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big, white house, immediately smelling the strong scent of weed and alcohol. she started walking towards the back of the house, where it was more quiet and where she meets up with all her friends

"hey! how are you girls?" Imani greets herself to her 3 friends as she makes it past the high and drunk seniors. in our school, once it's someone's birthday, we always have to throw a party. whether you know the person or not. its like the seattle high school tradition (the story takes place in seattle for now, then LA)

"hey imani!" "hey girll!!" "oh my god! there you are! we thought you wouldn't show up!" my best friends greet me. "well here i am!" i chuckle. 3 beautiful girls standing in front of me, liya, maddy, and tati. i've known all three of them since the day i was born.

the four were dancing their bottoms off on the dance floor. 'bound 2' by kanye west was playing. i mean who doesn't love a little kanye? this song was everyone's jam. "i'm gonna go get a drink!" imani yells over the music. "do you need me to come with you?" sam yells. "no i'm good i'll just be right back!"

imani walks through the crowd of drunk and high people. she walks past couple making out to friends making tiktoks. she finally makes it to the kitchen island with numerous bottles of vodka, henny, beer, any alcohol you could think of. 

i grab a red cup and pour orange juice from the fridge and vodka. i mix them as i walk balk to my friends. i was so focused on getting to my friends without getting hit on when i realize that someone bumped into me, spilling my drink on my dress.

"holy shit, i'm so sorry." i look up. "no, my bad i wasn't watching where i was going. please, let me clean you up." i chuckle and head to the sink, back at the kitchen. the tall, ginger grabs a cloth and dabs at the orange juice spill. "please, you don't have to do this." i laugh. "you sure?" he asks. "positive. my friends are probably wondering where i am anyways." i laugh. "i get it. i'll see you around..." signaling for my name. "it's imani." i smile. "i'll see you around, imani. i'm vinnie." we both shake hands as i walk back towards my friends.

"yo! were you just talking to the vinnie hacker?" angelica asks. "yeah! he seems like a really nice guy!" imani smiles. "girll.." the three look at each other. "what?" "did you not here that he's cheated 3 times? in A MONTH!" sam adds in. "oh." "babe, we're not trying to keep you from loving or dating him, we're just letting you know. maybe he could've changed or not!" "no, i get it. we always look out for each other!!" i hug the 3. 

after the party ends, the four girls head to imani's house, as she lives alone. the four always look out for each other. their one rule is to always stick together, no matter what is going on between them. they were each other's ride or dies.

naty's thoughts 🧚🏽🌱🪴🍄☄️

i have rlly good ideas for the next chapters 🤗

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