Chapter 03

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*Megan's POV*

"what the actual fuck!"

"good morning to you too lily." I say mumbling into the pillow. All of a sudden the pillow laughs.

I look up to see James' face already looking down at me, instead of a pillow all the memories of last night come rushing back to me and my face instantly flushes.

"Have I missed something? since when were you guys a thing?!"

"oh, we're not I had a bad dream that's all." I tell her as a faint blush creeps onto my face.

"well, I just come to tell you that we are all going shopping for outfits for the common room party and no you don't have a choice I will meet you outside the great hall after breakfast" Lily said, walking out of the room.

"ughhhhhh" I shout curling back into James' chest.

I totally forgot about the party tonight. I was suddenly feeling really thankful for lily forcing me to go shopping.

after about 5 minutes of laying around, I decide its time for me to actually get up now and go for breakfast. I walked into the bathroom and get ready for the day. (outfit above)

as I walk back in I instantly notice that James and Sirius have their shirts off looking for something to wear. I'm forever gratefully for quidditch.

I sit down next to Remus on his bed reading over his shoulder while we wait for the others to get ready.

once we have all made our way down to the great hall sitting in our usual seats, peter Remus and James then opposite James is me and Sirius, I started putting some food on my plate like bacon and eggs. Not much had happened during breakfast just the occasional joke here and there and girls staring at Sirius as they walk past giggling to themselves.

" so Megan," James began making me look up from my plate. "when do you want to start with the guitar lessons?"

"I totally forgot about that." I laugh. " What about on Sundays at 6?"

"Yeah sounds good" he replied with a smile that could melt anyone's heart. I nod and return the smile.

"Hey Megan?" Sirius asks drawing out the N in my name. I instantly knew he wanted me to do something for him.

"yes, Siri" I'm the only one that calls him Siri because for some reason whenever anyone else calls him it he just tells them to piss off. I'm not too sure why he only lets me call him it, I always assumed it was because we were best friends.

"can you remember when Jake asked you to Hogsmeade and you didn't wanna go with him so you had told him that you were going with me ?" Jake was a Slytherin who's been trying to ask me out since 3rd year, I've always said no because he hangs out with Lucius's gang.

" Yeah??" I answered not liking where this conversation was going.

" Well, I overheard him talking to his friends saying that he was gonna ask you to go to the party tonight with him and that he was gonna make a move on you when you are dancing. so I went up to him and told him that you were going with me because we are dating and then said "stay away from my girl" and then punched him in the face." he finished while wincing as if I was gonna hit him. I just sat there trying to process what I had just been told.


"oh? that's all you have to say? wow that was easier than expected i thought you were gonna kill me because now we gotta pretend to date" he said with a chuckle.

" WE WHAT?!" I asked dumbfoundedly. I could see James tensing from the corner of eye.

"Megan comes on we gotta go" Lily demanded walking up to me and pulling me out of my seat.

"saved by the Lily" Sirius whispered to himself.

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