Thunder stranger p3

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~~~~Blue Bay Harbor - Ninja Ops~~~~
Third Person POV:
Looking over Cam's shoulder, Shane comments, "See, I knew there something about Blake and Hunter."
"Man, you don't need to say 'I told you so'. Okay, I feel bad enough already." Dustin exclaims, looking at the red ranger.
"That's them." Cam announces, pointing to the screen that shows a little white blip. "My father enclosed himself in an energy sphere before he was captured. It'll protect him and allow us to track him his location within a 25 mile radius. I'm able to track Hazel 's morpher, too."
"But he can't transform or use his ninja powers, and neither can Hazel ?" Shane questions, looking at the screen.
"No." Cam confirms, not taking his eyes off the screen. "And he's about to go out of range."
"Why are they taking them out there into the middle of the forest?" Dustin asks, confusion painted on his face.
"Found it." Tori announce from behind the three boys, with an opened scroll. "The Mountain of Lost Ninjas."
"Of course." Cam agrees, turning his chair to fully face the water ninja.
"Oh, that's where all those, uh, freaky ninja ghost dudes are, right?" Dustin asks, turning to the genius.
"So you do study your ninja history?" Tori comments, not believing it her friend one bit.
"Sometimes." Dustin says.
"Then you should know that the Mountain of Lost Ninjas is where the Cavern of Spirits is." Cam explains.
"Which houses the Gem of Souls. It's the only thing on Earth that's powerful enough to break the energy sphere surrounding Sensei." Tori finishes.
"That's gotta be what the Thunders are after." Cam concludes, but this raises a new question.
"Then that's where we're headed." Tori declares, and the others nod.
"Wait," Shane stops, "How does Hazel fit into all of this?"
"Well," Tori starts to explain, reading the scroll further, "It says here that a Spirit Ninja is need to power the Gem of Souls." Tori raises an eyebrow in fright at this. "But Hazel isn't a Spirit Ninja, is she?"
Cam rubs his eyes, before saying, "Sadly, she is," This makes fear cover the water ninja's face, know that she not only put her Sensei in danger, but also her friend. "She trained with the Spirit Ninja Academy when she was becoming an Nature Master. From what she told me when she came here, she mastered the ways of the Spirit Ninjas right before she enrolled in Wind Ninja Academy."
~~~~Blue Bay Harbor - Woods~~~~
𝐻𝑎𝑧𝑒𝑙 𝑝𝑜𝑣:
I feel myself being carried and it seems that whoever is carrying me is walking. My eyes squint as a bright light comes through into my vision. After blinking a few times, I see leaves above me, and when I look to the side. I find a ninja uniform that is black and crimson. "Let go of me..." I breath fiercely, struggling to get out of Hunter's grip. His grip around me only tightens, make me growl at him. I hear a low pitched groan that sounds like a zombies. Blake and Hunter come to a halt, looking around for the sound.
"I don't know about you bro," Blake speaks, "But I'm not really diggin' this place."
"Don't be such a baby." Hunter snaps slightly.
"Wow," I comment, "and I thought the older brother was supposed to support the younger one," Glancing at the scenery, I get an idea of where we are, "And Blake has every right to be afraid here."
"Hazel is right, Thunder Rangers," The white ball under Blake's arm confirms, making me jump in Hunter's arms, "There are spirits here of the darkest warriors that the world has known."
"Quiet." Hunter snaps at the ball, still holding me bridal style, "We know what we're doing."
"Really?" I scoff, rolling my eyes. "That's really hard to believe."
"Haven't you learned that taking revenge on someone that has caused you no harm makes you just as guilty as the one who hurt you to begin with?" Sensei asks, earning glares from the two Thunder Ninjas.
"You destroyed our parents," Hunter says coldly, making my breath hitch, "Parents who adopted us and gave us a life. You deserve everything that's coming to you." Hunter whispers the last part, and starts to walk again.
As soon as we enter a clearing, Blake asks, "How much further?"
"Almost there." Hunter answers.
"You should have gone before you two kidnapped Sensei and I." I half joke and half am being serious, getting a glare from the Navy ranger. "Looks like I hit a soft spot." I sing, knowing I'm irritating the two brothers.
The groans mixed with growls get louder, making the two turn. "Did you hear that?" Blake asks, slowly backing up with Hunter.
"Yeah." Hunter agrees, backing up with me in his arms. Appearing out of nowhere, darkened spirits surround us. "Okay, bro." And Hunter slowly puts me on the ground, with Sensei right beside me. They slowly stand again, probably getting ready to morph. The spirits get ready to attack, the two bring their morphers up.
"Thunder Storm." Now slowly to the side.
Using their right hand, they push the bottom of the morpher, causing wings to open up. "Ranger form!"
When they are down, Hunter and Blake are standing back to back, "Power of Thunder." Hunter and Blake get into fighting stances, and start to do hand to hand combat with the spirits.
"Hello?" I call, as they fight, "I can help if you untie the ropes that are bound around my wrists!" Before either can respond, a spirit grabs me from behind. I screech for help, and before either Thunder Ninjas can do anything, I close my eyes, and bring my leg up to where the sun don't shine. Hard. The spirit falls to the ground, holding the area where I kicked and disappears. Another spirit comes up, using my figure skating balance, I perform a high kick to its head. I do a backflip into a flying kick taking out atleast three more spirits, and in a row.
"They just keep coming!" Hunter comments, and we back up, back to back, surrounded.
"OH Like We Already Didn't Know!" I shout, ducking a punch. He ain't wrong though. We are hoisted into the air when the darkened spirits ram their heads into us.
"What now?" Hunter asks.
"Let go of Sensei and untie me!" I scream, in a very uncomfortable position. Lasers are fired. In the colors of yellow, blue, and red. This takes out the rest of the spirits. The brothers make sounds of confusion upon seeing the Wind Rangers Riding their Tsunami Cycles.
"Coming through!" Shane warns, and the three wind rangers hit more of the ghosts.
"Woah! Who do we fight?" Tori asks.
"Anyone not wearing a primary color?" Shane suggests, make me glare at him.
"UM! HELLO! I'M HERE!" I yell at him, making everyone cringe.
"How about everyone not wearing a primary color and Hazel?" Tori rewords the suggestion, who then gets thrown off her bike.
"Thank you!" I thank, going down into a split, then doing a breakdance move I was taught by Uncle Rocky.
Getting grabbed from behind, Hunter orders, "Stay close."
"This is crazy!" Blake comments.
"No really?" I exclaim, sarcasm in every millimeter of my voice, "When did you first decide that?" Dustin and Tori come flying by when Hunter is pinned by a few spirits. Dustin grabs Sensei, and I jump onto the back of Tor's bike. "Bye-Bye!" I sing, smirking.
"You okay?" Dustin asks, holding up the ball.
"No for long." Blake interrupts, flipping in. Literally. Tori cuts the ropes around my wrists, and I massage them.
"Thanks girlfriend." I smile.
I hold up my right hand, pointer and middle finger straight up, I command, "Season Storm! Ranger Form! HA!"
"Power of Nature!" We are now pushed into the center, all back to back.
"These guys are fearless!" Shane comments.
"They're dead. It's not like they've got a lot to lose." Tori replies.
"So that would be the glass half empty, right?" Dustin asks.
"Hey! Back off!" Hunter shouts, making me facepalm.
"Wonderful idea, Hunter. Yell at the undead who are most likely not going to respond." I think for a minute, "Oh wait. I almost forgot. YOU DON'T HAVE A BRAIN!" I earn a glare from the crimson spandex covered boy next to me.
"Oooo... Burn!" Dustin applaud me for the comeback.
"I don't see you coming up with any other ideas." He counters, making me laugh.
"You should know by now, Thunderhead. I always have a plan B. How about we have a truce? Let's work together?"
"I'm all up for it." The red ranger agrees.
"Fine by me," Hunter concedes, "for now." Within a couple of minutes, all of the spirits are taken out.
"Gott'em." I cheer.
"That was great teamwork." Sensei compliments us.
"Alright!" Tor cheers.
Resting an arm on Blake's shoulder, Dustin says, "You rock bro!"
"Don't call me bro." Blake growls, elbowing the earth ninja in the stomach.
"Blake!" Tori whine, only to be pushed away.
"Good one!" Shane lifts his hand for Hunter to shake, only to get the same treatment as Dustin. An elbow to the chest.
"Yeah right." Hunter scoffs, grabbing me as they ninja streak away.
~~~~Blue Bay Harbor - Quarry~~~~
We land in the quarry, before I get my hands tied again and thrown to the side demorphing in the process. "Really?" I exclaim, watching the others fight, "Again with the rope." I channel all of my fire into my wrists effectively burning them to a crisp.
"Why are you doing this?" Dustin asks, as I inch up behind the Thunders.
"Simple revenge." Hunter answers.
I make my move, swiping my leg underneath Hunter and Blake, and get Sensei. "I'll take this." I look behind at everyone, "I'll get Sensei away! You keep them busy! Bubye Thunder bugs! Nice tormenting you!" I streak off, entering a forest area as fast as I can.
"You are very brave to do this, Hazel. It must hurt you a lot to see those considered family be evil." Sensei comforts, and I give him a sad smile. Before I can respond, Hunter and Blake appear in front of me, and crimson elbows me in the gut, getting a hold of Sensei.
When Blake is about to throw Sensei back to Hunter, I say, "Interception by the good guys!" However, I get kicked in the gut again, causing me to fall into Hunter's arms, once again, and Blake now has Sensei. All of a sudden, Tori hits the ground in the megazord. "Tori!" I call, trying to reach out a hand but that extension of my body is currently being restrained.
"Zurgane, here comes the fun!" Dustin calls.
"You're gonna get owned!" Tori taunts.
"Yeah, Tori's taking you to school!" Shane agrees.
"Recess is over!" Hunter announces, getting their Thunder Staffs out.
"So you wanna play some more?" I taunt, "Fine by me." My morph snaps on, and I grab the power disk that is royal blue from my compartment. "I call upon the power of the Vines!" My staff changes into a weapon that many would find only the Grimm Reeper uses. "Rose Scythe!" The boys start to fight without me, causing me to frown. "How come you two get all the fun?" I jump in and slash my scythe at Blake, "You two will pay for betraying me and the Ninja Schools!"
"Who are you anyway?" Blake asks, and I slash him again.
"Like you'll ever find out." I answer, "Rose Scythe! Season Slash!" The blade of my scythe glows a Dark pink, and I try to slash Blake with it, but I get hit in the back, by the aftermath of an explosion, making me hit a rock, and black out.
Third Person POV:
"Your Sensei destroyed our parents." Blake says bluntly, and Hunter agrees. They turn around, picking up the sphere that is holding the Guinea Pig Sensei and the unconscious ninja.
"And now it's pay back time!" Hunter adds.
"Dude, they can't be right!" Dustin denies, getting back to his feet.
"It's a lie!" Shane agrees.
Cam flashes through their minds when he asks them to find his father.
"Let's do this!" The red ranger declares. The red and yellow ranger get into the formation of an attack, directed at the Thunder rangers walking away.
"Ready!" Dustin announces.
Dustin throws Shane forwards, who has his sword out. "Ninja Air Assault!" Shane kicks Hunter in the chest, causing him to drop Haze. But, in plenty of time, Dustin catches the falling girl and Shane gets sphere back, that was for some reason also with Hunter.
"Got him/her!" Dustin and Shane declares at the same time, running away from the quarry with Shane as Blake goes to check on his older brother. And within a few more minutes, Tori defeat the zord that Zurgane was in.
The two good ranger boys stop running when they are out of breath, and look down at the sphere, "Thank goodness." Sensei sighs.
"You're alright now Sensei." Shane reassures.
"Hey! Guys!" Tori wave happily. "You got'em! Excellent!"
"Mind if I cut in!" Blake states, rather than asks, as he slashes the three conscious rangers with his staff. Shane and Dustin drop both Sensei and Hazel on the ground.
"Thunderstorm Cannon!" Hunter announces, aiming at the five Wind Rangers, and sadly, Blake. "Come on, Blake. Get out of the way."
"I can't!" The Navy ranger calls, "Just take your shot!" Hunter aims carefully, only to have Tori spot him.
"Guys! Look out!" She warns.
"Woah! Shane come on!" Dustin exclaims, and Shane is now in a head hold by Blake.
"Uhh... I'm a little busy." Shane states, Blake's Thunder Staff on his shoulder.
"Do it!" Blake orders. When Hunter fires, all four of the rangers are hit. And the aftermath causes Sensei and Hazel to be thrown towards Hunter. The Crimson Ranger catches Hazel in his arms and stops the ball with his foot.
"Hello again." Hunter greets, looking down at the two people he kidnapped.
"Oh well." Sensei Wantanabe sighs, crossing his arms.
"Blake!" Hunter cries as Blake struggles to stand.
"I'm okay." Responds the little brother. "We got what we came for. Let's bail." Both of the brother laugh, saying bye. Not realizing that the Pink Ranger was almost fully conscious.
~~~~Blue Bay Harbor - Cavern of Souls~~~~
Hazel POV:
I open my eyes, and hear Sensei, "The Ninja Spirits sense our presence."
"The Cavern." Blake points to the end of the beach.
"Consider what you are about to do carefully. There are powerful forces here." Sensei warns.
"Quiet." Hunter snaps, making me snap back into full reality, "The Gem of Souls will take care of you." My eyes widen, now understanding why they needed me. Do they know that if they take too much of my spiritual energy, I could die.
We slowly enter the cave and I can already feel my energy being pulled away. I squirm, trying to get away, but I'm then tied to a rock besides the gem. "Now it's your part." Hunter explains, holding the green gem close to me.
I squirming becomes more violent as a pink aura is taken from me and put into the gem. My breathing is heavier, and I can feel myself paling.
"I think that's enough, bro." Blake says, stopping Hunter from taking any more of my aura.
I hear footsteps outside, and as Hunter raises the gem, ready to hit the sphere, Shane calls out, "NO!" We turn to see all three of my teammates, with Shane in the front and with a hand raised. "Put it down. Sensei didn't do anything."
"Lothor told us everything." Hunter answers, causing my eyes to widen.
"Your sensei destroyed our parents." Blake agrees.
"Lothor saw the whole thing." Hunter adds, gem in hand.
"And you believed him?" Tori asks, taking a step forward.
"Why shouldn't we?" Hunter counters.
"Cause," I reply weakly, "he isn't exactly one of the good guys, you know."
"We are done talking!" Hunter announces, raising the gem.
"NO!" We all shout, me trying to rush forwards.
"But it down, Hunter." A male ghost orders, as him and the female reveal themselves to be Mr. and Mrs. Bradley.
"Who are you?" Shane asks.
"Mom? Dad?" Hunter asks in disbelief. "How did you ---?"
"This is the Mountain of Lost Ninjas," Mr. Bradley explains, "We'll be here for all eternity."
"Because of him? Right?" Blake clarifies, as Mrs. Bradley floats over to me.
"No, Blake," Mrs. Bradley starts, levitating right next to me, "He's not responsible for what happened to us."
"Well, then who is?" The older Bradley asks, looking at his parents.
"The one they call Lothor." Answers Mr. Bradley, as Mrs. Bradley and Lauren untie my ropes.
"There's a shock." I mumble sarcastically.
"They're fading." Hunter comments.
"No, no, no, wait come back!" Blake begs, reaching out his hand.
"We'll always be looking after you." Mrs. Bradley reassures.
"Make us proud." Mr. Bradley finishes, and the two deceased parents disappear, Hunter and Blake still begging them to come back.
"What a sight," A dark voice that could only belong to one person speak. I don't even have to turn around to see who it is. "The Thunder Rangers crying for their mommy. My ears were burning, you've been talking about me haven't you?"
"It was you all along." Hunter concludes, I lean against Tori for a little support. "You lied to us."
"Not the brightest bulbs on the tree are you?" Lothor smirks, "Now give me the hamster. We have business to attend to."
"Actually, dude, he's a guinea pig." Dustin corrects.
"We're not giving him to you." I say, still a little weak, but I'm gaining my strength slowly.
"Then I'll take him."
"Uhhh... Hello? Lots of us and one of you." Tori points out.
"Oh please." Lothor scoffs, sending a red laser at us. We all duck and Hunter deflects the laser with the gem, shattering the green crystal.
"What happened?" Tori asks, all of us looking at where Lothor once stood.
"Dude, you nailed Lothor!" Dustin cheers.
"Woah," Shane breaths as I stay back, away from the gem, "How'd you do that?"
"The Gem of Souls," Hunter admits, "it's broken. I used it to protect us, but it's shattered."
"That's bad, right?" Dustin asks unsure of what to make of the situation.
"For better or for worse, the power of the gem cannot be destroyed, Dustin." Sensei explains.
"I'm going to say that it's good since no one who betrayed me can use it against me." I glare at the brothers.
"Look," Hunter raises his hands in defense, "we don't even know who you are, so can you take off the mask?"
"God no!" I yell, "As if I would ever trust two of my 'friends' with my identity after they tried to use my power for evil and betrayed me by destroying my academy, kidnapping me, and almost killing me. Ohhh, and to put it into reality, I wouldn't tell you my identity even if you were the last person on Earth, Bradley." I cross my arms, letting a out a growl to threaten the two brothers, leaving the cave.
~~~~Next Day - Blue Bay Harbor - Storm Chargers~~~~
I walk into Storm Chargers following Kelly and Dustin while carrying my 1st place trophy. "How'd the race go?" Shane asks.
Kelly isn't too happy with what happened, so replies, "Could have been better. Hazel, stay out here, I have a surprise for you."
"Okay Kelly." I answer, "Well, I got first, if you can't tell." I put the trophy on the counter, "Blake and Hunter didn't show."
"But I thought they were all set." Tori infers.
"Haze! Come into the backroom!" Kelly shouts to me.
"Coming!" Upon entering the backroom, it's completely dark, until Kelly flips on the lights revealing four of my old childhood friends, Lily Chilman (who knows I'm a ranger from Master Mao), Kira Ford, Maddie Rocca, and Vida Rocca. "Oh my gosh! What are you guys doing here?"
"Well," Kelly starts, "I thought that it would be nice for you to see some old faces and then the girls came up with the idea that they should go to Blue Bay Harbor High for the rest of the year, in order to keep you company. Think of it as a giant sleepover."
Turning to my friends, "Is this true?" They nod in excitement, and I hug all of them again. "Wait, I need to check to make sure these are actually them. Vida, did you bring your portable turntable?"
"You know it, C."
"Maddie, did you bring your video camera?"
"Yes, Chris."
"Kira, you brought your guitar?"
"Do I ever go anywhere without it?"
"And finally Lily, did you bring those awesome dance moves?"
"You know I can't stand still for more than a few minutes!"
"Okay, you're clear!" I announce, earning laughs from each of them. "Come on! I want to introduce you guys to my friends I've made." I get them to follow me out to the lobby of Storm Chargers, where my three teammates are having a conversation. "Hey you guys!"
"Hi Haze! Congrats on First Place." Tori congratulates. "Who are your friends?"
"Shane, Dustin, Tori, meet my old childhood friends that you'll be seeing a lot more of, Kira, Lily, Vida, and Maddie." I introduce, and everyone shakes hands.
"Oh, Haze I forgot to tell you, Blake and Hunter are left, they said to say good bye, and sorry." Tori explains.
"Good riddance. They betrayed me and they think sorry can just fix it? Cause it won't, and they are dead to me after what happened today." I say, everyone's eyes going wide. Turning back to my friends, I say, "Let's go and get you settled in."
"Kelly had us bring our stuff up when we came." Maddie answers, making me smile.
"How about we play a song then?" I ask, getting nods, "Okay, Kira, get your guitar, I'll get mine, V get your turntable, let's get this fire out!"
Within a minute, the three of us are set up in the TV room, Vida's headphones and table are plugged in, and Maddie apparently is going to record us."Vida, can you start us off?" She starts to mix a guitar for us as Kira and I start to play our guitars.
Hey, sorry I haven't been updating I have been stressed about school and all that but I will be updating frequently now so expect more coming your way.
Also I know that Shane and hazel are twins but in this book hazel is kinda adopted is is tommy daughter sooo yeah. Don't forget to vote and comment.

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