Saturday & Sin-Day

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There was some far off rhythmic buzzing - a humming, pulsing sound - that finally roused Harry. Next to him was a warm, but smaller, sleeping body but he wasn't in his bedroom nor Zayn's. He instead found himself in a strange new environment that seemed to be only black and white and was surrounded by avant garde art and oversized windows.

"Hello there handsome," he heard a voice and a dizzying level of contented ecstasy washed over him as he realized last night and this morning had not been a dream. It had not been some cruel trick by the universe. Louis was here, half-asleep by his side, stretching on his immense couch. It was Louis' chest he was resting his head on. Louis' right arm wrapped around him, giving him a quick squeeze.

"Hi," Harry sighed softly, smiling as Louis kissed his forehead, then gently bit the tip of his nose. They were still completely naked, curled around each other on the couch with a DVD menu rotating in silence on the television. "Your phone's ringing in your trousers, I think."

"Don't care. I'm sure my management is freaking out right now but that can be dealt with on Monday."

From outside the windows, he could see the sun was setting; gray December clouds moving in over London.

"What time is it?" He asked, stretching, and Louis glanced toward his cable box.

"Looks like almost six," he chuckled.

"Fuck, are you serious?" Harry questioned and Louis replied with an almost proud nod. "We slept for six hours?"

"I mean, we were up really late and hardly went to bed. Makes sense. Plus we needed it." The two said nothing for a brief moment, allowing themselves to just savor the feeling of being back together, Louis rubbing his thumb on the outside of Harry's arm. "Plus, I don't think I've slept that peacefully in years. You hungry?"

"Ohmigod I am starving," Harry couldn't respond fast enough, his heart inflating at the sight of Louis' endeared smile. He wanted to kiss him so bad it almost hurt, but he was also sweaty and sticky and they both smelled a bit like latex. "I'm also in desperate need of a shower."

"Well tell ya what," Louis landed a quick smack on Harry's backside from above the thick blanket, "why don't you go grab a shower and I'll order dinner. Pizza or Chinese?"

"Geez, I haven't had Chinese in forever."

"Well what would you want?"

It was stirring, how fast they sank into the simplicity of couplehood, Harry talking aloud as Louis seemed content to just stare at him, drawing small invisible doodles on his arm as he thought.

"I guess maybe chicken with mushrooms. Ooh or if they have sweet and sour chicken or orange chicken, that would work, too. I like teriyaki but my stomach does NOT and-"

"Do you want to move in with me?" Louis interrupted. Harry's words were suddenly locked in his throat as he whipped his head to gape at him.


"Live here. With me and Deacon." The room was bereft of any air as he struggled for any words. He wanted to. More than anything. Wake up with Louis. Make him breakfast. Put SOME pops of color in the room. They'd watch romantic comedies even though Louis probably still hated them. He could make dinner and clean up while Louis gave Deacon a bath and they'd put him to bed together before retiring themselves. They'd have sex and one would tell the other to try and be quiet so they wouldn't wake up the toddler.

But there were other... problems he would have to deal with.

"I... I can't."

"Oh." Louis was never as good at masking his feelings as he thought. Harry was certain that his boyfriend thought he was hiding his hurt and disappointment as he shrugged. "Yeah, it's kind of fast. I get it. I mean, we just got back together and.... Ya know what? Just forget I asked."

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