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As the door to the yellow room creaked open I immediately straightened up in bed. The other boys were already sleeping in their beds, so I had no idea who this was.

"Lin?" A voice whispered out and I immediately made the person aware that I was awake, "come," I was waved with the person and hesitantly followed until we reached the lit hallway.

"You nearly scared the living dead out of me," I complained and hit Sunoo's arm as he just grinned before grabbing my wrist and pulling me along, "what are we doing?"

"Sitting down to talk," he stated and pulled me to the couches and sat me down beside him.

"About what?" I questioned him.

"You haven't told me that you nearly debuted before, or that you were in a survival show. Let alone that you had some injury," he stated to me.

"You didn't tell me about your surgery," I retorted making him sigh and run a hand through his hair.

"That's why we're here. To talk about the things that we haven't told the other," he stated and I just nodded at him, "so you start. The debuts."

"Right," I nodded at him, "short after I became a trianee I was set to debut in Itzy, because my company had some small teamwork with JYP. I trained with Itzy for the last month up to their debut, and were a part of the debut line, but I were cut about... four or three days before debut."

"Okay... so Itzy... that's one," he counted with his fingers and I let out a small nod before letting out a small laugh.

"Shortly after I got cut from Itzy I was moved to Everglow, under my own company. There I was made part of the official debut line as well. But this time I were cut about... a week before debut," I explained and he nodded and counted two on his fingers, "and then earlier this year, I was on a foreign survival show, where there were nine debuting members, and I ranked tenth. I finished the show in late April and got here right after."

"So you've actually lived in Korea two times," he stated and I just nodded at him, "first for three months back in 2019, and then the month before the show," he stated and I nodded, "and this is the times you've been learning Korean."

"Yes," I nodded at him.

"Now, let me ask you. The injury," he stated and I nodded.

"You'll need some backstory to understand completely," I pointed out to him and he nodded at me, "so my dad and I were... we were not exactly poor, we just lived from day to day."

"You were poor," he corrected me making me wave it off.

"So... I've taken an acting job back in 2016, for us to earn some more money to get by easier. Then in 2018 I had to go back to some of it for a short time during the summer," I waved it off, "there I had to... you know those harnesses, right?" I questioned him, "the ones that either make you float or pull you back?"

"Yeah," he nodded at me,

"Yeah. I was attached to one of those, but when it pulled the staff hadn't set up the safety mattress. So I actually ended up with a few bruised ribs and a punctured lung. So the whole thing is that once you've had a punctured lung you're at 35% greater risk to get it again, so it's basically what they mean when they say it can return. If I get too much pressure on my chest or get too out of breath it can collapse again," I explained and he nodded with a small frown on his face, clearly trying to understand everything I was saying, "I actually don't have it now. But usually before dancing and performing like this, I would have to take a breath of oxygen from this small thingy... I don't know what it's called."

"I know what you mean," he waved it off and I just nodded.

"So usually I had to take a breath from this, as it would expand my lungs a bit more than I can do myself. So that they're sort of "warmed up" for me to do some hard excercise, like performing. I've actually haven't had troubles yet, so far so good. But I'll get back on it once I finish here."

"So technically your lung could collapse again when you're performing here?" he questioned and I just shrugged.

"In theory it could, but there's a chance my lungs are completely fine and it won't be at that big of a chance... so I don't know to be honest," I shrugged, "So yeah... story of my... trainee life. Now you're the only one who knows about my injury... in detail."

"What an honor," he stated with a small laugh as I just nodded in agreement.

"Now your turn. What do you have to say that I don't already know?" I questioned him making him let out a small laugh.

"You know what? It's late, I think we should go to bed," he stated making me look at him with a puzzled look, "yeah, I'm gonna go to bed. Night Lin!"

With that he stood up and just walked off, making me look after him in confusion.

"That's... odd," I muttered to myself before hesitantly getting up and going to bed myself.

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