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First of all: thank you so much for (almost) 100 views! I know it's not that much but for me it means the world that people are really interested in this story! I'm trying to update as fast as i can but i also want to make the chapters as good as i can. Well what can i say? Enjoy chapter 2 everybody!


Elin Maye

My days mostly consisted of cleaning vinyl records, sorting music by artist, color coding covers and helping people find their record they're looking for.

I work at the local record store ''The Positive Spin.'' We sell lots of vinyl records, record players, cd's, cassettes, DVD's, you name it.

I met Miles at dance class. We got close right away and he told me that he was planning on starting his own record store. I was looking for a job at that time and luckily for me Miles didn't even hesitate to ask me for his record store. The shop is not that big, so it's just Miles and me.

Miles takes care of making sure that all the vinyl's that people ordered get delivered, he also fills supplies when a certain album or artist runs out. I practically just work with the people who come inside the store. I help them find the artist they're looking for and in between I just clean up the store.

Before I worked here, I came by pretty often to check up on Miles and the record store. I frequently bought some vinyl's as well. One of the things I absolutely adored about it was the scent of incense when I walked in. It gave the shop a nice and cozy feel and it was a memorable shopping experience for me.

Now that I work here, I remember that not everyone appreciates the smell of jasmine and cedarwood. Whenever I meet up with someone after working a night shift, someone always comments; "Elin, you straight up smell like a head shop.''

One of my favorite things about working at this shop is I get to travel through the subgenre waves of Spotify and discover new artists and albums constantly. My personal favorite; the neighborhood.

However, I experience tiny little existential crises when I realize that I'm never going to have the time or energy to learn everything about the music that's been released and continues to be released without a pause. I get over this anxiety once I remember that artists like Justin Bieber exist and I don't need to listen to or know everything.

I have to admit that I have a personal hate against Justin Bieber. When my sister was 11, she made the unfortunate life decision of attending a Justin Bieber concert and in the middle of the set, the Canadian singer threw a red solo cup of beer at my little sister's head.

That being said, people still spend money on his albums and every time they do so, I'm forced to ring them up at the cash register, hide my judgement, smile and say ''Enjoy your new vinyl!''

I really wish I could keep on doing this job, it's comfortable, it's familiar, and it's an okay job.  But if I look around me I see people settle in okay relationships, okay jobs, okay friends and an okay life. Why? Because okay is comfortable. Okay pays the bills, and provides a warm bed at night. Some people are fine with okay, and guess what? That's okay. But okay is not thrilling, it isn't passion, it's not life changing or unforgettable. Okay is not the reason I risk absolutely everything I've got for the smallest chance that something absolutely amazing could happen.

Even though I love this job, I don't see myself working here for the rest of my life. Music is a big passion of mine, that's why I chose this job. But every day is starting to look like the one from yesterday. Everything is the same. I feel like I need a change in my life, some new fresh air.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2021 ⏰

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