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Yoongi sat down on the couch and pulled the blond onto his lap.

Jimin snuggled his face into the black-haired boys neck, wanting to take in his scent to help calm him down.

"So... what happened?" He asked softly

"Well... Hoseok's crazy, but more in a different way" Yoongi started off

"How so?"

"A couple years ago, Hoseok met this guy... and they eventually fell in love. And when I say this, I don't mean high school sweethearts that'll break up after a year, I mean they were in love. I'd never seen a couple as tuned in as they were, they were just perfect for each other"

"And then, since Hobi was my best friend and he wanted to help the group out, he decided to join mine, Namjoon's, and Jungkook's group. He would go with me when I went out to areas, and would essentially work as my sound system for if people were nearby or coming"

"And since he was in the system, he was also a target for people to go after..."

"And one day, he found out that the man he loved was shot in the head"

"What?" Jimin said as he quickly sat up to look at the older.

"It... it gets worse" Yoongi mumbled before continuing

"It was in their house, and Hoseok was in the other room... sleeping. Ever since that day, he's been blaming himself for what happened"

"Soon after, he found the guys that killed him and killed all of them... and I really do mean this, Hoseok never wanted to kill anyone throughout the five years that he worked with me, and he never did, until that day"

"As soon as he killed them, he called me and said he wasn't gonna work with me anymore, which obviously I said that was okay, because that's a lot to fucking deal with."

"And, your brain has weird ways to deal with trauma. Hoseok's... is one of the weirdest I've seen."

"It's not that he can't remember the situation, it's just buried all the way into the back of his brain. And he doesn't recall the incident unless something triggers him to think about it or things surrounding it" Yoongi explained

"Then why was he showing photos of you, Jin, and Namjoon saying they were his boyfriend?" Jimin asked softly

"That's the weird part of his brain. Ever since that incident, he just... he struggles to recognize people as who they are. Very often, he confuses people for him. That's why he was talking about his weird relationship of friends with benefits. It's not actually his boyfriend, it's random hook ups that he can only recognize as his boyfriend, and that's why they're so iffy about starting relationships, because they only see Hobi as a random one night stand."

"So... we just don't bring any of it up. We don't talk about his relationships, we don't correct him when he confuses someone for him, we don't mention losing loved ones." Yoongi ended, looking at the younger boy softly.

"Thats awful," he said quietly, "I-is that why you guys get super lovey with him?"

"No," Yoongi chuckled, "we've always been like that. But... it definitely got stronger after the incident"

"Now I feel even worse knowing I forced him to think back to that" Jimin mumbled as he snuggled back into the older, searching for comfort.

"You didn't know, and he knows that you don't mean any harm from it. Maybe sometime we can get the whole group together, yea? It'll make both of you guys happy"

Jimin nodded slowly, wanting to help the taller male be happy again.


After the two had finished eating dinner, they laid snuggled next to each other.

They were facing each other, and Yoongi was hugging the younger with his face buried into his neck like he normally laid down.

The blond boy was combing his fingers through his hair again.

Jimin thought back to the older boys words about not forcing himself to hold back and that if he liked Yoongi, to just go for it.

Jimin had been waiting for the day he'd finally just stop giving a shit, and now realizing that a boy who had lost his soulmate was urging him to make a move made him realize how happy both him and Hoseok would be if he allowed himself to just go for it.

Jimin nervously licked his lips as he gently reached down and grabbed onto the older's chin, lifting his head up.

Yoongi looked up at him and smiled funnily. Jimin smiled and leaned down, connecting their lips into a deep kiss.

The older was quick to respond, and kissed the younger boy with just as much passion.


The two parted, both slightly out of breath. Yoongi quickly moved down to the soft skin of the others neck and started to kiss and suck on it, making him whine slightly.

Jimin pulled him closer, wanting more contact between the two of them.

But when Yoongi started to trail down words Jimin gently cupped his face and pulled him back up.

"N-not yet..." Jimin mumbled shyly, he felt like he was being annoying or a baby for telling the other to wait longer.

"Okay," Yoongi said before pressing a kiss to his forehead, "that's fine"

And Jimin smiled.

He was glad that there was a mutual understanding between the two.

He was glad that Yoongi could read him so well and immediately knew how to comfort and console him.

He was glad that he got Hoseok's advice that pushed him to finally just do what he wanted to- that being to just allow himself to admit he liked the black-haired male.

"Sorry if I ruined the mood" Jimin whispered, nervously playing with the fabric of his own shirt as he tried to not look at the male who was on top of him.

"Hey," Yoongi said quickly, "you didn't ruin anything. I'm not about to force you to have sex, or throw a fit because you stopped it"

"Really?" Jimin asked with a slightly shocked expression.

He'd dated maybe three or four guys, and all of them would throw a fit if he suddenly changed his mind during a heated session that he didn't want to keep going. Wether they would continuously pressure him until he eventually agreed, or they'd get upset, they never let him be.

"Yea? Why are you so surprised about it?" Yoongi asked with a small chuckle as he lowered himself and hugged Jimin's waist, resting his chin to be able to stare at how pretty the blond looked.

Jimin pursed his lips, "all the other guys I dated wouldn't give it up so easily"

Yoongi sighed softly as he grabbed Jimin's hands, to stop them from fiddling with the material of his shirt.

He held them as he softly pressed kisses to his knuckles.

"You truly are something precious, Jimin. I never have the intention of harming you, upsetting you, or doing something that you don't want to," Yoongi said softly with a loving look in his eyes.

"And also your ex's are pissbabys" he quickly added.

Jimin burst out into laughter at the sudden addition, and the taller boy laughed with him.

Jimin bit his lip with a soft smile before leaning forward and kissing the other once more.

"If anybody tries to take my kitten, they'll face consequences" Yoongi said, causing the younger to giggle again.

And Yoongi smiled, knowing that his baby was happy was all he needed.


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