Chapter 3: Bear-Dog

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My eyes widened and I spun back around, almost expecting the huge golden hunk to be bending down, staring at me. But alas, that was not to be, the statue still standing in its original position having not moved a muscle. 'Yes,' it came again. But it didn't sound like it came from the animatronics mouth, no. It almost sounded as if it came from the base, from the giant box of light on which it stood. I gulped, 'Is someone there?' I asked tentatively, slowly stepping around the box. There was silence for a moment. 'Alice, is that you?' The voice asked. I stopped. '...Jason?'

'Alice!' He exclaimed, popping up from behind the giant statue. He waved me over quickly, eyes darting around to check if the coast was clear. 'Come here!' His little head ducked back down and I stepped around to see him crawl back into a space underneath the statue, inside the light up base. I whistled, standing above him and looking at the little den he'd made for himself. 'Well, well, well, what's this I wonder?' He shushed me instantly, grabbing my hand and attempting to pull me under with him. 'Sheesh, no need for such force, I'll come myself,' I grumbled, crawling in and sitting next to him with my knees up to my chest. It was really quite small; I guess I got what I wished for in the claustrophobic sleeping department. His tiny body was squished uncomfortably up against mine and I shifted to give him more room, settling for intertwining our legs and facing one another, backs against the walls.

'Why?' I asked, giggling. He blushed, embarrassed. 'I just like it down here. I don't know if anybody else knows about it, but nobody ever bothers me while I'm here, so it's alright. I've been coming down here for the past month, ever since auntie Katie started working here,' he said sheepishly, raising his arm to rub his neck. I wrinkled my nose, 'Hey keep your arms down, it stinks enough of boy in here.' He grunted, rolling his eyes at me but keeping his arm down. 'Whatever...'

We fell silent for a while, just sitting there and listening to the noises of the pizzeria. In all honesty, I felt kind of bad for Jason. He'd never been a very social kid, and so had trouble making many friends. Of course he had some, but I had a feeling they were just passing friends, not ones that would stick around for a long period of time. It was a real shame since he was such a good kid, and wasn't even that bad looking either. Instead of hanging around with other people his age like he should have been, he just stayed indoors all day and listened to music and such. Even now, when he was surrounded by children of all ages, he still managed to find a way to be alone. I felt somewhat pleased that he accepted my company though - it showed that he really did feel comfortable around me.

'So have you made many friends around here yet?' I tried. He shook his head, releasing a long, hard exhale. 'Have you even tried?' I asked softly, my fingers brushing his arm. 'N-no...' He said, looking away. It was almost as if he were ashamed to admit it. 'Hey...that's alright. These things take time,' I sympathised. It seemed to tick him off though, for he freaked. 'Yes, maybe, but not fucking years!'

'Jason! Watch your mouth!' I scolded his swearing. He was only fourteen after all. It didn't matter if I was doing that by the age of five, he still wasn't allowed. He rolled his eyes, which were slowly filling with tears. 'Sorry...Alice, is there something wrong with me?' He looked so heartbroken, so lost. I shook my head vigorously, cupping his cheeks. 'No! Never! There could never be anything wrong with you, Jason! I'm your friend, aren't I?' He shook his head and I furrowed my brow, a little confused. 'You're more like a sister to me Alice. You're an adult anyways, I can't really call you my friend,' he said, twisting as much as he could to thump himself into my embrace. I set my chin on his head, pouting slightly. 'Yes well, I still love you, okay?' I murmured, kissing the top of his head softly. He relaxed a little, sighing. 'I love you too, sis.'

It was sweet, and we stayed like that for a moment, but reality started to kick in as I began sweating. 'Jason, it's way too stuffy in here, can we go? We need to find Kristian anyways.' He nodded, unlatching the little hook to the outside world and crawling out, shutting it after I got out after him. No sooner had we made it to the party room however, were we tackled by a very large, hunky Kristian, pestering us on where we had been. Jason caught my eye in a way that practically begged me not to tell on him, nearly making me grin. It was just a hiding place after all, what was the worst Kristian could do? Nevertheless, I respected his wishes. 'We were looking for you. I got a pass by the way! It seems your boss wants me to work here as well,' I grumbled the last part, scowling. 'Why does everybody want me to work here?' I huffed, throwing my arms up in annoyance. Couldn't they find other workers? 'I don't know, why don't you tell me?' Kristian smirked. He was full of smirks today.

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