Decision to be taken

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Simran POV

But since, you have admitted your mistakes; you tell me how I shall punish you if you want me to punish you.

I stared at him in disbelief. Is he in real asking me to decide my own punishment? Really? I thought. No. He has given me a choice or whether I should be punished then how or no punishment. God! This is so difficult. I look at Sameer bhaiya. He is in shock too.. I look at him for directions but he just shrugs his shoulders.

Someone help me.

Abeer Bhaiya has not said a word after that. He went to keep all his unpacked things in cupboard and shelf. But I am confused. What shall I do?

Later I just heard a whisper in my ear. "Listen to your conscience". Yes, that was my Sameer bro. Okay! One of my lessons, listen to your conscience. What is it saying? Punishment or no punishment!

I did something wrong, very wrong. I broke my brother's trust. I did something which forced my very cool and calm brother to punish me. Maybe what I did is extreme.
I have hurt them. With that my tears started flooding. I tried very hard to control them.

I know what to do. I said nothing I just disappeared to my room.

Abeer POV

Simi suddenly started crying. She tried to control but I know she can't control them when it starts. My heart wanted to cuddle her. But no, she has some lessons to learn. I can't be soft on her now. She has to make a decision. Suddenly she makes a I know face and disappears from my room.

"Simi" Sameer calls out.

"Let her be Sam" I tell Sameer calmly with a trust me look.

After 10 mins she comes back with her ipad, smartphone, chocolate box and her teddy without which she can't stay for a day.

She handles all that to me. Sameer and I look at each other.

What is happening? I thought

"You can take all these things for 2 weeks or more if you want." She says calmly.

"Are you serious?" I ask her.

She nods.

"This is my punishment". She says.

I smile and look at all those things. She can't stay without chocolate, iPad, and her teddy for a day. And she happily handled all those things to me considering that as her punishment.

What do I say? I am proud of her. We have raised her right. She started taking action for her responsibility.

Sameer puts a hand on her shoulder and pulls her into his arms. With then he kisses her head. And says, "I am proud of you". With that she pulls back looks at him and smiles and hugs him back.

Okay. Now it's my turn. My decision!

"Simi come here baby." They pull apart and she comes to me.

I sit on the bed and take her in my lap. Sameer giggles a little.

I ignore him.

I say to her "I am proud of you". And I kiss her head.

She smiles and puts her head in my chest and cuddles with me.

"I will take all those things for 2 weeks." She nods her head. "But before that, I want to know" I put her on her feet and ask "why were you, and are you getting punished? "

"Because I bunked my class, I didn't give my exam, I lied to all of you and broke all of your trust" She looks down saying that.

I smile and take her back in their lap and cuddle with her. Sameer also sits in bed with us and hugs us. 

God, I hope she behaves herself for the rest of the time. 

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