Chapter 6 - Exchanging Gifts

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After the parade we placed all the carts at one of the storage buildings in the city. The master wanted to speak with all of us before the party could start, so it was probably important. "You all did a great job, the major is very proud to have Fairy Tail as his number one guild!" Everyone cheered after hearing the news. It didn't happen very often that the major was proud of us, mainly because we often destroyed stuff.

When he was done with his speech and had gotten all the cheering done I left back to the dorms. Once I arrived at my bedroom door I was about to push it open, but feeling no movement I smiled at myself. "Other way..." I said to myself, still thinking it's silly she placed the door in the wrong way. Well it's the effort that counts I guess.

After entering my room and turning the lights on I closed the door and turned to my wardrobe. It took a bit of thought, but after deciding my outfit for the actual party I got dressed. I took a quick look in the mirror, made sure everything was looking...presentable and walked towards the door. I was about to pull the door opened, but then remembered to push.


"Please tell me that wasn't at my door..." I said in a low voice opening the door further to reveal my date rubbing her head. "Oh no..." I started closing the door slowly again feeling completely embarrassed.

But before I could close it I felt a pull making the door go open in one single move. "Don't close the door on yo-" Before Erza could finish her sentence I was knocked right into her since I was still holding the doorknob. She managed to keep her balance as she also caught me. "Also hi."

My face was against her collarbone as she was keeping me up and my face went red from the sudden closeness. Hearing her voice I looked up meeting her brown eyes as she held a very, very charming smile. "H-hey...sorry about that." I said before straightening myself again and taking a small step back.

Now I could actually face her and be amazed at her dress, it was the dress from in the store Lucy made me wear. "Wait...That's why no one was wearing them..." I realized Lucy had set it all up to find out what I liked. "Oh. My. God. I have been tricked." I said to myself as Erza just grinned at me.

While trying to process what they did and how they did it I hadn't noticed Erza taking my hand and dragging me through the hall. Once we were outside I noticed us holding hands and gave hers a small squeeze as she turned around smiling. "What about everyone else?" I asked seeing we didn't wait for whoever was left at the dorms.

"Everyone else? I recall that we were going together without anyone else." She stated as we walked through the streets of Magnolia. "Besides, I want this to be our evening." I could notice a small shade of red on her cheeks and could swear that was not from the cold.

That actually made me feel a bit more at ease since it seemed like she wasn't all confident. She was nervous as well, probably from people's reactions or at least I thought so. I smiled at her words. "Well let's make this a great evening then." I added before moving a little closer. The shade of red became only darker making me laugh a little. "Cute."

On our way we saw other guild members heading over to the guild, but we didn't stop to say anything. Mainly since we wanted to get out of the cold as fast as possible, but also since Erza was dragging me past them. She really seemed like wanting to just spend time with me, except she wasn't talking much.

Once we entered the guild we were met with music and a colorful guildhall. Everyone was having fun with or without a date, there were a lot of groups that decided to come as friends. I turned to Erza wanting to start a conversation and see where it takes us. "So....The secret Santa is around eleven, right?" I knew the answer to the question, but I had nothing else to say.

Erza seemed to be far away in her own thoughts so I snapped my fingers in front of her nose making her blink a couple times. "Don't space out like that." I said with a hint of sadness in my voice.

"Uh sorry Y/N, I was just know what nevermind." She trailed off but decided not to tell, I decided to not question it. "And yes at eleven we start, which is in half an hour. That gives us plenty of time to dance." She turned to me at her last words before offering both her hands for me to take. That charming was yet again on her face making it hard for me not to kiss her right there. "May I have this dance?"

I looked between her face and hands hesitating a little, but took placed my hands on hers eventually. "It would be my pleasure." I answered as she took my hands in hers guiding us to the dance floor. I heard she was quite dangerous when dancing, but I didn't notice any of it, in fact she was very gentle and a great leader. "Seems like you did this before." I commented as she spun me around and back.

She pulled me closer as we locked eyes again. "Yeah, but no one enjoyed it as much as you."

"Then they weren't looking in front of them." With that indirect compliment she pulled me even closer arms around my waist as mine ended on around her neck.

My heart skipped a couple beats, I almost had to shock myself to wake up from that state. Erza's started to inch closer as our lips were lightly touching. That urge to kiss her was there, but the guts to do so had left me standing there. "Everyone! It's time to open the gifts!" And instantly I felt Erza move her head away turning to the source of the voice. I could have died right there, and might as well have dug my own grave on the spot.

"Let's go A/N." Erza said, pulling me with her by my hand. I was still unable to move or think, all I could do was scold myself. Especially since Erza seemed let down by me not doing anything.

I shook my head when I felt myself being pulled on a chair. We had all gathered around the Christmas tree that had so many gifts under it. Master was holding a scroll that seemed so long. "Like every year we will start Christmas with a secret Santa game. And like every year we will also have this magical scroll decide the order of the ones who receive when." He explained before letting the scroll make a list with every Fairy Tail member on it.

The list took a while before it reached a name I had interest into watching what they got. Once it was Gajeel's turn I had an excuse to get up and hand over the guitar case. He was happy with it, I think, I couldn't really tell with that smirk he held. Then it took a while again, until it was Erza's turn. Natsu somehow had managed to be her secret Santa and boy what a gift, a dress with a swan head sticking out of the front. How he came up with the idea was beyond me.

"Y/N L/N." At that point I looked around not having a clue of who my secret santa was. "I don't have the list with who picked who, so I don't know either." Master said as I looked at him.

"Well then...It's alr-"

"Okay I am ready." What. I looked to the left as Erza got up from her chair. I was thinking what are the odds of her having my name. She turned to face me extending a hand which I gladly took. Once we were face to face again I waited for her to say something.

But she didn't. Erza leaned forward forcing her lips on mine. I was in shock for 1 second before realizing what was happening. As soon as I realized I kissed back as she wrapped an arm around my waist and rested the other band on my cheek. I heard a couple of people gasp, which was understandable, but I didn't care, nor did Erza. The kiss lasted for a while and when we parted to catch our breath I was greeted with that confident smile and those beautiful brown eyes staring at me. Erza lifted a hand up pointing upwards, I followed it and saw Happy holding a mistletoe right above our heads.

Bam shocked again.

"Your crush was pretty obvious." Happy said smiling down at us. "Erza had planned this all as soon as she noticed and had gotten your name."

I looked back at the beautiful redhead in front of me who was blushing a little bit. "Well I have been attracted to you since the start." Even though I meant my magic being drawn towards her, I also had a crush since the beginning.

Not giving her a chance to answer I forced my lips on hers. She immediately kissed back pulling me completely against her. It didn't last as long as the one before, but it held much more emotions. Joy, love, longing.

From that day on we never spend another day without each other. No mission could separate us as we went as a team. I had slowly learned how to be in control of my accuracy. Not even the bad days could knock us down.

Because we had each other.

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