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"kyung, i'm sorry but i can't come see you today" sooah said into her phone as she crossed at a crossing
"ah it's okay, why?" kyung asked with sadness in his voice
"it's one of my best friend's birthday" she replied as she entered a store
"ah okay, happy birthday to them then" kyung said
"i PROMISE i'll come tomorrow" sooah said emphasising the promise
"it's okay" kyung said
"bye then" kyung said and hung up the phone.
sooah had entered a party suply store and now she needs to get everything set up but she can't on her own, so she called for backup
"you took long enough" sooah said as minho entered the store
"sorry" he said and walked over to sooah
"i need to text jiho to do something with jihoon so we can set everything up" sooah said as she pulled out her phone and sent a text to her older brother
"he said okay" she said as her phone buzzed
"right whats your plan" minho said as sooah stuck her phone in her pocket
"right so we got him a gift of a watch because hes wanted one for a while and i want to get him a cake, and set fireworks and set up a party so i need to go to the grocery store too" sooah said
"you do realise we need someone over 20 to buy fireworks" minho replied confused
"yep and thats why hes here" sooah said as she pointed to an out of breath jiseok who just walked through the door
"did you run here?" sooah asked
"no i drove" he replied as he put his hands on his knees and caught his breath
"why are you so out of breath then?" sooah asked
"i actually don't know" jiseok replied
"idiot" she said as she grabbed a basket and started walking around the store
"jiseok you have a job youre paying" sooah said as she put things in her basket
"fine" jiseok replied as he and minho walked over to sooah.

after a solid 20 minutes in the party suply store they we're done and were walking back to jiseok's car
"where now boss" jiseok said as he sat in the drivers seat
"the supermarket" sooah said as she ushered minho in the back of jiseok's car, then she got in herself, the trio put their seatbelts on and were on their way to the supermarket.

"i actually wrote a list of what i want" sooah said as she pulled her bag around to the front of her body
"of course you did" minho muttered
"i heard that" she said and smacked him
"rude" minho said
"no thats you" she said pulling a piece of paper out of her bag
"here" she said holding it up
"lets go" jiseok said as he grabbed a basket and started to walk around.

"minho i never asked him what did you get jihoon for his birthday?" sooah asked staring at the many cakes which were on display
"i have a 2ne1 album in my bag for him" he said whilst grabbing some cookies off of the shelf for the party
"ahh you know how much he loves dara" sooah replied
"hi sir i'll take that cake" sooah said pointing to a red velvet cake
"thank you" she said as she was handed the cake box
"are you done?" jiseok asked
"yep lets go pay" sooah said nodding and the trio walked over to the checkout.

"where is he?" sooah asked to jiho over the phone whilst they were on their way home
"you decided the play park was the best place to go" sooah asked confusingly
"you suprise me sometimes woo jiho" sooah said
"we'll be home in about 5 minutes and then give us 10 mins to set up and them SLOWLY walk home" sooah emphasised the word slowly
"whens his parents coming over?" sooah asked
"well theyre gonna be home at 6, and its 5:47 now" sooah said into her phone
"okay see you then" she said and hung up the phone.
"what was that?" jiseok asked not taking his eyes off of the road
"jiho" sooah replied
"thats a who not a what" minho responded
"thank you minho" jiseok sarcastically said
"oh sorry" sooah replied
"jiho's at the play park with jihoon so we have time to set up because you know how much of a child he is and he asked me when's mum and dad going to be home and when are jihoon's parents coming over" sooah replied
"ahh okay" jiseok said and the rest of the car home was silent.

"MINHO I'VE SAID FIVE TIMES NOT THERE, THERE" sooah shouted whilst pointing to a different location within her house
"sorry boss" minho sarcasticly said
"shut up and get to work" sooah replied whilst pinning bunting to the wall
"mum, dad" jiseok shouted and ran over to where mr and mrs woo was stood
"hi mum hi dad" sooah shouted not moving from the ladder she was stood on
"oh my god sooah be careful" mrs woo said rushing over to the ladder to hold it
"minho you've got so big" mr woo said looking up at the boy, who was taller than him
"hehe thank you" minho said
"is your dad coming?, or your mum?" mr woo asked
"my mum is, and for that reason my dad isnt" minho replied, minho's parents divorced 4 years ago and to be honest minho HATES his dad.
"ahhh, thats okay" mr woo said smiling
*knock knock*
"i'll get it" jiseok said running off in the direction of the door
"mr pyo, mrs pyo, miss lee" jiseok said opening the door further for the guests to enter
"mummmm" minho cooed out and ran over to his mother
"minho you're 18 not five" she replied cooing at the child
"still" he said and burried his head into the crook of his mother's neck
"jiho just texted me and they're walking up the street everyone hide" sooah said as she ran to the light switch.
"we're home" jiho said as he opened the door, knowing the suprise on the otherside whereas jihoon was completely oblivious to the situation
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY JIHOON" everyone screamed causing the two boys at the door to flinch
"YEY THANK YOU EVERYONE" jihoon said jumping up and down
"it was all sooah's idea" mrs pyo said
"REALLY?" jihoon shouted with wide eyes
"yup" sooah said whilst posing
"thank you" jihoon said as he ran towards sooah and picked her up in a bone crushing hug
"jihoon...i...can't....breathe" sooah said as she tapped his shoulder
"oh sorry" he said and put her down
"theres a final suprise but you have to wait for it" sooah said, causing the adults to be dumbfounded since only sooah,jiseok,minho and jiho knew about it
"here man its for you" minho said handing the album over to jihoon
"we can tell" minho said whilst tapping his shoulder
"thank you" he said and gave minho a hug.

after everyone had ate and played some party games which jihoon and jiho were the most excited for it was finally time for the suprise,

have you sorted the fireworks out yet?

yep just did them

i thought you were pissing

it's called lying sooah

"sneeky" i said as jiseok walked down the stairs
"how did you get out?" i whispered to him
"windows" he said and winked and walked to the couch
"jihoonieeeee" sooah cooed out as she ran over to her best frien
"the other suprise is ready" she said and stuck her hand out for him to grab which he did and they walked to the back garden, with everyone following of course
"jiseok" sooah called out to her brother who was stood on the other side of the garden with minho, and the fireworks were released into the sky. behind where jihoon and sooah were stood everyone was going "ooh" "aah" in admiration at the colourful fire in the sky. sooah looked up at jihoon's face to find that he was in complete awe at the situation
"you did this for me?" jihoon asked sooah once the display had ended
"yeah i-" sooah said but was cut off by jihoon's lips making contact with her's.

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