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Tobirama pov

"You alright now?" I ask while rubbing (y/n). "Yes, just cold." (y/n) said. "Question, what is that piece of clothing?" I ask as my eyes caught some piece clothing. "It was the haori that you gave me two months ago." (y/n) said, and that me shocked and angry. I sighed to relax. "Did big brother sended you here?" I ask. "No, he didn't. I overheard him and Madara conversation in your office that you were a month late and that they refused to say about your late." (y/n) said. "Alright." I said. "Hey, Tobirama." (y/n) called me. "Hm?" "When I fought with Tajima, he said 'Look's like Madara told you.'. What is relative is with Tajima and Madara?" (y/n) ask. "Let us talk another time. We need to go back." I said.

As we were walking, I looked back to see (y/n) is slow. 'Maybe, it's because of she is cold?' I thought. I seached at my bag. "What is it Tobirama?" (y/n) ask. "Here." I said as I placed haori with fur. "Thank you." (y/n) said. "Your welcome".

"Ah, Tobirama! (y/n)!" Heard Otsutsuki tigers calling us. "Oh, hi. You were with (y/n) from the start?" I ask. "That's right." Samura said. As we came out from cave, (y/n) fell down. "(y/n)!" I called as I ran to her. As I took her head, I felt something wet. I took away and saw blood! 'When did she......?' I thought. "I take (y/n) to my place, say to Takara abouy that." I said as I picked up (y/n) as bridal style. "We will." Giyuki said and they left. I took off the fur of me and laid on (y/n)'s chest. 'She really freezing.' I thought.

"She went to look after you?!" Big brother ask with shock. "Yes. She tol me that you didn't wanted to tell about it." I said as I laid her on bed in my office. I have no other choice, I need to look after her with bot eyes. "We thought it will e better. But, that happen." Madara said. "We are done. But, Madara, can you be here longer?" I ask. "Of course I can." Madara said.

After big brother shut the door, I went to sit on my chair. "When you planned to say to (y/n) about her family?" I ask. "How you know she is Uchiha?!" He ask with shock. "She said to me, but my question." I said. "I tought after a year." Madara said. "I think better now. Se fought with Tajima. And he mentioned your name, I couldn't say that you are her brother. I want you to tell." I said. "Fine, after she wakes up." Madara said and left my office. I stood up and walked to (y/n) and sat edge of bed. I looked at her, who holding fur  I laid. I patted gently (y/n)'s cheek, my eyes widen to feel that she is cold even I lay something warm. I need something to warm her up.

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