Mick Schumacher - Worth the wait

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Looking through the closet Y/N really didn't know what she should put on for the day that was comfortable but at the same time would look good. Usually she wouldn't really care about looks and fashion if she wanted to dress comfy, but knowing how many cameras and photographers will be there during the day, she felt like it was a must this time. All the fans looked at those photos before or after the races, her being one of them as on several occasions those were the only way for her to see Mick other than during their FaceTime calls. However, this time she would be on them too, and even though she promised herself it wouldn't matter, in the end it wasn't that easy to get over. She did care about what the fans will think about her, although less than what Mick's crew members and team members will. That was probably the most nerve wracking part of the weekend. Y/N already met some of them as she attended the first practice session on friday, but staying in the background and not even entering the garage meant she stayed a stranger to them until today.

" You can take something from mine if you would like. " She heard from behind him and turning her head towards the voice she could see Mick getting ready just a few meters away from her. " I have some team stuff too, if you need anything. " He added, pointing at the suitcase that was still half full with black-red Haas branded shirts and sweaters. Y/N's anxiety was quite visible on her face, and he knew wearing his shirts sometimes helped calm her down somehow.

" Maybe. I don't know... " Y/N let out a sigh, debating if her wearing his things would bring positive or negative feedback. In the end she just took one of her favourite shirts of his, pushing every thought back as she pulled the material over her head, tucking it into her jeans a little. When she stepped out of the closet Mick was ready too, sitting on the bed and waiting for her. " Ready! " She added when he looked up at her and with a nod got up from the bed.

As it was a home GP for Mick they were able to stay in his home rather than a hotel room and start the day from there. It wasn't a long drive from the apartment to the circuit, giving Y/N just around 20 minutes to prepare herself mentally for the day. Luckily it wasn't her driving and she could just watch the trees and houses go by as they passed them on the way. She knew everything felt strange because it was just her first time attending a race, and that hopefully if there was going to be a next time, it would be a bit calmer. She didn't know how people will act towards her, but after getting through the first meetings it will be easier to be around them. It was usually just the first impressions that made her so anxious.

" They're going to love you, don't worry about it. " They were just turning off the road towards the private parking lot of the circuit when Y/N started bouncing her knee a little bit and Mick could see it from the corner of his eye. " I would be really surprised if there would be anyone who doesn't like you by the end of the day. " He chuckled, looking to his right when the car was parked and with one last squeeze to her hand, they both got out of the vehicle.

' Just don't jinx it. ' Y/N let out a sigh, taking her backpack out before stepping right next to Mick as she didn't know where they had to go first. He shared the schedule with her, but it was a bit too much information all together, and she couldn't really remember everything that was on the papers. Knowing that she will be either next to Mick or someone else from the team during the whole day was enough for her.

Getting to the entrance they both let themselves in with their passes, Y/N needing a bit of help from him initially, and as they were walking down the paddock Mick took her hand in his. Just seconds later she spotted a few photographers turning their way, but somehow she didn't care about them. She never really cared about being photographed until it was done by official photographers and not just jealous fans or paparazzi on the streets. She wanted her private life out of the media, keeping all her social media pages private and only posting for her friends and family. Y/N did rarely appear on Mick's posts or stories, but he was observant of her choices and made sure she was always okay with whatever he wanted to put out. This one time she was even looking forward to the photos taken of them, but would never admit it to anyone. She may have even smiled at a few of them when they passed their booth before entering the Haas hospitality.

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