12 | be your rock

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♥ talisa ♥

TOUGH. THERE HAD always been something so alluring to me by that word. Strength. Power. Pushing on. When I was younger, a heroic woman used to come to mind.

It was the girl that nobody messed with because they knew she wasn't going to take any of your crap. The one who would easily cut you into two like a soft blade on a string.

Not to be messed with.

Feminine but strong. Rough. And definitely not just here for the pretty things.

And of course, fiercely loyal.

I clenched my hands into tight fists that were trembling with a repetitive jilt, staring at myself in the mirror. My hair was ruined, strewn everywhere with knots as if I'd rolled down a bloody hill.

Screw you, Lexi.

I'd spent too many hours curling it with a ridiculous iron just to impress him and none of it had paid off.

The shit girls do that boys don't even notice.

On my hand, besides the silver dragon ring that I always wore, were three raw red ugly burn marks from my earlier attempts. "This is why I bloody straighten my hair instead of curl."

My eyebrows pulled into a straight line as I thought of how in control and powerful he looked from beginning to end, sculpted as if he were a marble statue fallen from Olympus itself. I played the scene from an hour ago back thought my mind.

'You look beautiful.'

He was like that unreachable monarch that everybody wanted but nobody could reach.

Knitting my eyebrows together, I glanced at my reflection. "Apart from you. You're there, Talisa. He's yours and you're his. He wants you and you want him."

Stop lying to yo-

I gritted my teeth at the thought of Louisa, realising that I never really got an answer. Why the hell was she back?

Pursing my lips, I held them in front of me watching how the long dangerously thin fingers, that I'd been patronised numerous times should be one to grace a violin and not form a fist, shook from side to side in an uncontrollable tremor.

Girl's don't fight, honey.

Why can't she dance like her cousins?

She's diffe-

The shake was with an intensity I'd never had before and I clutched the rim of the white sink in front of me tightly to stop it.

Dammit, I want something to punch. Real bad.

I glanced at the watch around my wrist.

8.48 pm.

The gym shuts at 10. You can still catch an hour.

Before I could think, I left the bathroom that was connected to my room and put on my workout wear, ripping of the bottle green dress with imminent loathing. I never wanted to see that thing again.

Scowling, I pressed it into a tight small ball and threw the four grand worth of fabric in the bin.

It only took fifteen minutes to drive there but it felt like a mere minute with everything going through my mind. The man working at the desk recognised me and let me in without a word. It was a good thing considering I'd left my card in my room in the rush.

The Taste of Silver | Fortune's Fool #2Where stories live. Discover now