conversation 01 | TL | PL

133 11 6

Wednesday 5th June
Unidentified Cupboard


What the hell, Pierre? Your exchange partner is Prince? You never told me your exchange partner was Prince!

Imagine my surprise when you send me your address and it's the same as that arrogant douche.

M-My apologies, I must have forgotten to mention it!

Forgot? You're lying. I should have noticed you were avoiding the question like the plague.

It slipped my mind to bring it up!

Unbelievable. Does he even know I'm here? Prince?




For Christ's sake. What's your game plan? What are you playing at, Pierre?

Nothing! N-Nothing at all!

Oh, please. Yeah, right. Come on, you must have some sort of agenda. Why else would you hide it?

Non, non! Talisa, honestly. It's nothing like that. I just want to be your... friend. I know you don't like Prince so I didn't want that to affect things.

A bit too late for that, isn't it? (inaudible curses)

It's not my fault I was paired with him! I had no say over it all.


Come on! That's not fair. You know, it's not fair!

Nothing's fair in life, Pierre. I don't want to hear it.

Talisa, please. Have I ever done anything out of character?

I hardly know you.

Exactly! And I've heard you're a daredevil so why not take a risk on my friendship?


Oh, for God's sake.

Fine. Whatever. Let's just get out of here. The last thing I want is pretentious Parvais showing up.

Uh, what are those things?

New pills. Got them yesterday. Fresh off the market. Want one?

Hm, I think I might pass.


What? It's true. Anyway. Are you coming or not?

Yes! I mean, yes.

Come on then.

Uh... I just need to change. Can you wait outside the room?

Change? You're literally already in a suit.

Erm, I will be cold.

Just grab a jacket then, you idiot.

Ah, true. Very true. You are a genius, ma sirène.

What did you call me?

Huh? I said, I need to sneeze.

I don't remember you being so weird.

As I was saying, my jacket is in the other room.

Okay. Then you can pick it up on our way out.

Actually... it may be in the kitchen.

Your jacket, which you don't even need, is in the kitchen.

What the fuck's going on? What are you hiding? And why are you stalling?

Nothing! Nothing, Talisa.

Then, hurry the hell up. Pierre, I can't stand being here a minute. Come on.

Yes. Okay.

Yes, let's go.



Whose handbag is that on the floor? The brown one?


Oh! That.

Yes. That. And the phone? On the window sill.

Uh, how should I know? I don't own this house.

Pierre, I don't believe you.

It could be anyone's. Prince's mum? Or girlfriend? Mistress? ... Lover?

Actually, I have an idea. Why not ask Prince himself? He should be home soon anyw-

No. No, it's fine. I literally don't care.

Oh, just hurry up. I've had a shit few days and I don't want to be late tonight. This is gonna be the only highlight of my week.

What do you mean? What happened?

Where do I fucking start?

My partner let me move in with him.

And then proceeded to move the hell out. So know I'm stuck living in a damn flat I don't want to be in, completely alone. Absolute joke.

Can you speak a bit slower? I don't really understand when you speak so-

It doesn't matter. I'll explain in the car. Come on, we're leaving.

Erm, yes. Well, I guess we are.

That's unfortunate for them, isn't it?

What did you say?


Let's go.

Great. About damn time. 

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