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Third person pov🧏🏽‍♀️

Felix walked in the building of his new company with his manager Sana.
Why do I have to were this Sana" Felix pouted. I wanted all my models to match, Hyunjin and Jisung also have skirts on as well as Jeongin it's just that you look like a cute little baby Sana rambled on about how cute Felix was until they reached the top floor where Felix worked with Jisung, Hyunjin, and Jeongin.

Since Hyunjin and Jisung arrived earlier Felix had to walk in by himself which wasn't a problem. Felix walked in with his cute skirt and nervous face because he didn't realize that their were a lot of workers.

Hyunjin, Jisung, and Jeongin got up and walked with Felix cause they noticed how nervous and scared he was. "Felix if Changbin looks at you again I'm going to cry" Hyunjin whines causing Felix and Jisung to smirk sinisterly. Jeongin tapped Hyunjin shoulder and whispered "I think you made a mistake"

Felix got to his desk by his two Besties and also his new Jeongin who was a new model Sana brought in after Felix because he was younger.

Felix noticed that their was a note on his desk and immediately blush remembering the things he typed yesterday to his boss about him.

Dear Felix
I'll still take that offer of fucking you until the sunset. Sana also told me you liked Wendy's Strawberry lemonades' so I bought you a large along with some spicy nuggets..
you can come thank me personally if you would like or text me.
Daddy Chan <3

"I have second hand embarrassment reading that note" Jisung stated walking over to his desk that also had a note on it.

Dear Babyboy,
After work come to my house please..and you should know what to wear. I also bought you a Baja Blast and yes it's a large along with some McDonald's nuggets I also got you some fries.
Daddy  Minnie

Jeongin laughed at how jealous Hyunjin was that his friends were getting action and  he wasn't. Jeongin walked over to his desk and notice he had a note as well. Jeongin was surprised because this was his first day working here.

Dear Jeongin,
I know you might not know me but I came up with the idea to tell you that I think k your cute and pretty and also my name is Seungmin I asked you manager what you liked to eat and drink soo I bought you a Caramel Frappe, a personal pizza with a bag of your favorite candy I hope you enjoy it

Jeongin blushed at the note as Hyunjin cried walking over to his desk " Why are y'all so fucking lucky" Hyunjin whinned.
A small piece of paper caught Hyunjins eye  causing him confusion.

Dear Hyunjin,
Your friends Jisung told me you have a crush on me and I thought that was pretty cute. I also like you as well. I also got you a Chocolate milkshake and some fries from McDonald's your Manager said you would like them...you could come over to my desk if you want.

"OMFG I'm so happy we work in a separate room cause I would be embarrassed from all the blushing I'm doing right now" Hyunjin stated causing the other to run over to him.

"I also got a note" Jeongin said obviously blushing

"Omfg they all got our favorites foods because of Sana" Felix stated. "We need to find her a girlfriend"Jeongin stated causing the other to turn heads. "What do you mean by find her a girlfriend" Hyunjin squinted.
"I asked Sana about her sexuality and she says she's a lesbian" Jeongin laughed as their expressions flung across the room.

"We need to do our work" Jisung stated. "What work exactly" Jeongin asked. "We go to decorate our side of the office cause the boys obviously don't know how to fucking decorate".

"Let's update our instagram" Hyunjin yelled

A/N: Instagram pt2 coming soon as possible 🧏🏽‍♀️💕

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