Chapter 3 |Light dragon and Dark dragon|

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(y/n) pov

I looked to the cell with wide eyes behind me where is an dragon in there. "I see. Our jinchuuriki have really grow up after 20 years, huh?" said the light dragon that having light grey lines on his neck and his head. Oh my godness and this beast can talk?! I must be drea..... wait! Jinchuuriki? What is it? And this dragon said 'our', do it means here one more beast? "Who are you dragon?" i asked with serious tone and looked directly to his eyes. "And why you asking? I thought people don't care about beast like us. Of course you are still a human even if you are an jinchuuriki." said the dragon and made more and more angry. "Tell me your name now! Or you want i will call dragon?" i asked with my anger, and again looked directly to the light dragon eyes. "His name is Light!" heard an female beast voice, so she must second beast here, huh? From the shadow came an beautifull dark dagon with diamonds on her neck, head and full diamonds on her horns. Light, huh, the light dragon named Light. "Argh Dark just why you said it, she is an human and even our jinchuuriki. It dosen't have right to know our name's!" said Light, maybe the dark drgon named Dark if to think he called her that. "Can one of you answer my question?!" i asked with anger and annoying tone. "(Y/N)!" an familiar voice that i hear alway in winter. Takara-sensei!

Back to reality

Takara pov

I was holding (y/n) and jumping tree to tree. Those hunter need to be dead, if they will take from (y/n) beast's, can she seriously die! I can't let her die! Not to me, Takara Otsutsuki! Clan Otsutsuki!

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