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When they got home Yoongi threw all the art supplies into the bag and handed them to Jimin, who squealed with excitement.

Yoongi just smiled and kissed the younger's temple.

"Where can I put this stuff?" Jimin asked softly.

Yoongi hummed in thought for a while.

"If you want you could put it in my office, that way you can paint while I work" Yoongi suggested.

"Okay" Jimin smiled softly, walking into the older boys office and looking around before softly placing the bag onto the floor to deal with later.

Jimin quickly ran back to Yoongi and jumped on him, causing the older boy to stumble back a little bit but eventually he got his balance back and held onto the younger boy.

"Well I'm glad you had fun" Yoongi smiled.

Jimin smiled back and kissed the older boy deeply.


"Do you want anything for lunch?" Yoongi asked

Jimin shrugged before backing away, "anything's fine with me, I'm kind of craving spicy though"

"Okay" Yoongi said before gently picking the younger boy up and moving him off of his lap.

Jimin got up and followed behind the other boy while they made their way to the kitchen.

"Can I help?" He asked softly

Yoongi paused in contemplation "sure..."


Yoongi was trying to fry the pork belly when Jimin kept reaching over and around him to try helping. Eventually Yoongi slowly took the spatula out of the pan and placed it on the counter.

He faced towards Jimin and slowly started to walk towards him, with a scary look in his eyes.

Jimin kept backing up until eventually his back hit the counter.

Yoongi walked right in front of him and placed his hands on either side of the counter.

"Jimin" Yoongi said lowly.

"I like you a lot, but please get out of my kitchen"

Jimin looked up at the older boy as he turned around and walked back to the stove top.

Jimin didn't know what to do. Obviously, he walked out of the kitchen, but he decided to walk into the spare room.

He sat on the bed, it'd been a while since he'd been in that specific room.

He picked up a pillow as he grabbed the remote.


Jimin heard a soft knock on the door before it opened, revealing the black haired boy.

"Hey, lunchs ready" Yoongi said softly as he waited towards the door for the younger to get up and follow him.

Jimin ignored him and kept his eyes to the tv screen.

"Baby I'm sorry, okay?" Yoongi said softly.

"You yelled at me" Jimin pouted, still not looking towards the other.

He heard Yoongi sigh and walk towards him. The older sat next to him on the bed.

"I know, I'm sorry. I just don't like cooking with other people. At first I was gonna say no but I wanted to make you happy so I tried to go through with it but I got annoyed" Yoongi explained.

"I annoy you?" Jimin said quickly, looking over at the other with wide eyes filled with heart break.

"Of course not baby, cooking with other people is just something I'm picky about" Yoongi said softly before kissing Jimin's cheek.

"Tell ya what, you can make dinner tomorrow and I'll help you. Yea?" Yoongi suggested.

Jimin just nodded and then held his arms out, allowing the black haired boy to pick him up and carry him to the dining room.


After finishing the two sat cuddled up on the couch.

Jimin was bored, to say the least, and wanted to do something fun with the older.

"Yoongi?" Jimin spoke softly

"Yes, kitten?" Yoongi replied softly.

Jimin flushed slightly, "Do you think you could invite hobi over? I want to meet him," he asked softly. It was still early in the day, and gave them enough time to hang out.

"Hm, I can call him and see if he's up for it, yea" Yoongi said softly.

"If you want you could invite everyone over too" He suggested

"I think you guys should meet first"

"Whys that?"

Yoongi sighed as he started to comb his fingers through the younger's blond hair; he noticed his roots were starting to come out dark brown.

"Just because me and the guys have an inside joke of us being his five boyfriends, because we're always so lovey dovey with him. If we had everyone over you'd barely be able to talk to him" He explained calmly.

"Oh," the smaller boy giggled, "why do you guys get so lovey dovey with him?"

"He's just an all around sweet guy, all of us protect him like our lives depend on it cause he's just a huge ball of sunshine"

The blond hummed in response.

"I'll give him a call, though" Yoongi said, placing a kiss onto the top of the younger's head and standing up to leave the room.


Jimin had changed into black jeans and a loose white t-shirt as he wanted a casual look. He was excited to meet the last boy from the "group" and was sitting anxiously on the couch with the older boy.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, and soon after a tall boy let himself in with a wide smile.

"Hey guys" he chirped happily

"Hey Hobi" Yoongi said as he stood up to hug him.

Hoseok hugged the other boy, and Jimin noticed that he too was taller than the black haired male. Yoongi's friends really were all giants.

When the two separated, the tallest turned to look at the shortest.

"Hi" Jimin said shyly

"Well aren't you gonna hug me?" Hobi asked teasingly.

"Oh sorry!" Jimin said as he rushed to stand up and hug him, "I didn't know you'd want me too"

"Hugs are always nice, especially if it's someone that my friend likes" the older boy said, while quickly hugging the shorter boy.

"So what's the plan?" Hoseok asked

"There really isn't one, Jimin just wanted to meet you" Yoongi mumbled, his arm wrapped around the youngest's waste.

"Ahh I see, go away" Hoseok said while softly pushing Yoongi back and gently grabbing Jimin's hand and pulling him over.

"What?" Yoongi asked confused.

"Today's for me and Jimin, go away" Hoseok smiled.


"No but's, Jimin wanted to see me, so it shall be me and him only, go work or something" Hoseok said as he pulled the younger with him as he walked outside and into his car.

"Do you wanna drive?" Hoseok asked while holding his keys out.

"Oh, no I don't know how to" Jimin gently declined

"Doesn't mean ya cant" Hoseok said slowly while playfully poking the younger with the key.

"I'd rather not" Jimin laughed

"Okay," the older chirped while pushing his key into the slot, "let's go"


Im Crazy For You • YOONMINWhere stories live. Discover now