George Russell - Teddy Bear

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Using the pass that Sara, one of the people behind the team's christmas project, gave me a few days ago I entered the paddocks and immediately went to the Williams' motorhome so i could meet up with her. After last season this one was a lot calmer, making it possible for me to travel with George to most of his races. I didn't meet him yet after flying back home for the past two weeks and as I was planning a surprise for him it wasn't a possibility to get my usual pass for the circuit from him. Luckily his media team was in on the secret and could get one for today that I could use before George would give me the other one tonight.

„ Hello! " I quickly greeted everyone when I stepped into their office and Sara stood up as soon as she saw me. „ Hope I'm not too early. " I let out a sigh as we exited the room and I followed him inside another one that already had the cameras and presents set up.

„ No, you're perfectly timed. They just left for the track walk so we at least have time before they would get back. " She shook her head with a smile, closing the door behind me.

„ Even if he sees me here, he won't know what's happening. " I shrugged a little, chuckling as I took my bag off my shoulder so I could open it. „ I don't have it wrapped yet. We had like two papers at home and I knew he would recognize them. " I got the plushie out from the bottom of my bag finally, fixing his little shirt.

„ That's okay. I still have to wrap some, one more won't break me. " She shrugged with a smile, taking the teddy from my hand and placing it on the table next to the papers.

„ I can help if me staying isn't a problem. " I offered, taking a seat across from her when she handed me a roll of wrapping paper. I took it as her accepting my idea and I was happy to help, so we can be ready quicker.

It didn't take long for us to finish up the task and I was just putting the last piece of tape onto my gift when we heard the guys arriving. The only things I knew it about was hearing George's voice, and I panicked for a moment. By reflex I hid the green papered present at the bottom of the pile, even though I knew he wouldn't be able to see inside of it. It was seconds after I got up from the chair when the door to the room opened and George's head popped inside. He was just about to greet Sara when he saw me and could not stay outside. Seconds later he was next to me, with his arms around my body and I let out a laugh as I hugged him back.

„ Thought you wouldn't get here until the evening... " He looked at me curiously when he could finally let go of me a little. „ Not like I'm complaining, you just surprised me. " He added, chuckling and I didn't even know how much my ears missed that sound, until now.

„ Yeah, that was the plan. I finished up yesterday and caught an earlier plane here. " I shrugged a little, grinning up at him when we let go of eachother. That's when I realised how hard it will be to keep the secret to myself for the next day, until they're gonna finally film the unwrapping.

~ ° ~

As Christmas time and the end of the year was getting closer all the F1 teams made sure they had enough content before the holidays would fully start. At Williams they already got the guys to film a little present opening video, where they had to get a stocking together for their teammate. Just when they gave the fans a sneak peak, they got another idea and let some of the fans send in little things for their drivers to open up. It was of course quite monitored, and they checked everything before it would get into the video as a present to either George or Nicky. I would have attended the filming anyways, as I always did when I was at the race circuit with them at the time, but then I realised it would be the perfect opportunity to surprise George with what I have been hiding from him for the last two weeks or so.

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