I Had Sex With My Brothers Enemy

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"Come on ! Just come" Megan pleaded me as she got on her knees. "I'll do your laundry"

Well let me introduce myself, My names Aaliyah, the unmated she-wolf still searching for my mate. As soon as I got in my dorm, Megan was at my feet. Yep ,this is my college roommate, the fun whore as I like to call her.

"Since you took 30 minutes away from my time to beg me to go to this party, I'll go."

She jumped up and down in excitement.

"What will I wear!" We said in unison.

*3 hours later*

"You look hot!" Megan yelled to a guy with red hair, It was always the redheads who made her go wild. As I made are way through the drunk crowd who smelt of smoke I looked back to see a guy staring, hard at me. It was how intense he was starring was what made me shiver. His eyes were filled with desire and lust. I didn't know what was wrong with me, but my feet moved and I ended up in front of him.

18 years in this world, and I never acted like this.

But I wasn't worried about what anyone thought or I thought.

I wan-- need you" is all I said before I crushed my lips to his soft ones, licking his bottom lip asking for entrance.

I wasn't even drunk and I was acting like this.

He took lead off the kiss, fighting for dominance.

He kissed me harder earning the dominance of the kiss.

"Damien, What the fuck are you doing to my sister!" An angered fill voice broke through my thoughts as he was shoved away by my furious brother.


She was walking forward .... To me.. She was a werewolf I could tell by her scent, also unmated. Her curvy hips rocked side to side as she made her way over. Damn, was all I could think.

I was Damien, the pretty blonde boy and I was attracted to this sexy ass woman.

"I wan-- need you" is all she said before she crushed her lips to mine licking my bottom lip asking for entrance.

I took lead off the kiss, fighting for dominance.

I kissed her harder earning dominance of the kiss.

"Damien, What the fuck are you doing to my sister!" An angered fill voice broke through my thoughts as I was shoved away from .... My bestfriends sister.


"fuck" I mumble under my breath. "Leave him alone, Aaron!"

"Aaliyah what the hell is wrong with you! You let him kiss you!" he said but then turned to Damien "you fucking dick!"

"Why can't you stay out of my fucking life and do something with yours!" By now everyone had their eyes on us, waiting for something to happen.

"Your my sister. I refuse to let you fuck my future beta!" He said closing his eyes, trying to calm down."He's man-whore ! I won't let him fuck you over. I---"

An angry Damien growled ,making all eyes go to him. By now I just wanted to let my highly frustrated wolf out. Just the feeling of my bones going into place as I change form. The wind going through my fur, the dirt clutched under my paws, that's all I wanted right now other than my mate.

"Mate" He growled as if he was about to rip my brother in half.

"Fuck no! You won't be! Liyah reject him!!"

My Head was spinning so many gasps and yells were blurred out as I fell to the grown and everything blacked out.


Just as her head was about to hit the floor, Damien caught her head in his hands.

"Shit.Get her help, Aaron!" He yelled as if I wasn't his future alpha, his bestfriend, the person who he spent his childhood with. I knew I sound like a girl, but the cold look he had in his eyes hurt like a bitch.

"Ok!" I said as I ran to the packs doctor.

This really fucked up my mood.


I know the story sucks but give me some credit, it's my first book! I'm trying.


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