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Before the next test there was a mini mission to cover one of Seventeen's songs. I had ended up in the 'Hit' unit, somehow. But I had managed to learn it quite quickly when we had begun this morning, and as of now they could arrive at any point.

"They're here, they're here," Hanbin muttered as the egg began turning and Niki immediately was sent off to gather the other boys, whilst the other boys scrambled to clean in the practice room.

"Oh come on, you don't expect that their practice room is spotless, do you?" I questioned in disbelief.

"You never know Lin, you never know," Jay pointed out to me as I let out a small laugh and turned to the windows and happily waved at the four older boys who had arrived.

Hoshi immediately saw me and pointed to me with a wide grin before the four rushed into the practice room and all threw their arms up in the air.

"Lin!" they all cooed simultaneously.

"Sunbaenim!" I cooed in return before looking to the other boys in my unit, "hold on... what just happened?"

"Ah! She's just as pure as on screen!" Dino happily exclaimed as I let out a small nervous laugh.

"Have you been practicing hard?" Jun questioned, surprising me by speaking to me in Mandarin.

"Yes," I happily nodded in return.

"You were a trainee under Yuehua China Department, weren't you?" The8 questioned and I just nodded at him, "Ah, I had a friend who got in in high school. He says their audition process is really though."

"7 rounds of selection," I nodded at him, "we went from... 198 applicants to 6 accepted trainees."

"He said they had quite a hard training. It sounded a lot harder than the Korean one, is that true?" he questioned and I simply shrugged.

"I don't know. The only Korean training I've gotten was debut preparations last year. But I'd say that training in China was harder," I nodded at him.

"They have somewhere between nine hours of dance class, three hours of vocal class and then what is the last one?" The8 turned to me after explaining it to Jun.

"Uh... an hours ettiquette class, and two hours personal training," I clarified as the other boys streamed into the practice room as well.

They immediately began chatting with everyone as we switched back to Korean again.

"I want to see Lin's unit first," Jun stated making me let out a small laugh, "which one is that?"

"Hit," I replied with a small smile.

"Then we want the Hit unit first!" Hoshi happily announced.

I happily stepped out on the floor with the rest of the boys. Hoshi started the music and we began dancing, just to earn applause by the four sunbaenims in the end.

"Jay kinda looks like Jun," Dino stated as Jay immediately got flustered from the compliment, "they should dance it together."

Jun happily walked out on the floor and softly dragged Jay out to stand beside him, before turning to his own group members.

"Can Lin too?" he excitedly questioned as the others just shrugged or held up their hands in defense, "Lin get out here, you're dancing too."

I happily grinned before skipping out on the floor and standing on the other side of Jun.

"She should've been in the Pretty U unit," Dino laughed at me.

"Music cue!" I called out making the older boys laugh at me before the music started.

I happily began dancing along with Jay and Jun. As we finished both Jay and I bowed to Jun before retrieving to the side and letting the Pretty U unit go out to show how they had gotten.

I absolutely loved it to say the least. The boys acting cute, Sunghoon nearly having a meltdown once they finished, Taki absolutely being in his element, Sunoo vibing with the song. I just loved every moment of it. 

"Before we go," The8 started and we all looked to him and he gestured to me.

"What?" I questioned in confusion.

"It's different being a trainee in Korea than it is in China, right?" he questioned and I hesitantly nodded, "They're a lot more strict here about how you should look, act and perform, don't they?"

"Yeah," I nodded at him.

"It's been hard to adjust to what you can do and what you can't do, hasn't it?" he questioned as worry immediately wrote itself in his eyes. I was quite surprised by that.

"Uh... yeah... it has," I nodded making him let out a small sigh, "but I'm slowly trying to push it by a bit. So far I've started with my hair. Back in China it doesn't matter how it looks, but here it has to be neat and pretty. So... letting my hair be natural should be a good start, right?" he just nodded with a hum.

"Just don't forget where you came from or who you are," he pointed out and I just nodded at him.

"I won't," I assured making him smile.

"I guess we're done here then," he proudly stated before slowly leaving with his group members.

"What'd he ask?" Taki immediately questioned.

"The different standards from where I used to train compared to here," I waved it off, "and how I was adjusting."

"There's different standards?" Jungwon questioned.

"Oh, you have no idea," I nodded at him, "just wait till the cameras turn off and I don't have to hide various things of my personality and appearance... so yeah... just you wait."

"You... you're hiding things?" Heeseung questioned with wide eyes as I just nodded with a small hum.

"But! It's not anything big, it's just those small perks that would be seen as completely unacceptable here," I assured them, "so... it's not that different, but it is a bit different."

In the end Sunoo had placed first and chosen his unit by the end of the day. Of course it had to be 'Chamber 5', and of course he had chosen Taki, Jungwon and Jake... but Heeseung? That had surprised me. By the end of the night I had ended in the 'Flame On' unit, which I was quite satisfied with. I've already done more cute songs than necessary this year.

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