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Alana's POV.

When I walked in the door from school, I made sure Chris, and my mother weren't home. I dropped my bag and locked myself in the bathroom.

I made the quick decision, popping the cap on one of my medications, and throwing about 7 pills back, dry. I grabbed a razor from my hidden stash under the sink.

I sat against the bathtub, and pressed. Just adding another scar to my ugly, worthless being. I didn't cry. I never cried. I was to strong for that.

My mind flashed back to just a few hours ago.

"What happened to your friend, Alana? Whats her name... Sara? Did she kill herself too? Or is that just your father?" Ava, the queen bee of the school asks, obviously going to make a joke out of whatever I answer.

"Kara, and no, she moved to Nebraska." I murmured. This was getting old. We do this everyday.

" Umm... I don't think so. Last I heard about her she commit suicide because she was so embarrassed to ever be friends with you." Ava's whole cliche clique giggle.

" Better then being friends with you." I bite back.

" I think I'd rather be friends with a gorgeous, rich girl, then a deranged, mentally insane, emo, no-life, whore." She said, smirking at my reaction.

I walked the opposite way, but she used her foot to push her purse in front of me. I tripped on the concrete sidewalk, my paper's going everywhere. I internally groaned, picking up my papers, shoving them into my binder, and walking home fast.

So now here I am, ending my life because theres no reason for me living anymore.

I stand up, my legs wobbling beneath me. I drop the bloody blade in the sink, and then my whole body gives in. It's time.

My body hits the tile floor, and I don't even resist. My head hits the bathtub, hard.

I could feel my mind slowly becoming hazy, leaving me. As if I hadn't lost it years ago.

My body slowly shuts down, one function at a time. This is what I wanted.

I'm worthless.

Worth nothing.

The last thing I hear before my world goes black, is the front door, and my mothers voice calling my name as she comes home from work.

****Alana's Mom's POV****

" Alana? Are you home?" I call as I make my way upstairs after work.

I checked her room. Her bag and stuff was there, but she wasn't I knocked on the bathroom door, and when I didn't hear a reply, I tried to open the door. Locked.

I ran down the stairs to the kitchen. I shuffled through all the draws until I found the one with the house keys. While I ran back up the stairs, I sorted the keys to find the one for the bathroom. I was panicing.

I unlocked the door, shoving it roughly open, finding my 16-year-old, passed out on the bathroom floor, a giant lump on her head, probably from hitting the bathtub. I looked around to find clues.

Her wrist was bloody, so was the very razor she used, which was sitting on the counter next to an empty bottle of her sleeping pills. My breathe caught in my throat.

No matter her age, she weighed about 100 pounds, so I carried her down the stairs, and quickly got her into the car.

I speed to the nearest hospital, leaving her in their hands, while mine were shaking uncontrollably.


Chris joined me in the waiting game at the hospital an hour later.

" Mrs. Carter?" A doctor called, motioning me over the the double doors. I dragged Chris with me.

" Yes? Is she okay? Please tell me shes okay."

" I'm just going to state some facts. Not only has she overdosed on a very strong sleeping pill, but by the acids in her body, she has not eaten in over 3 days." The doctor looked disappointed in me, but also sympathetically. My hands went over my mouth, and my eyes went wide. " At the moment, shes in a medically- induced coma, to rid of the harmful amount of medication in her body. But as we can see, she obvious needs more emotional, and mental help then a therapist every other week, so we are going to send her to a hospital down in Brooklyn, which is much more advanced, and useful in this field. We are going to try to keep her there a month once she wakes up, but she will not be allowed visitors until we are sure she is stable, so I suggest to follow me, say your goodbyes, and go home to get some rest. We will contact you as soon as shes awake, and you can talk, but until then, we need to work."

I took a moment to let what he said sink in. I let out a sigh, but nodded, understanding.

We followed him down the hall into her hospital room.

Seeing her sprang tears to my eyes. She was laying so still, and fragile. Like the glass china dolls that I have that she used to always want to play with, but i'd always tell her they were collectables, not for you to actually play with.

I knelt next to the bed, and stoked her hand.

" I'm so sorry, baby. I do love you. I do. So much." I whispered to her unmoving, silent figure.

After I said my goodbyes, I watched them load her stretcher in the back of an ambulance, and get ready for the drive to Brooklyn.

I thanked them and went home. I sat at the kitchen counter, a cup of tea in my hand for hours later then normal. Chris was already in bed, unfazed by the emotional wreck his step-daughter was.

When I finally went to bed, I was frequently woken by nightmares.


Evan's POV

When I woke up on Thursday morning, I knew I didn't have a lot of time before my mom came home from work. I was going to make it quick. I swallowed the remaining 5 pills in the bottle. I wrote a quick letter.

Dear Mom,

I'm sorry. I love you.

Love, Evan

I put it on my pillow, and already feeling dizzy, I layed next to it, ready for death to take me. He was back. My biological father was back. Out of prison. I don't want to be here for him to find me.

My eyes flickered closed, and my body functions shut down, my life flashing before my eyes, scary as sh*t.

Everything went black.


*Evans Mom's POV*

" Miss Tyler?" The very tired-looking Dr. Michell comes up to me in the waiting room, where all of my most stressful moments have happened.

" Yes? How is he? Is he alive? Is he awake? Is-" I babbled.

" Yes. We were able to remove the medication before it made any damage. As you may have already guessed, it was intentional suicide, so we have to keep Evan here for a little while to try to make sure it won't just repeat itself."

" Yeah, I assumed. Can I go see him? Please?"

" Of course."

I took deep breath, standing up, and following Dr. Michell to the mental patient section of the Lincoln Square Hospital. When I saw him, awake and well, I smiled softly.

I hugged him softly, remembering that hes still a boy.

" I'm so sorry mom. I'm so sorry." He whispered.

" Shh. I know. Your just going to stay here for awhile. But I'll see you every day. I promise." He hugged me again, and then I had to say my goodbyes.


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