chapter 14 month 6

13 1 0

J: they told us not to come down until we get ready and griffin comes to get us


you go to your closet pick an outfit shower brush your teeth do makeup and hair

J: you look beautiful

K: thank you

griffin comes in your room

G: come on 

J: ok

griffin takes you outside

A: look

K:this is cute

(it is a Winnie and pooh themed baby shower)

J: i kind of fuck with it

K: it's hot out here 

you sit down and they start the baby shower

30 minutes later

J: now i'm going to do something kiara but i dont want you to cry 

K: what

J: I have never wanted a wife because i thought that they where all nagging and bossy.Then, I realized that girlfriends are too,so what the heck- Kiara will you marry me?

K: seriously

J: yes seriously

K: you didn't have to say it like that but of course ill marry you

J: so were engaged now

A: damn that ring is fire are you sure that you don't want to marry the ring

you laugh

K: no i'm going to marry my baby daddy

N: it's pretty

K: it sure is

30 minutes later 

K: it's a boy

you see that jaden looks a bit disappointed

K: it's ok i know that you wanted a girl and now you think that your not going to be a good dad but you will the best dad that you can be to our little boy

J: thanks babe i love you do you want to head to bed

K: yeah lets go to bed

you dose off to sleep after

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