1. Is that really you?

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Two months, it's been two months since the incident and I still can't remember. My heart keeps reminding me that there was someone in my life, someone special, but I know that those emotions are not true, they can't be true. Now I have the life that I was meant to have and I'm with the right person for me. I decided that I need to get back to the holding and take it from Eda. Eda. Eda. Eda. In the past months Selin talked to me a lot about her, and I can't believe that I was that blind to don't realize with whom I was with: a manipulative, selfish and slimy woman.

SERKAN: Hey babe, I think it's time to get back to Istanbul.

SELIN: Are you sure? 

SERKAN: Yes, we'll go tomorrow.

SELIN: Alright.

Today is the day. I'm here, in front of the agency. I feel almost surreal to see it after all this time. I used to come here every day and now it's been two months from the last time. Selin just got out of the car, she took my hand and now we're walking towards the entrance. I say hi to Leyla and I see Erdem as always. I greet my friends and I see some new faces, they are probably the ones that I've hired in the year that I don't remember. Nothing seems to have changed until...until...I feel something that I've never felt. I don't know what it is: my chest hurts, my heart beats faster than ever and I feel like I'm connected to something, someone, in the agency. I'm sure it's nothing and it's probably the plane crash that caused it. But...I see her, Eda.


I know that Serkan is out there, somewhere, and I will find him, and we will be happy forever. Forever...this word doesn't sound so real lately. I miss him more than anything in my life and I feel broken inside, I am broken. I hope that my aunt and my friends didn't notice it. I'm trying so hard to keep it in me, to pretend to be fine, but I'm not, I'm really not. And what if he's....what if he's gon...gone. No, I need to stop this! He is alive, healthy, and he's just waiting for me to find him. Serkan, my love, where are you?

Today is the day. I know that I'm going to find him. You know, it's weird to love someone with all of yourself. You feel connected to him, or her, and you can't do anything about it. You feel what they feel and when you reconnect with them you feel the most amazing emotion of all. That's how I feel about Serkan, that's how I know that he will come back...eventually. He has to come back....I need him to come back.

I'm watering the plants in my office...our office, Serkan's and mine. I'm about to go to grab some water when I feel it. I feel him. This can't be him, I'm probably dreaming again, like all the past nights. I'm going out of the office anyway. I need to be certain. And then...I see him, Serkan.

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