The start

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Charlotte's POV

"char? CHAR!" Henry yelled 

that was the last thing i heard before passing out god im so embarrassed  

Henry's POV 

 i was coming up the walk way to go into the house i had a great time with Babe. maybe Char regretting me  my whole life was a good thing i think me and Babe might actually have a good future together .

i heard someone yell just as i was opening the door but didn't have enough time to react before i was knocked on my butt with char laying beside me.

" hey char are you okay!" she just looked back at me saying nothing "i thinks shes going to pass out" i yell to Piper "Char? CHAR!" she was out cold i couldn't just leave her out on the porch passed out so i picked her up and laid her on the couch.

Pipers POV 

so i mean it wasn't going exactly how i planned i mean char has been out cold for the past 30 mins and i have juts been staring at Henry starting at Char. i wonder how it went with Babe i cant read his tell. he juts looks worried about char "you know shes fine right she juts passed out" i said hoping Henry would loosen up a bit

"yeah i know i just want to make sure shes totally okay and be here when she wakes up"

"soo" i said trying to not sound suspicious "how was your weekend"

"fine" Henry said fast without taking his eyes off char 

does that mean she said know i mean why would he not tell me "WHAT DID SHE SAY IDIOT" i said maybe a little to aggressive after watching Henry stare at char for another five mins. 

Henry didn't say anything right away he just slowly looked up at me "she said yes i asked her and she said yes" 

Henry's POV 

saying that Babe said yes to someone while i was just watching Char hurt me. what did i think was going to happen. well ill tell you i thought for some absurd reason that as soon as i started dating babe my heart would forget that Charlotte was the one i longed to be with.

after staring at Charlotte for another 10 minutes she finally started to wake up and to my surprise Piper yelled that the food was ready which i didn't even know she was making but lets hope the cooking classes she was taking made her food finally edible. i asked Charlotte if she was okay and she just gave a slight nod as i helped her off the couch and helped her to the table 

"hey pips why is there only two spots at the table did you not think i would be home for dinner"

"um i have to go to the store so i am just going to eat when i get back but um you guys enjoy"

"oh Henry can you also come her for a second" piper said in a more commanding tone

i walked over but i had no clue why as i walked over she kept waving me to move faster out of the corner of my eye i could see chars eyes go wide and i wondered what she was thinking about 

"charlottlehasacrushonyou" piper said it so fast and so quick that Henry didn't even have time to respond before she was out the door and he heard the car starting

Henry's face went beat red and he tried to calm himself before turning around to eat with char surely he had heard his sister wrong and he was imaging things so he went and sat across from char at the table

Charlotte's POV

i felt my face heat up when i saw that piper called Henry over to the door because i knew exactly what she was going to say but she was definitely second guessing telling piper that she likes Henry. i watched as Henry sat across from me and by the look on his face piper had went through with it and told him

"so what was that about" Charlotte said trying to sound nonchalant about it 

"oh um you know if i needed anything from the story nothing special"

Henry's POV 

i just lied to chars face but i didn't know what else to say i mean i wanna ask her if what i heard was true but i cant find the words. its driving me crazy 

"um foods good im surprised i didn't know if pipers classes were working" i said breaking the awkward silence that i was really not wanting to sit through any longer 

"right! i was thinking the same thing im proud of piper she has come along way in the world of cooking"

"hey um char can i ask you something" as soon as i stared the sentence i knew i couldn't stop but i so badly froze up that char had to smack my arm to get my attention again. 

"HENRY"she said as i snapped out of my thoughts 

"oh um sorry char whats up"

"um you didn't finish you sentence what was your question"

i knew she was going as ask about the question i mean i cut off mid sentence 

"um oh yeah um' i couldn't stop stuttering until i mentally slapped myself 

"do you like me"

"of course i do Henry your my best friend"

"you know what i mean char"

Charlotte's POV 

of course i knew what he meant but i didn't know how to answer that question i mean i could tel him the truth but while i was passed out i may have woke up earlier then they thought and i heard that him and babe are dating WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WITH THAT 

at this point me and Henry had just been staring at each other as i searched my mind for what to say and when i couldn't think of anything i told myself to suck it up i mean piper did say that he liked me back whats the worst that could happen. 

"okay yes i do i do like you Henry just recently and then piper said you asked babe out and i heard she said yes and i feel so bad that i am saying this to someone that has a girlfriend hen im-" i was cut off by Henry coming up to be and giving me a kiss which im glad he did cause i probably would have never stopped talking the kiss was gentle and i found myself getting rapped up into it. when we pulled away we were both now panting for the air that we had been avoiding. 


Henry stopped me again as he slowly back away from me

"char im so sorry i that was wrong you just were rambling and i didn't know what to do and i still like you" 

i started to smile cause now Henry was the one rambling i stood up and rapped my arms around his neck laying a soft kiss on his lips 

"maybe we just don't have to tell anyone"

tat was a sentence i didn't think i would say me telling Henry to cheat on his new girlfriend with me. all because i was being greedy and never wanted to let go of Henry. 

"but what about babe i mean i just asked her out two days ago"

"she doesn't have to know does she?" who am i i juts told Henry i liked him then i kissed him and now im telling him we should sneak around.

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