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Felix Pov

"Wake yo cute ass up bitch" is the first thing I heard when I woke up at 4:00  in the fucking morning for my damn interview. Ugh
JISUNNGGG..did you change my damn alarm to your voice again I yell as he picks out my outfit. "Mayyybee" Jisung giggles.

"Felix I hope you get this job so you can work with me" Jisung says excitedly. "Felix! Your Manager Sana is outside!". Okayy bye Jisung I yelled as I grab my food and ran out the door.

Hey Sana I said as she handed me a nice cup of Wendy's Strawberry lemonade it was also a large I almost cried for a good second. I fucking love you Sana!."Love you too Felix!".

So how are we gonna do this interview I ask before we walk in. "I will answer the questions for you like I did with Hyunjin so just walk in a look pretty with your lemonade


Chan Pov

CHANGBIN please stop staring at our new model Hyunjin and bring me two chairs for the interview I have soon with another model.

A/N: For some reason I can see this happening 😂

"Okay but did you know Minho goes with your other model Jisung" Changbin whispered. Yes I do Changbin and what about it? "So your not gonna fire them?". Why the fuck would I fire them Changbin? "Because most bosses don't like gay workers" Changbin whispered to me again smelling that he had some damn Funyuns for lunch.

"Changbin I'm bi I don't care as long as they don't fuck in the desks I'm cool...they can fuck anywhere else but the desks" I said as I push Changbin out of my face cause his breath still stanky as fuck.

Felix Pov

As soon as I walked in everybody started staring at me I was so fucking uncomfortable but not only were they staring at me they were also staring a Sana's skirt so I tapped her on the shoulder to tell her to pull it down when we got on the elevator.

I thought the staring on the first floor was bad the top floor made me uncomfortable as fuck and also tired why the fuck is the hallway so damn long.

We made it to the main office with the CEO and his best workers. They all were staring I really wanted to pour my drink on Hyunjins head cause he laughed while they stared at me I really wanted to walk over their and beat the fuck out of Hyunjin but I love him.

Chan Pov

I heard a knock from my door so I asked Changbin to answer it and leave on the way out. When Changbin opened the door their stood a very pretty and most likely delicious boy at the door. My dick automatically raised causing me to grab a pillow. Changbin stared at the boy as if he was familiar.

"Hey umm..Mr.Bang this is another one of my clients also my..." Sana said in a very professional way. Sana why are you being so formal as if we aren't going to see each other later, I asked. "Sana you have a boyfriend?" Felix said as a surprise while also whining "Why didn't you tell meee~" causing Felix to make a pouty face.

"FELIX! That my brother and plus he's gay and single" she says while winking at Felix. When I tell you I had second hand embarrassment I was fucking shocked Sana would even say that.

This is a shitty chapter but next chapter I wanna try to write something special but this the couple not chanlix but....minsung 🙃💕🌸 but anyways if your reading thank you very much💕

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