Chapter 11

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I was with the pack while Damien was getting ready to fight. Even though Damien is my best friend, I could never approve of him and my sister. I know that he is her mate, but Damien, I don't know he just wasn't the one for her to me.

"Are you ready?" I said as he walked out. As much as I didn't want to feel it, I thought Damien had something to do with this. Now all of a sudden when Damien comes in the picture, James shows up, dad goes Psychotic once again and takes my sister. This isn't a coincidence.

{A/N} This isn't a chapter. I just wanted you all to know how Aaron felt about everything. And yes the title is 'I Had SEX with my brothers enemy', and everyone is wondering where the sex part is... And it's coming, once they get Aaliyah. If I do have a sequel it will be in the last chapter if I don't have a sequel it will be three chapters before the last.

Also I really don't know where I'm going with this story. I just think it and write it. Just going with the flow. I never had a plan on the story. I thought it was another of my epic fails of a story and I was just going to delete it. But I was wrong



I checked my phone one more time to see I had five missed calls from my grams. Shit.

"I know where she is."

With that everyone followed me as we started the 4 hours drive to my grams house where I'm hoping Liyah is.


"Excuse me?"

Grams, This stranger claiming me as my father and I were sitting at the table. Talking about this.

"I'm your father, your only father."

"How, what about Zavier?"

"I think it's time she knows." Said my grams as she looked at Xavier.

He sighed and started. "Well me and Zavier are brothers and one night he made me go to this party, where I got crazy drunk. I was just drinking at the bar when your mom came and sat beside me, I knew she wasn't my mate, but I was drunk out of my mind and we started talking and talking turned to flirting and flirting turned to kissing and...well we did it. I was so fucked up It didn't register in my head that I didn't use protection. Later, we found out that your mom was Zaviers mate. We sat him down and told him about what happened at the party after he started assuming she was cheating. A while later, I noticed she was having mood swings but I never thought she was pregnant until one day she called me and told me. Zavier didn't know and to this day he doesn't know." He said looking me in the eyes the whole time.

Before I got time to respond the door burst open revealing Zavier.

"Hello brother." He said, fake smiling at Xavier and I. Before he sit down beside me.

"Hi." Was all Xavier said.


Once we were done eating, zavier whispered to me to go to the room. When I went upstairs I waited, scared as shit. But I had no other choice but to wait.

I was knocked out of my thoughts when the door opened and Zavier came in, with a gun in his hand.

"I know what you did." Was all he said before he fired.

And everything went black. The last thing I heard was foot steps and Damien's voice.

'Were here now.' Was all he said before I fell out cold in his arms.

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