even understand that he was Calling and therefore wouldn't miss him when he didn't come.

Then there were the more urgent Calls. Like an incessant ringing in his brain. Zhang Qi Ling would appear on his mountaintop and wait them out, the howling winds mimicking his heart while Wu Xie suffered. He knew that Wu Xie wasn't in real danger but even the idea of Wu Xie scared or mildly hurt tore at Zhang Qi Ling's heart.

He began to wonder if he was Wu Xie's God of Guardian... what else could it be? And yet he still stayed away.

In the past weeks, Wu Xie's Calls were nearly debilitating in their urgency. Yanking at Zhang Qi Ling's insides until the god was forced to bring his hand to his chest to ensure himself there wasn't a gaping hole where his heart should be.

And today, he blamed this drumming pain echoing in his chest for the fact that he didn't read the next name of his list before appearing in the hospital room. He blamed the blinding flashes of light that drove white hot pokers behind his eyes for the fact he didn't recognize the white-haired old man. He blamed the frantic and deafening cries that rang in his ears for the fact that he didn't notice the door of the hospital room open behind him.

But it shouldn't have mattered. Because no one should be able to see the God of Death. And for that...

"Y-you..." Zhang Qi Ling's head snapped around as Grandpa Wu's heart beat for the last time and he jerked his hand away.

Brown eyes bright with tears and confusion met his own. "You killed him."

... Zhang Qi Ling blamed No one but himself.

To be continued...

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