Chapter One

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"Ugh!" Groaned Cassidy as she hit the ground. She sat up and glared at the suit she had been possessing just a minute ago. "THE HELL! You have Shadow Freddy, why do you want Golden Freddy?!"

Golden Freddy bent down and smirked.

"Because, this was my suit first. I died by this suit and it became my vessel but then you showed up. At first, I was fine with sharing the suit with you until you attacked my brother who was a night guard here and continue to haunt my father. We already got our revenge. We springlocked him, he's dead just like us. What more do you want?" Said Golden freddy with a growl before smriking. "Besides, it's about time you took old man Consequences advice and rest. Just consider this as me giving you a little......Push."

They stood up and rolled their shoulder.

"I have to admit, it feels good to be back in this suit again." He said floating off the ground before folding his hands behind his back and leaning back like he was in a chair.


"That sounds more like a you problem." Said Golden freddy, without an ounce of care.

"Ugh, your just as bad as you father! You hear me, Christine!" Said Cassidy.

"And your any different? We kill night guards that had nothing to do with your deaths, yet their all dead and stuffed into suits. We're no different." Said Golden Freddy with a shrug. "Now if I were you, I'd either find a new vessel or just move on to the afterlife. Bye bye, Cass." Said Goldie before teleporting away.

Goldie Pov:

I don't know how this happened. One moment I teleported away from Cassidy and the next,


" not even close to how I imagined hell would look like." I said to myself as I look up at the red sky with a pentagram before looking at the city. Everything was different shades of red. Turning to my human form, I sighed as I ran a hand through my black hair, my gold bear ears twitching slightly.

That's right, I'm a girl who possess a male animatronic. I'm the bite victim of 1983. After I died from a prank gone wrong on my birthday, I ended up possessing the animatronic that killed me, but it also reminded me of psychic friend Fredbear, my little plush that I took with me everywhere.

A crown of flowers covered my eyes as blood ran down my face from the bite wound.

Walking into the city I took note of all the different demon bodies on the ground with spears, swords and daggers everywhere.

'What happened here?' I thought to myself before seeing something that caused my head to twitch slightly.

In front of me was a group of extermination Angels. I hate angels, and curse their existence down to hell. They saw me and grinned as they were ready to attack. I smirked slightly before my right hand gave a purple glow before forming a weapon, a large purple and black scythe.

The weapon of an Extermination Angel. That's what it looks like only instead of green, it's purple.

The extermination angels eyes widened in shock as they dropped their guard.

Big mistake.

In an instant, Christine had beheaded them and cut them in two with the grace of an angel and the wrath of a demon. This went on until the extermination was over, with a lot less angels returning to heaven than the amount that had came down.

Christine picked up a spear from one of the angels that she had killed and decided to keep it, adding it to her ever growing collection of extermination weapons.

I looked up at the sky as I watched the angels return to heaven,  scowling slightly before looking down at the angel I had under my foot and smirking. Unaware of the eyes watching with interest.

"Are you afraid? Knowing that no one is going to come and save you? That your going to die on unholy grounds?" I questioned, adding more pressure as I added more weight, hearing the angel groan in pain as they clenched their fist.

"I am not afraid! I will gladly die again knowing that I helped kill those sinners." It said with a smirk. "So go ahead and kill me."

"I will, but first I'll give you a fate that's worse than death for an angel." I said darkly before grabbing one of it's wings, causing it to start thrashing vigorously in an attempt to escape.

"NO! Stop! PLEASE ANYTHING BUT THAT!". It screeched as I started pulling, watching in satisfaction as it twisted and ripped, listening to the bones cracked and popped as the angel screamed in pain and agony. I went as slow as possible to make this worse.

Once I removed one wing, I moved on to the next and repeated the process. Once I had removed it's wings, I watched as it cried in satisfaction before grabbing it by it's horns and whispering something in it's ear.

"Now you know how I felt when I lost my wings."

And with that, I summoned my scythe and beheaded it, watching as it's head rolled before I heard the sound of radio static.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2021 ⏰

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