Return of thunder p3

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Yasmine POV:
~~~~???? - Beach~~~~
We walk down the beach in silence, until Dustin breaks the peacefulness. "Is it just me or is it starting to get seriously cold?"
"Yea," Shane says, "most of the time, I'd say it's just you. But it is definitely getting colder here."
"I'd really like to know why we can morph, but we can't reach Ninja Ops." Tori comments.
"Our morphers are connected to the morphing grid," I explain bluntly, getting weird looks, "let me explain further, the morphing grid is all throughout the universe. It is almost impossible to blocked, but it has happened before. In simpler terms, the morphing grid is the only way we are able to morph."
"Well, now we just have to figure out where we are." Shane states.
"Portico Island." Blake responds, making us stop and look at him. "What?"
"Anything else you'd like to share with the group?" Lily asks, raising her eyebrow.
"No, you don't want to know, trust me."
"Trust us, we do." Hazel says bluntly.
"I heard Lothor talking to his pals just before he sent Hunter and me back to Earth." The thunder ranger explains.
"And?" Hazel pushes.
"This place doesn't exist on any map. And it rises from the sea, like, once every 200 years, or something."
"And then what?" Dustin questions.
"Well," Blake tries to word the next thing correctly, "that's the part that's kind of harsh."
"You're telling us that this whole place is sinking back into the ocean?" Tori starts to panic.
"I told you you didn't want to know."
"We'd better find some higher ground." The red ranger orders. "Come on." We walk down the beach, and climb up a hill.
~~~~Portico Island - Cliff~~~~
"Is anyone else worried that we haven't see Hunter for hours?" Lily looks at us. Dustin sits on the ground with a long stick he found.
"I can use my break from getting my but whooped." Shane comments, causing Blake to tense up, "Hey, no offense, but your brother isn't playing nice with others these days."
"Look," Blake nods, "Hunter is a great ranger. One day you're all going to be glad he got those powers."
"Sure," The pink ranger agrees, "when he stops using them on us."
"How did you get them anyway?" Tori sits next to Dustin, who is playing in the dirt.
"Your powers, you never told us how any of it happened. You haven't told us how you got them either Yasmine and hazel." Tori replies.
"It's a long story. You really want to hear it?" The thunder ninja questions.
"It's either that or watch Dustin play in the dirt." Lily says, snickering a little as the earth ninja threw the stick forward.
"Sensei Omino was the one who taught our parents the way of the Thunder Ninja." He shifts uncomfortably, "After they... passed away, he brought us to the Thunder Academy. Helped us get through everything. We felt like we belonged again.
"A few years past and a new student came. She was dressed in colors that weren't apart of the academy, silver and gold. She was very shy, always focusing on her ninja training. We slowly became the best of friends, Hunter might of thought of her as more than a friends after a while. But, she excelled in her ninja training, as she did at her other academies. Pretty soon, she was a complete Thunder Ninja. Before she left, she came to us, and said she'd see us again, even though she didn't know when or how. Her name was Yasmine Scott ." My breath hitches upon hearing my name. "We both did really well in our training. Sensei Omino was grooming us for something. We didn't know what."
"That's when Lothor showed up." I assume, trying to shake off the feeling that Hunter might have liked me more than a friend.
"Yea," Blake nods, "Our school was attacked. Kelzacks and aliens were everywhere. Sensei gave us our morphers. He told us we'd know what to do. Only at that moment, he got captured by Lothor."
"When you go in one of those ball things, what does it feel like?" Dustin interrupts the story, "Is it cool, like, going off a freestyle ramp?"
"Not really the point, Dustin." Hazel glares a little.
"Oh, ya, no, sorry, continue." Dustin apologizes.
"Once we got on Lothor's ship, he was really tweaked that the ranger powers were pasted on to us. That's when he told us the lie about our parents." Blake continues.
"That's when you went all medieval on us?" Shane inquires.
"Let's not go there again." I plead, looking up from my spot.
"You got to understand," Blake concludes, "Hunter is a good person. But if he believes someone's wronged him, he won't stop till he makes it right."
"Now your turn." Tori nudges me and haze, and We groan.
"I guess we should start from the beginning," I say, slowly reaching up and gripping the top of my mask. I close my eyes and slowly slipping the mask off. I hear a gasp from Blake. "I'm Yasmine, an Seasonal Master and I am apart of the Order of the Claw." I flash my Master Stripes at them, and their eyes widen. Then they turn to hazel.
"Hi my name is Hazel Clarke Oliver,
I'm a seasonal master and I'm also part of the order of the claw." She also flashes her master strips at them.
"Let's see... Our story starts in Angel Grove, when We was 5. We found the Sound Academy after running through the woods. They attacked us, in defense of their academy of course, and We apparently impressed them with our martial arts and fighting skills.
"That was our first academy. And We loved it. After about a year, We graduated at the top of our class. We were called in one day to the office. You see, We had to take a test in order to see if We were a Sound Ninja. My sensei there showed us our test results, saying We were ninjas of every element.
"Personally, We were shocked, excited, and a little scared. The day before We left, he gave us a disk with the emblem of the Sound Academy, a power disk to be exact. We didn't know what it was at the time though. The next year we traveled to the Crystal academy, once again graduated with in a year, and given a power disk.
"The next academy we went to was the Sun and Moon academy. Students there are taught the ways of the Light, Dark, Celestial and Lunar Ninjas. That type of ninja are very rare. It took us about 1.5 years to get through the four elements. We were 9 when we graduated that academy. We were then discovered by the Order of the Claw, and taken to a Pai Zhuq Academy in Ocean Bluff."
"We were trained under Master Mao and our Uncle RJ. It turns out, that We have more than one Animal Spirit. The Sea Lion, the dragon, and the Kitsune Fox. The snake, the butterfly, the wolf, and the saber tooth tiger." Hazel explains
"They trained us for 2 years in how to harness our animal spirits. I met Lily there, and we became best friends." She explains further
"It made us cry to leave the Pai Zhuq Academy, but we were allowed to visit anytime we wanted. We traveled to the Lightning and Ember Academy, located in Briarwood. We took about 1 year to get through both of them. We took a year to master both the ways of the Spirit and Nature Ninjas." I explained.
"We entered the Wind Ninja Academy, at age 13 and a half. I was never good at making friends, but the sensei's son, Cam, was exactly like me. We instantly clicked, always hanging out with each other.
"Sadly we only stayed for a year and a half, mastering the three elements of Earth, Water, and Air. We only had two more elements to master. We left for the Thunder Academy in Reefside. The day we entered the academy, we saw two boys with black uniforms on with either crimson or navy lining them. I was still pretty shy at the time, and I wanted to focus on my ninja training, but the two boys I saw before, intrigued me. I was training in the courtyard, with a mask on, when I felt a presence around me. I fell into a fighting stance when the two boys from the first day showed up in front of me, also in fighting stances. They made the first move, but I won, taking both of them down. After helping them up, I learned their names. Hunter and Blake Bradley. I was apparently the only person who had ever taken Hunter down in a hand to hand fight. It was fun the year I stayed there. I gained two new friends, and learned a new element.
"It's true what Blake said, on the day I left. I found them sparring in the courtyard. I put my bag down, and the two of them stopped sparring. I hugged each of them, Hunter held me longer than Blake did, though. I wished them good luck in the rest of their training, and told them we'd see each other again, I just didn't know when or how I would.
"About a year and half or so ago, I enter the Seasonal Ninja academy. I finished that element half a year ago, but I loved that academy, so I stayed and help teach some classes.
"I left a little bit earlier than yas cause I help out dad after I went to the academy to look for her because I already graduated before yas."Hazel said.
Hazel POV:
"Lothor attacked the academy a few months ago. I was streaking to my class, when the sky darkened...
I was streaking to the Winter Ninja Academy, so I could teach my class. Teaching new Season Ninjas is a little thing I do for the academy until graduation. Suddenly the sky darkens to a dark shade of purple. I streak faster to the gates of the academy, where I am met by Sensei Yoko. "Come, Hazel. Hurry!" She declares, as we run side by side, almost getting blasted every five seconds by red lasers from the sky. Ushering me into her office, Sensei Yoko locks the door and secures it.
I stare at her questioningly as she runs over to her dark oak wood desk. Walking over to see what she's doing, I gasp as she opens the locked drawer under her desk with a silver key. Upon opening the drawer, she instantly grabs a small silver chest inside, and thrusts it into my hands. "Take it, and use it wisely. You'll know how to use it." Sensei Gaines assures.
"But, Sensei," I start, looking down at the chest in my hands, "How do you know it was meant for me?"
"Hazel," She says, putting both hands on my shoulders, looking me in the eyes with her light brown eyes, "You are the best student of any  academy. You deserve what is in this chest." She reassures, hearing a loud clatter behind us, "Now go!" She pushes me out of the way as a large clear ball like thing captures her inside, and whisking her away into the sky.
I ninja streak away from the Seaseon Ninja Academy as it is torn apart by a vortex, sucking it into the air. I take one last look at the academy as it was destroyed, before going home. A tear slips out of my eyes as I run as fast as can, away from the destroyed academy.
However, as I streaked away, I saw two figures that were different from the aliens and crazy dressed humans. They had bug like helmets on and were covered in spandex. One in navy and one in crimson. They shot bolts of thunder at the academy, destroying it and setting the place on fire. Crimson and Navy cackled while doing so. Enjoying the pain they were causing the people of my academy. I silently streaked away, not being noticed, anger boiling inside of me, and my fire ninja powers almost going out of control. But, I grit my teeth and keep moving so I'm not seen.
End of Flashback
Yasmine POV:
"I vowed to make those rangers pay for betraying not only me, but the other ninja academies. But, during our little adventure through the Cavern of Lost Souls, the Bradleys kidnapped me, and almost drained all of my life force with the gem. If I had lost anymore of my life force, I wouldn't have been able to sustain life. Blake, you saved my life when you stopped your brother. And I can't thank you enough for that, but, you and your brother have lost all the trust you had with me, and I'm not sure how you two are going to earn it back." I cry softly, looking out at the ocean.
I feel a hand on my shoulder, but I don't move to see who it is. "I'm sorry, Yas. I know that that doesn't fix what we've done to you, but I'm glad you trusted me enough to share your identity." Blake pats.
"I have a question for you, Bradley." I ask, "Why is Hunter taking his anger out on us?"
"Choobo used some kind of mind eraser ray on us to make us think you were our enemies." Blake explains, and I smile at him. This is the first real smile I've given one of the Badleys since they came back.
"How come you snapped out of it?" Lily questions.
"I guess I just had more help remembering who my friends are." Blake concludes, making me smile, Out of the corner of my eye, I see Tori blush slightly, looking away from the ninja standing before them.
"Then that's exactly what Hunter needs." I grin, "Come on, we better go find him."
We go back down the way we came. Well, all but Dustin, who complains, "Do we have to?" Hazel and Lily grab his shoulder,s hoisting him up and pushing up to us.
~~~~Portico Island - Beach~~~~
As we walk on a cliff, gas is everywhere, and is making us all cough. I put my mask back on cause if Hunter doesn't listen to Blake, then I have an idea.  "This island stinks!" I cough, holding my nose.
We hear screams, I squint my eyes, seeing a crimson figure roll down a hill. "Guys! Over there!" I point and then try to run but we get blasted.
"You guys better bail," Super Toxipod orders, "Cause I'm one bad snail!"
"If you're a snail, then how come you look more like a crab?" Dustin asks, and we slide into defensive position.
"CRAB! SNAIL! WHATEVER!" The alien shouts, shooting lasers at us again. I do a backwards arial to dodge the attack.
"Time to plug this slug." Dustin declares.
"Ready?" Shane asks.
Holding up our right hand, pointer and middle finger straight up, we command.
"Ninja Storm!"
"Thunder Storm!"
"Season Storm!"
"Ranger Form! HA!"
"Power of..."
"Power of Thunder!"
"Ninja Swords!"
"White Tiger Saber!"
"Seasonal Staff!"
"I can take you all!" The crab rushes us.
"Dream on snail trail," Blake starts, "Ninja Shadow Battle!" We each take strikes at the monster, and it ends with Blake grabbing Super Toxipod's waist.
"Where's Hunter?!" Blake demands, almost what looks to seem wrestling the the crab.
"What do you care?" The snail wonders, "You'll never get off this island!"
"Never's a long time, dude." I strike the monster again, and Blake pushes him to the ground.
"Put 'em together!"
"Seasonal Storm Striker!"
"FIRE!" I finish and Shane pulls the trigger.
"That's not in the script!" Super Toxipod screams as it explodes. Our visors open, my mask not on anymore.
"Everyone okay?" Lily asks as we regroup.
"Where's Hunter?" Blake looks around.
"Where are you?!" Hunter yells, "There you are, TRAITOR!"
"Look!" I turn Blake around, and he sees Hunter stumbling forward. We close our visors as a reaction.
"Wait!" I stand in front of Blake as Hunter charges. Hunter strikes me in the chest, making me fall down in pain. I'm not sure how much more I can take from this guy.
"Hunter! Snap out of it!" I demand, jumping on his back.
"Lothor's done something to you!" Blake agrees, the crimson ranger's staff under his arm.
"Liar!" Hunter snarls.
"Listen to him, Hunter!"
"No more, LIES!" Hunter yells, throwing me off and trying slashing his brother.
As Hunter brings down his staff, I block the staff with Kit. "Trust him, Hunter!"
"Why should I?!" He throws me out of the way, tackling Blake to the ground.
"Hunter, please." Blake pleads.
"Why should I? You'll pay for your betrayal." Hunter snarls.
"It was Choobo and Lothor. They betrayed us. Think Hunter! Think!"
"Think Hunter! Think!" I shout, struggling to get into a standing position. "You're under some kind of spell."
"You're confusing me." The evil crimson ranger, "No more ninja tricks!" He aims the stick to Blake's head.
"No!" I grab the staff. "Hunter! That's your brother!" I throw him off of Blake, helping the poor dude up.
"I don't have a brother!" He snarls once again, firing his blaster.
We fall to the ground, "Alright! Enough is enough. Time for some tough love!"
"I call upon the power of Spirits! Spirit Fans!" Blake and I take a side, swiping his sides. We take more swipes at chest. "Now you're gonna listen and listen good!"
"Hunter! Your name is Hunter! You're my brother! Come on man! Shake it off!" Blake yells. I drop my morph, staring wide eyed at the two brothers.
"No. You're lying to me.." Hunter mumbles. "I know the truth!" Hunter throws Blake off, clutching his head. "Something's wrong! My head!"
I run up to the confused ranger, turning him to face me, "Hunter, you know the truth..."
Third Person POV:
Just as Yas had finished saying that. Hunter has flashbacks of him and Blake training. Yas defeating him at the academy. Laughing with her as the two walked through the Thunder Academy. Talking at the track when they first came to Blue Bay Harbor. In Storm Chargers, laughing together. Back in reality, Hunter pushes the Season Ranger off.
"It's coming back!" He turns to face us, "I remember."
Yasmine POV:
Hunter says that he remembers, and falls to the ground, out cold. "Hunter!" Blake and I shout in unison. We run over, and Blake tries to shake Hunter awake.
"Come on! No! Come on, bro! Stay with me!" Blake shakes, to be honest with you... I think Blake is choking him. I walk over to the others and Lily.
"Dude," Hunter gets out, "I'm gonna need to breath at some point here." I smile and so does Blake.
"He's back to being Hunter." I say, shrugging at the others.
"Good Hunter or Bad Hunter?" Lily asks.
"Do you know who we are?" Shane nods to Hunter.
"Yea, my friends." Hunter responds, giving us a smile.
Our morphers beep, and Shane brings his morpher to his mouth, "Is that you Cam?"
"No, it's the phone company," Cam says, and we laugh, "I'm calling to find out if you're happy with your long distance service."
"Thank you for asking. I'm very satisfied with my service." I reply, laughing.
"Are they always this funny?" Hunter asks.
"Not always," Lily answers, "we're great Cam. Thanks for asking."
"Are the Thunder Rangers with you?" We hear Sensei's voice.
"Right here, Sensei." I say.
"Excellent, I must speak to them upon your return."
"Which brings up our next problem. You're on an island that's sinking fast. You've gotta find a way off."
"Well... Uh... How about the gliders?" Dustin suggests.
"Thanks for thinking about us who don't have gliders Dustin." I thank sarcastically.
"The atmospheric pressure is too unstable right now. It wouldn't be safe."
"What about the zords?" Blake asks.
"Good idea, Blake."
"They are on their way. I just have to check the structural integrity to make certain they can stand the water pressure."
"Cam, the zords are made from alien technology." I reason, "I think they can."
"Let's do it." Shane starts.
"Wait!" Hunter stops us.
"Oh no." Lily groans.
"I just want to say it means a lot. The way you stood up for me."
"That's what friends do." Shane says bluntly. "So before this turns into a group hug, We'd better go."
Out of nowhere, the snail grows big, "Go big or go home!"
"You guys ready for this?" I ask, getting nods
"Season Storm!"
"Ninja Storm!"
"Thunder Storm!"
"Ranger Form! HA!"
"Ninja Ranger Power!"
"Let's do it!" We bounce up and down, Ninja Streaking to our zords.
"Ready to rock and roar! Saba! Do your thing!"
"Purple Sea Lion zord! Your assistance is needed."
"Purple Sea Lion zord! Warrior Mode!" Our zords get into fighting stances, and the monster just cackles.
"Hey, rangers! You're gonna be sorry you ever crossed my sea. Snail fire!" He spews fire from his mouth, and it spreads, causing our megazords to spark.
"Dude, it's hot as in like, Africa hot." Dustin comments.
"Where's the AC on this thing?" Tori wonders.
"Yo, you guys okay?" Shane asks.
"Yea," Lily and Hazel are currently roasting marshmallows, "Lils and haze are having marshmallows."
"Don't worry!" Hunter calls.
"We can take the heat!" Blake adds.
"Then let's go for a little spin!" Our zords turn round and round, smothering the flames.
"What?!" The alien says in surprise.
"Spin Blade!" Hunter announces.
"Lightning Mode! Engaged!"
"Pink butterfly zord! Online!"
"Sea Lion Laser Blaster!"
"Rangers! Battle Ready!" First, the thunders strike the crustacean with their spin blade. Then the winds jump off the shoulder of the Thunder Megazord, performing a flying kick.
"Sea Lion Laser Blaster! FIRE!" The electric purple and pink laser is shot right at the monster. Finishing the job.
"Now that's what I call a crab feast."
"All you can eat!"
"Detination of the crustacean."
"We're goin' home!" We walk our zords through the ocean, just as the island fully submerges.
~~~~Blue Bay Harbor - Storm Chargers~~~~
Hazel POV:

~~~~Blue Bay Harbor - Storm Chargers~~~~Hazel POV:

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We walk into Storm Chargers. To be honest with you, I'm terrified of the store and how it looks. "Hey Kell." Dustin greets, making her glare at us. From behind, I point to my wrist, making her nod ever so slightly.
"Well, look at what the cat dragged in." Kelly glares. Kira, Maddie, and Vida walk up behind her, glaring daggers at us.
"Uh... Hi guys..." I rub the back of my neck.
"Kell, girls, we can explain." I start, "We were kind of stuck in the middle of nowhere and ---"
"It wasn't their fault." Hunter interrupts. "They were helping us out."
"Well that doesn't surprise me." Kelly bluntly says. "You could have called, sent an email."
"You've gotta trust him." I try and reason with the stubborn redhead. "If there were anyway we would have been here."
"I'm really sorry." Dustin apologizes.
"Dustin and Haze are telling you the truth." Blake explains, "As for my brother and me. Well, we know we've let you down a bunch of times. We're through with that. We want to start over." Kelly rolls her eyes as he talks.
"We'll make it up to you, we promise." Hunter adds.
"Well, you seem short handed, Kell. I think you could use a couple of stock boys." I exclaim, making Hunter go wide eyed.
"You're right Haze." Kelly agrees, making the girls behind her almost fall to the floor laughing.
"Stockboys?" Hunter checks.
"Ya know," Kira confirms, "someone to open boxes, clean the floors at night..."
"I was thinking more on head mechanic or---"
Blake stops him, "We'll take it."
"Wait a minute, who are you two?" V asks. My eyes widen. Oh no....
"My name is Hunter and this is my brother Blake."
Vida's eyes narrow at him, "Well, Hunter and Blake, I recommend you leave in the next, I don't know, 5 seconds, before I beat the living snot out of you for hurting our friend."
"She's not joking." Maddie adds, smirking. The brothers look to me in fright.
"Have at it" I said smiling
"Ummm.... Be right back, Kelly." Yas rushs out, pushing the brothers ahead of her.
~~~~Blue Bay Harbor - Ninja Ops~~~~
Yasmine POV:
"Wait a minute," I stop them from talking, "let me get this straight. After all we've been through, you guys just want to walk away from being rangers?"
"We have to." Hunter confirms.
"Lothor isn't gonna let us rest until he destroys us." Blake adds.
"Join the club." Lily declares.
"We can't risk anything to you because of us. You're the only thing standing between Lothor and millions of innocent people." Hunter explains further.
"But you've been given a gift," Tori pushes, "Isn't it your responsibility to use it?"
"P.S. Bradleys. You can't choose the power, the power chooses you." I say bluntly, "You can't evade the power for long. Heck! I'm surprised my dad has escaped it for this long."
"Tori and Yasmine are both correct. Hunter, Blake, Sensei Omino knew the Thunder Ranger powers were meant for you. But I cannot force you to live up to your responsibility." Sensei concludes.
"So what do ya say?" Shane asks, "Are you guys in or not?" Blake and Hunter look at each other, as if having a silent conversation.

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